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A joyful tear

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I had an email from my mom this morning that put a joyful tear in my eye...on Friday I sent her a link to my blog page about my dd learning to crochet. I couldn't believe what she said...she said "thanks for the blog, i read the whole thing". I have been hesitant to share it with her since the first entry was pretty much about her as well as one or two others. i have not been a very active blogger so there's not a TON there but for her to read all the posts was just so touching to me i can't even express it. she and i used to be so close but when i got married and had kids we've drifted apart somewhat...or so i thought...i think we still have a LOT in common and i'm going to make more of an effort to keep in touch. :hug

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Very cool!! My mom loves my blog as well. I started mine as a record of my adventures and a heads-up to my friends as to where I am.

I'm glad your daugther is having fun with this, I'm sure she'll be crochetting circles around you in no time.

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I too read all your blog bits. good stuff there. It is nice that you and your mom have crochet in common.


I see the Icelandic shawl tangent beginning there eh.


Well, at any rate howdy from a sister in Christ. I would be interested in seeing what you do about the shawl... whether to :knit or :hook

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i think it is wonderful that your mother was able to share with you. my mom has been dead since i was 11 and i miss her more as an adult than i ever thought i would. God has blessed me with a aunt who is just great and i call her everyday. I hope you and your mom can grow closer.

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that's lovely Nance :) i haven't let mum know about my blog for those same reasons. i always feel so judged by her. maybe i should take a leaf out of your book :)

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Speaking from a Mom's point of view......I too read my kids' blogs.....kids...especially teenagers are more willing to express themselves in their blogs (for the entire world to see) than to their parents....go figure! Any way it is a great way to stay close to them and understand what they are feeling and what is important to them. I bet your Mom feels especially close to you now that she reads your blog.....and that can only be a good thing (as Martha would say!) LOL! Iam happy for both you and her!

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