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I'm Falling For You .......................


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Barbara, :lol is that why we're doing this. I was wondering. I'm so glad I am not the only one with this WIP sickness :rofl


I figured out my colors and wrote them down. That of course doesn't mean I won't change my mind between now and when I start getting the yarn. It's going to be mainly the same colors but I am changing the white to aran and the wheat to linen. The other colors will be the same as the pattern. I'm really excited to be starting this.

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I can not believe i am going to try this dreaded pattern again...what have you ladies done to me aug08_021.gif

I swore i would not try again becouse like Julie i have enough to make a car cover,boat cover,house...well you get the picture.But i do simply love that pattern so i will try again with the fall colors.BUT THIS IS IT....NO MORE WIP unless something better come along FOR ME


Now just being the good CAL person that i am i thought i would show you ladies this pattern that is made with the same diamonds.Now mind you this is just to look at so don't get eny ideals :devil



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Oh dear. I have loved the PS since before I found the 'ville. I've discovered, though, that I really don't like join-as you go.


This may be sacrelige, but... has anyone just sewn one of these?


As soon as I am done with my ATW I'll be looking for another carry-along, but I would like a break from squares. These diamonds seem just the thing.


Oh wait... wasn't I gonna do Drew's Monet? Uhh....... Ok, It'll be after that . (I need to do something for my teen aged son in Camo, and the Monet is the only thing I can come up with that even vaguely interests me.) So, someone needs to do a PS w/o join-as-you-go here, so I can see it before I get to mine. Deal? :devil

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Shay the tumbling blocks is awesome, I really think that while you girls are making all these diamonds that you might as well do this one as well.:D


I have actually tried the diamond pattern and it does nothing for me. It doesnt go fast enough, maybe Im just not used to doing the pattern like Julie is.....:lol :lol

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Shay -that block pattern is pretty- it looks even more confusing than the ps when you put it together though .


Julie- I THOUGHT someone mentioned sewing the ps together once, but not sure if they actually did or just talked about it .


You may as well join us now and get it over with while there are buddies to work on it with .


Now, Wendy-- I'm gonna have to start calling you an ornery pot too if you don't behave. i think Tab and Krystal are rubbing off on you .

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Shaylen - I Love the Tumbling Blocks


Julie - I've seen a baby version of the tumbling blocks - same pattern just different colors - and I'm almost positive the diamonds were sewn together, not join-as-you-go. Of course I can't find that pattern right now, but if I do I'll post the link. Anyway, I don't see why you couldn't sew the diamonds together. Honestly, I think I would probably like the finished product better that way, but I don't want to have to do all the sewing, so I was attracted tp the j-a-y-g method.

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I have tried it in every color from black to white, red to blue, green, yellow pink, brown ... you name it ...


I'll give it another shot though. What ELSE do I have to do ???

(Make something else ..... ???)


I know you can do this pattern. I KNOW you can. :cheer Maybe if I just come over there & sit on ya when you start the white part that'll help. :D Really, keep at it this time because you will feel so good to finish it. :yes

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I know Tab

Thanks for the pep talk. I dont know why I always stall out on the white-- must be because it's so boring and goes on and on....


Anyhow, I'm game to try it again .


So, do you have any projects in mind for all the new yarn the fairy has given you ??

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Good morning ladies :flower


Well I'm sticking to the gorgeous ghan Tabby provided for us :yes Gonna give it to my sister. The one that lives in another town and lost all her quilts I made in her last divorce :P Gotta restock her :hook

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Alright when the pattern says "Intermediate experience and patience required" I'm just not sure if that's the pattern for me :think We'll have to see how the PS turns out before we start looking at other diamond afghans :yes


Ha ha ha! Thats EXACTLY what I was thinking!!:clap

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Cara- I cant remember if you ever said, but do you only have one sister ? How big is your family ?


Two sisters. One in town. One out of town. We're all that's left, too :yes Mama and Daddy are gone so it's just the three of us but we're pretty close :manyheart

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Aint that neat Cara ? So instead of My Three Sons, it was My Three Daughters.

remember that show ?


I only have one sister, out of state. We rarely see each other, maybe once a year. MAYBE .


Yep, I even remember Mike....the original oldest brother the first season :D

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Is this the one you are talking about??This one is the join as you go to :think




I might sit down tonight and try sewing a few together to see what it looks like.I think it might look better.


Shaylen - I Love the Tumbling Blocks


Julie - I've seen a baby version of the tumbling blocks - same pattern just different colors - and I'm almost positive the diamonds were sewn together, not join-as-you-go. Of course I can't find that pattern right now, but if I do I'll post the link. Anyway, I don't see why you couldn't sew the diamonds together. Honestly, I think I would probably like the finished product better that way, but I don't want to have to do all the sewing, so I was attracted tp the j-a-y-g method.

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Oh dear, oh my... I think I'm... FALLING!!! <snort>




I'm doing my ATW in fall colors, so I'm looking for something different for my PS. Has anyone (read: JulieKay) tried this in RH Blueberry verigated? At least I think that's what it is called- blues and purples. It looks to me like the trick is to have plenty of colors of different intensity to work with to really get the effect of the PS. With all of the blues, purples, and pinks out there right now, I should be able to find something, I hope


See, you got me all worked up and I can't go yarn shopping for weeks now. Dern it. :)

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