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I am smiling from ear to ear

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My best friend knows I crochet and every once in a while she'll ask me what I am working on and I'll tell her and then she will mention that she wishes she could crochet. I would love to teach her but she lives 4 hours at least from me so that is out of the question. Well she has never actually seen any of my work so today I was telling her about the tunisan CAL I am getting ready for and that I am making JJ a dino ghan ( which Lillibet created for me and it is soooooo adorable) and my friend whose son is 3 weeks younger than JJ said something about she would love to have one for her son because he is more in love with dinosuars than JJ is. So I told her that I could make one for her son and she said she wanted to see what a blanket with a picture on it looked like. I sent her the link to my blog, she has never actually seen my blog. Well she called me back about 1/2 hour later and was like Oh My Gosh you have made the most amazingly beautiful stuff I have ever seen!!! Then her son told me that he wanted Auntie Jenni to make him a dino blanket.


Now I know the stuff I make looks good, not to toot my own horn, but I have never had this kind of reaction to anything I have made even from the people they are made for. Although my Mother in law would probably react the same way I have never made anything for her. Anyways I am just beaming right now!!!!

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