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^^^^Smoke Signals ^^^^^^^


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bull haha.. no seriously Bull i not heard that. wheres that Bill gone.


BILL whatcha put ins that tea. ok gotta go sit down oops where did that chair go. haha. oh my head.


:lol :lol bull has to tell the cow to be afraid...:lol :lol :lol

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Holy Cow, Ned


You weren't suppos to drink THAT jug-- that's fer a old cowpoke who had bin comin in fer yeers .Has his stomack bout rooned with the drink,but he keeps on pooring it down his gullet. They had ta mix im up a batch of sum stronger stuf. Don't know what the devil they put in it, butt it could take the HIDE off'n ya if any of it landed on yer OUTSIDES .

I'v axtualy seen it take the shinin' finish right off the poker-tables, so I knows what it kin dew.

Ya better sit yerself down and see if it mite wear off before hittin the trail or you jist culd go off a cliff edge. Yew'd never feel it or even no it fer that mater .

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What, you all hangin' out beehin' them thar bushes with the GREEN APPLE SPLATTERS? Where y'all been all day? I seen slim down at the Saloon while I was gittin me sum supplies, and he done tol' me that Wild Bill was gittin ready to head for the hills for better compny. I done told Slim that Wild Bill was actin kinda funny lately, iff'n ya know what I mean. Gettin all nervus and such with his posse, cuz someone dun tole him he looks like he oughtin' to be reclinin' in a pine box! :lol Guess Bill wull be takin his shoeshine to his whiskers soon so's he looks a mite bit younger, like me. His draw's gittin a little slow, too - I saws him shootin tin cans the utter day and he missed a few... that thar's bad eyesite... if'n Bill wuz a horse, we'd take him out ta pasture.


So's you'se all aware, Bill's over with them thar that want to fly in the SKY all day - he calls us all in here and then leaves us! That ain't rite...


Last coupla days been hard on me with that sore ropin arm. Had to put my kin's saddle bag on the back burner and work me with summa that lighter stuff. I bin makin' my Ma sumthin purty fur her table, justa thank her fer raisin' me right.


I be lookin' forward to hearin' if you'se all heard from Bill lately, and iffin' he done gone soft on us. I ain't seen any of his saddle blanket yet, even though we've done showed ourn's. Mite hafta challinge him to a shootout or sumthin to see if he's really gonna put his money where his mouth is....

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If I'm a headin fer the hills fer better compny, that mite jist give ya a hint as ta my intenshuns.

Have a young thing like you a tellin me I'm ready fer a pine box, aint too pleasant.

Rather take ma chances with a bear in a cave than ta have you takin me out behine the saloon and fillin me full of led .

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Oh, I's don't take my old things and shoot 'em. I jus let 'em inta tha pasture and let 'em be til the Good Lawd takes 'em. Figger they's done their work, I'll let 'em retire in peace....


I's didn't call ya OLD, somewuns else did.


I taint never seen ya.

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By the way, I's done finished that saddle bag's stitchin' fer my youngin. Turned out mite nice. Now I's jus hafta line it, find a string for lashin it shut an' put summa them handles on it that go over yer back. Maybe might hafta add a rifle loop on it fer when she goes off on 'er own....

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Mornin' All, Evenin' Ned.


I rode back into town last night after a little trip up North. Nice country up thar, but I don't understand them people's way of livin. There weren't a saloon ta be found. Just farms and churches, and mercantiles. Wouldn't a been so bad, but I was ridin' with Ma and she shore gets arnery when she caint find a saloon.


That's some mighty fine work you dun there Crazy Horse. Sounds like yer just about done.


You too Jess. Good work there, but quit bellyachin bout that sore ropin' arm and crochet like a man, will ya. Yer embarrasin' yerself!

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Hi everyone, I have finished my saddle bag. :yay :yay

I decided not to line it and I have put a pocket inside and it matches the pattern so it doesnt look out of place. I stitched the handles on but also put a bit of fabric glue on them to hold it together. I will post a pic tomorrow night. Im going to bed now.

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You too Jess. Good work there, but quit bellyachin bout that sore ropin' arm and crochet like a man, will ya. Yer embarrasin' yerself!


Good lawd Slim ye bout made me spit out me drink. :lol


Jesse ye kep talkin bout that ropin arm we may jest have ta take ye outta pasture. :yes Don't know how good ye be iffen ye cain't use yer arm.


Well sounds like somes of yous is getting near finished on yer projecks. I cain't wait ta see them tin types.

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Howdy all,


My saddle blankie should be finished tonight :yay My pony keeps nudging me to get it done - he's a liken' what he sees and is ready to strut his finery in front of all the other ponies in the "neigh"bourhood :lol


Wild Bill - any chance you can list all the completed tin-types on the first page so we can all mosey to that spot to admire all the lovely work all of us cow-pokes and injuns made up??


I'll post a tintype of my finished saddle blankie once it's done :yes

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You too Jess. Good work there, but quit bellyachin bout that sore ropin' arm and crochet like a man, will ya. Yer embarrasin' yerself!


Aw, shucks... ya make me feel like a girl who went to the dance with her ankles showin! My ropin arm was doin' mitey fine last nite while I wuz finishin that bag fer my youngin. I'll be ropin circles 'round ya if ya really wanna go out in fronta the saloon and have us a contest...


Today's the day to be haulin' wood into the hideout... gotta make sure I'm noice an cozy when the storms hit. Don't wanna be found come spring and be lookin like an ice cube. Makin the youngins help me - their hindsides get warmed by the wood, too - so's they git ta carry it!

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I'd take ya up on that there challenge, Jess, but after I beat ya, you'd probly just make up some excuse 'bout how your arm was tired from haulin wood or some such nonsense.


Now if'n it were a contest to see who could put away the most cactus juice at the saloon - I'm sure you'd win hands down.

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Why a big ol' congratulashions is due ol' Jesse, Ned and Crazy Horse on a-finishin' their projects :yes:clap


Say Crazy, how many rows did it take to finish up yer blanket? Ah'm making one fer mah man and Ah'm a-wonderin' when ta stop :lol

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Afternoon folks

Looks like we had some action in here too while I was out ropin the steer. Slim- good ta have yew back. Next time put a little Rotgut in your canteen for the Ma-- that'll keep her piped down after a few sips of that .


I'd be happy to list the tintypes by post or however yew fellers want them done.


I'll hafta go through and find the couple that are already done to put on post 1 .


I'll see ifn I kin git that done after a quick nap.


My old head's been a thumpin today and the grandson will be here at 3, so I need a little rest afore he comes.

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Why a big ol' congratulashions is due ol' Jesse, Ned and Crazy Horse on a-finishin' their projects :yes:clap


Say Crazy, how many rows did it take to finish up yer blanket? Ah'm making one fer mah man and Ah'm a-wonderin' when ta stop :lol


I started with about 120 odd chain and it's about 130 some rows. I'll take a measuring tape to it later and let you all know the final dimensions :hook (and send in a tin-type)

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I started with about 120 odd chain and it's about 130 some rows. I'll take a measuring tape to it later and let you all know the final dimensions :hook (and send in a tin-type)


Now see you was smarter'n me :yes I did that danged ol' ch 285 bidness but yer counts do let me know that about a hunert rows oughta cover it. Thanks there Crazy :D

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Would anyone having a completed piture of yours done, please either post the link here or the post number of the photo so I can add the pics to post one ?


Thanks-- too cranky today with a cracking head to look through all the pages of posts.

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Would anyone having a completed piture of yours done, please either post the link here or the post number of the photo so I can add the pics to post one ?


Thanks-- too cranky today with a cracking head to look through all the pages of posts.




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TA DA here it is :yay I'll try to get a better picture tomorrow - it looks a bit off focus to me :think





Here are the stats on my lap blankie:

- one skein (7 oz) each of Red Heart Super Saver WW black, royal blue, periwinkle blue and white

- 5.5 mm hook

- began with ch 125 and quit at 131 rows

- Average speed per row was 7 minutes (such a geek to time myself :lol ) for a total time of hard core crocheting of 15.28 hours :eek

- the finished size is 37" wide (tassel side) by 43" long

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