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Feet Need Socks Crochet-along


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Yep! The CAL is ongoing! If you take a look at the CAL page, there are a number of free online sock patterns. If you have a problem, let us know! We'll try our best to help you out. :)


I love that knitty pattern, too. I think it would be pretty simple to convert to crochet... :)

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Hey, I'm making a new pair of socks! I'm almost done with the first sock of the pair, just have to finish up the last bit of the heel and weave in the ends. Using the In Your Shoes sock pattern from Crochet Me again, and did a better job this time of not making a too-big cuff. I've changed things a bit this time, though--apart from the cuff (which is done in sc, but wider--or is that taller--than the cuff on the last pair I made) I've been using hdc, and they're working up so fast!


The yarn is Plymouth Sockotta, color #621 (do they give their colors names? I couldn't find one). I'm really happy with the way the stripes are working up :c9



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Those look great! I love them!


[how long did you make the cuff? er. Both in terms of height and width I guess since it's worked sideways and then the bottom is worked into it. Heh!

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Thanks! :)


With an E hook, my gauge on the cuff worked out to about 13 sc per 2 inches and about 9 rows per inch. (But I crochet tight and my sc tends to be shorter than other people's.) The cuff worked out to about 3 1/2 inches tall and I believe just about 7 inches around.


I never actually mailed my reply to your comment at my blog the other day, did I? (I'm pretty sure have a draft email that I saved but never sent...) Anyway, I totally agree--I love this pattern but it really is easy to make the cuffs too big. I haven't actually looked at the pattern lately, just reread it before I started on this pair, but it calls for making 8 inches of cuff before stitching it together, doesn't it? This time I was sure I was making it too small :lol instead since I stopped when I had to stretch it for the last inch when I wrapped it around my ankle, but I probably could've even done it with 60 rows instead of 62.

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My first sock with that pattern I worked it until it was about 7.5" and I actually tried it on my ankle before working the body of the stitches into it and I thought it was fine... but now that I've finished the sock, it's way too lrage.


I think on the next one I'll do something like 6.5" or something. It recommends 8" and even with my big ankles that is WAY too large for me. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've finished aother pair, will post a pic later, we just got home from a weekend away and I'm too tired to fish out the camera.


They're lilac and have a ribbed top, made from Bernat Baby Sport, they're really comfy.



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I just like to make them better than buying them because most of the time when I buy them the tops are too tight and I end up with sock marks on my ankles and since I broke my leg in a car wreck a few years ago they also get uncomfortable if the tops are too snug. This way I can make the tops not so snug and I also have socks no one else has :wink


Here's the latest pair:





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Yeah, Joanne, all you had to do was say you wanted to join.


I like making my own socks so that I can get them the way I want them so they aren't too snug at the top and bind my ankle too much.


I'm mostly using acrylics, soft ones when I can find them or I wash them with fabric softener if they aren't soft enough and that softens them some.


I've started another crochet pair-this one in gold and a varigated called grapevine, it's white, lavender, navy, dark & light green. They really look good together, the heel, toe and cuff is the varigated and the rest is gold.



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  • 2 weeks later...
My first sock with that pattern I worked it until it was about 7.5" and I actually tried it on my ankle before working the body of the stitches into it and I thought it was fine... but now that I've finished the sock, it's way too lrage.


What I did with my first pair where I made the ankle ribbing too big was to take some elastic sewing thread and run it along the top through the ribbing, pull it snug, and knot it. You can't see it at all in the ones I made (I used black elastic, and those socks are dark--but for bright colors it might be harder since I could only find black and white elastic thread), and it doesn't make them bunch up at the top or anything, just made them snug enough not to gape open at the tops...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Attention, please! :P Allow me to present your new Feet Need Socks CAL host, Jess (xantha)!


Jess has graciously agreed to take over hosting this crochet-along. Thank you so much, Jess! :nworthy


The new location of Feet Need Socks is http://www.fiberfetishist.com/fns/ , so please update your links when you can. :)

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Oh, and I also wanted to mention that if you have sent me sock photos that have not yet been posted in the gallery, they have not disappeared! ;) I'll be gradually forwarding all that stuff on to Jess.


Right now the gallery is still on my site, but Jess is in the process of moving it over to her site and she'll eventually get all the photos up.


Thanks for your patience! :manyheart

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:eek hey...I finished a pair of socks!! I could have made them slightly larger as they are *almost* too snug, but I love them. Quite comfortable. I posted a pick of an "action shot" on one of today's posts on my blog-(I put them on at work for picture time!!)
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They look great :hook


i started working on a pair of socks with the yarn from my Secret Pal.....are you reading this SP? The kids are outside on the slip and slide...I came in to get them a snack (she says while checking the net) and am working on them out there.



:eek hey...I finished a pair of socks!! I could have made them slightly larger as they are *almost* too snug, but I love them. Quite comfortable. I posted a pick of an "action shot" on one of today's posts on my blog-(I put them on at work for picture time!!)
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I think I jinxed myself posting the one-sock photo last month. I've made most of the cuff on the second sock but haven't been able to get any further with it. Must...make...second...sock... I was hoping to have them finished before the weather got hot so I could acutally wear them before fall, but that ain't a happening thing, I guess. Still, I'm hoping to make a few pairs of socks over the summer so I'll have happy warm socks in the fall :) Especially since it's too hot not to crochet with anything heavier than thread or sock yarn!

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I know the feeling Stacey. I finished a sock and promptly started another sock with a different yarn - but even still it got set aside to work on other things. I think the guilt of not working on the 63 Squares CAL for nearly a year was bigger than the socks. But I'll get there. :hook

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Any pictures I posted of my socks here can be used on the site.


I still need to finish my other two-tone pink one, I'm getting close.



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Ahh haa...so peaked someone curiosity, eh?


Well...the :socks yarn is great. It's from Knit picks (which i think has become my new favorite place to shop ggg). My SP sent me some Dancing which I had talked about earlier and it's in a cool colorway of purples and pinks. It was hard to work with at first and I ended up frogging several times since I had never worked with any sock yarn other then wool (this is cotton, elastic, and nylon). I crochet tight and kept pulling it even tighter. Finally got the guage right and started working on a new pattern.


Since I am making socks named after family members, we decided this pattern would be called "Oh my gosh they're for Josh" (or something along those lines at least) I am nearly done with the first sock and need to finish the second one, actually write up the pattern and then make the pair intended for Josh. :hook


I see more of this yarn in my future as my foot likes the feel of it.


Will post pictures when I get this pair done (which I hope will be by the end of the weekend, but am not sure....guess it depends if it rains or not)


Wow...I wrote a book...guess you can tell I haven't had interesting adult conversation in a few days :devil



Well you can't just leave us in suspense Kimberly, what kind of yarn is it? What do they look like? Inquiring minds want to know!
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If Mickey would get off the desk and stop playing with the mouse I might be able to type a little better!


Of course you picqued my interest, you know I'm a sock addict lol Okay, maybe not as bad as you, but still! And you never know what kind of sock yarn is going to fly around in secret pals, i mean really


I'll have to keep that yarn in mind. I got a couple of balls of Sock It To Me(?) from my aunt in exchange for some mohair, and I like working with it okay. It only took about half a ball to make one sock though! I'm saving the rest of the yarn for once I learn how to knit socks, because they feel a little funny crocheted with this yarn for some reason. I have my DPNs, now I guess I just need to learn to knit lol

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