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square crochet hooks/knitting needles

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Wow, this is the first I have seen of these, I like crochet hooks with the thumb handle so these would work for me. I hate it when my hook turns on me..... I wouldn't think these would be good for knitting, but since I don't knit I guess it doesn't matter what I think..... Might have to try one of these but mainly I like a F hook and they start at G...

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I have the square I hook and I love it. Much easier on my hand since I don't grip it so hard. I have a little trouble with tention because the "bump" is much wider than the narrow part. I have to be sure to pull my yarn tight again.

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I had a square wood G hook I bought off ebay. Stupid me left it on the floor and stepped on it, breaking the hook.

While I had it, I loved it. For one thing, they don't roll away! (Mine don't usually roll because of the flattened thumb rest but the smaller ones do sometimes...)

Also, it fit really well in my hand. The corners sat right in the folds of my knuckles (not sure how to describe it...) I hold my hooks like a knife and it just fit wonderfully. They're supposed to reduce hand stress. I'm not sure about that because my hands don't bother me much, but it was really comfy.

Those in the link look beautiful! I may have to save up for those....

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