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Stupid Crochet Injury

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Sometimes my passion for crochet outweighs my common sense.


I was working on a fleece edged blanket, and I used a much larger hook than I should have. The fabric was very sturdy and it gave me a hard time. Did I start over with a smaller hook? No, that would make sense, and I was stubborn - I was going to win the battle of the hook. Instead, I used my body as leverage to force the hook through the fabric. It wasn't that bad when I used my clover hook, but then I switched to my bates hook. Owe.


I have somewhat severe bruising on my abdomen - lots of black and blue polka dots - and it hurts to do things like....walk. If I weren't laughing so hard at my own stupidity, I might be really upset! :no


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Wounded in action, you deserve the purple yarn ball award. :yarn:hook


Yes, you can get injured with a crochet hook. Please be careful.



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ouchy, that sounds painful, , i am sorry you are hurt. i bet that would be hard to explain toa doctor, i can see it now. :P:P:P hope ya heal up fast. bruises on your abdomon are no fun,. they hurt worse there for some reason , say as to compared to a leg or something. i know when i had my 1st back surgery i looked like someone had been 10 rounds with the champ. gosh was i bruised . my poor tummy was in bad shape:yes:yes:yes i agree you deserve the purple:yarn:yarn award:hug:hug:hug:hug

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No pain, no gain, huh?:lol I, too, feel you deserve the purple yarn ball, bestowed upon the bravest of the brave!:yarn Hope you heal up soon!

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You poor thing - I think most of us have our share of stupid injuries. mine tends to be overuse of my hands when I know better.


Try laying in an epsom salt bath. It really help with the bruising and it's a great excuse for a nice hot bath.


Awesome bath salt recipe - 1 part epson salt, 1 part kosher salt, 1/2 part evap milk (for skin softener, optional) and a few drops of your fav scented oils. (i mix rose and jasmine)


Here's your Honorary Purple Heart for being wounded in action - you've earned it!


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