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aiy!!! i'm in a funk! i'm so frustrated because all the patterns that i want to do are kickin my butt! i want to do this cotton skirt and it says to use a g hook, but it REALLY makes my hands hurt. so i tried an h hook and that was WAY more comfortable, i just can't find the right stitches for the gauge. i probably could if i sat there long enough, but this is my hobby and its supposed to be fun and i dont want to be angry while i'm crocheting. not only would that look pretty funny, but then it wouldnt be fun. then there's that vest. ugh, i dont want to even go into that. that's a two year ongoing grudge with "wendy's waistcoat!"

sorry, just trying to vent. i'm gonna go grab all my patterns and yarn and just brainstorm.

OOOOH! On the bright side, yesterday I went to the library, which is where my kids and i live (plus they have AC!). I was walking by the donated books and magazines and saw a sign that said "magazines 5 cents." i thought, hmm, i'm probably not gonna find any crochet mags. OMG!!!! I got FIVE Crochet! mags for 25 cents! Yeah!!!!

ok. thanks for listening! you guys are a dream!

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Make some sort of handle for your G hook so it doesn't hurt so much to work with it. I made a filmo clay holder for my teeny tiny hook for my first filet crochet project. So now my hand is okay but my eyes are working overtime!:)

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If the smaller hooks are making your hands hurt, get some hook cushions. I got mine at A C Moore. They are just foam tubes that slide over your hook. They work great. Nice and soft, and, you don't have to grip the hook so hard.

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Sorry about your crochet problems. :( Don't feel bad, though. Hubby has seen me throw hooks and yarn across the living room on a few occassions (one being trying to figure out how to connect those darned flowers for the SNB Happy Hooker Garden Scarf). :D


Great steal on the crochet mags though! I'm totally jealous- my local library has no crochet books at all, very disappointing! :no

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im sorry about your frustration! you dont need to buy special "hook" cushions tho. go to your local Meglomart and look in the school section, you can buy the pencil grips in large packages probably cheaper.

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When I get like that I take my fav yarn (Caron SS torq) and use my fav stitch (Iris) and make little wrist bags with an E hook. It makes the most stunning fabric!


then i'll add a little flower and feel like I'm all recharged to take on patterns again.

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yeah when you said get the gripper for the hook (leslie) i was thinking about taking one of my daughters pencil grips (betty). Thanks! That is such an awesome idea. I'm totally going to try that now. I feel better!

I've been working on some simple projects like fuzzy slippers, scarves and squares, just to kind of clear my mind. i've even been trying to come up with some of my own patterns too. its just that my stash is so low and i'm really not able to go out and buy oodles of yarn right now. maybe that's my hangup: i can't make what i want because i dont have the yarn. that's probably it. but thanks guys.

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Sorry about your crochet problems. :( Don't feel bad, though. Hubby has seen me throw hooks and yarn across the living room on a few occassions (one being trying to figure out how to connect those darned flowers for the SNB Happy Hooker Garden Scarf). :D


Connecting the flowers on the Garden Scarf was murder for me. I never did figure it out. If I went back to the pattern now that I have more experience, maybe it would make more sense to me!


~ Joy

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Oh Yeah, just when I think I'm pretty "schmart", a pattern comes along and smacks me right up side the head. A friend dropped off a gallon size grocery bag filled with yarn and yarn projects she bought at the local thrift store and just said to use what I can and toss the rest. It took me THREE evenings to organize, wind up, frog out and generally make usable the bag full. So happy with such a windfall, I began on a "scrapghan" pattern I've been wanting to try. First shot at the pattern didn't at all work....frogged it! The next day I started again and again and again. Disgusted I dumped the whole mess into a grocery sack. Left it "ferment" for a couple of days then grabbed up the pattern book, sat down in my porch swing and read it through S L O W L Y without picking up a hook or yarn. (THUMP THUMP THUMP on my forehead)......The pattern was written in the UK....all the DC's were SC's and the TC's were DC's and so on. What a dunce!!!!! Morale of the story.....READ THROUGH THE DARN PATTERN FIRST. I am soooooooo bad at not wanting to do that.

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