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Early Magic Crochet mags


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Yes they are. I was subscribed to them for a few years (back in the late 80's)and they went out of business or something like that. They have the pictures with the international symbols, so any one can look at the picture and crochet the doilies.. All the doilies are beautiful and they have Easy, Intermediate and Advanced Patterns...

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Them and Decroative Crochet are great mags. They are diaghrams, very easy to read. The very first ones I got, were in spanish, but you don't need the written part, you can make it with the diaghrams only....


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If you want to see a project made from pattern in Magic Crochet, Lisalu started this thread http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=56171


I made this doily from Magic Crochet th_100_1409.jpg


I know there are other things from Magic Crochet in the show and tell.


Most of the patterns in the issues I have seen are for thread crochet--doilies, tablecloths, bedspreads, coasters, etc. Some wearables, usually extremely pretty and intricate, in limited sizes. Occasionally an afghan or throw, in yarn. Some very unusual patterns, like a nativity set that must have a whole bunch of figures--I have the issue that includes a woodcutter complete with his little grindstone, all in thread crochet.


As you can see from my screen name, I love these magazines, I have 15 or 20 of them from 1984-1996. I like it because the photos are very clear, the patterns are clearly written, AND they use the diagrams which I really really like.

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If you love thread crochet they are wonderful. I have completed my collection and have everyone and also Decorative Crochet. I love to just sit and look thru them. There are so many patterns I want to do but will never in this lifetime do them all.


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If you love thread crochet they are wonderful. I have completed my collection and have everyone and also Decorative Crochet. I love to just sit and look thru them. There are so many patterns I want to do but will never in this lifetime do them all.



Yeah, that's the key - thread. I obtained a stack of these from a yard sale recently and I'll probably end up selling/trading most of mine soon too since I don't work on thread. They have nice thread stuff though.

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Marcia, I am in awe...you have every issue? How many is that? If I had all those to look at, i would never get anything else done!!! Like you said, i will just sit and look at them. I have a couple of Decorative Crochet also.


What dates did the publication cover? I'm thinking I read somewhere (probably here at Cville) that they stopped in 2004 or something? I'm a broken record, i said this on another thread, but I wish the publisher would put out a book of the "best of" Magic Crochet.


Mermaiden, let us know when you want to get rid of those:)

No, seriously, i can't afford to just keep buying them, and my bookshelf is stuffed already. But I do love to look at them.

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Yes Magic Crochet is awesome. I used to devour issues of Magic Crochet like a food junkie would devour Bon Appetit. The patterns are stunning, unique, challenging and beautifully photographed. Creme de la creme of crochet publications.


Anyone who has never worked in thread would probably be tempted to give it a try after reading this mag (or its sister Decorative Crochet). The patterns are coded "Easy" to "Top Expert". The symbol patterns actually make complex patterns much easier to follow. I have made many a MC pattern that I wouldn't have attempted if I had to follow written directions. In other words their patterns will definitely expand your skills.


There a few fashion patterns in each issue and they are all thread or very fine gauge yarn - high couture kind of stuff, mostly.


If you can find back issues, snap them up. You are sure to be inspired by the quality and technical wizardry of the patterns.

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