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63 Squares Crochet Along


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Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Red Heart supersaver is the yarn I am using so maybe that's why. Is this not a good yarn to use? To a beginner yarn seems to be really confusing all the different choices of yarn and Walmart is the only place I have to buy it locally.

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You're welcome, Lisa! Red Heart Super Saver is fine to use. :yes It's just a bit on the thicker side for worsted weight yarn, so things tend to come out a little bigger unless the pattern was specifically written with Red Heart SS in mind. Many other members of this crochet-along are using it, too. So keep on using what you've chosen. :yes I have an afghan made from Red Heart SS and it's lasted for years and still looks great. Some of the afghans in the 63 Squares CAL gallery :camera were done in Red Heart.

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I didn't realize that about my yarn! I'm using Red Heart and this last square I did I had to use my F hook to get the thing down to 7 inches before edging. I think I crochet tightly too. Well ya learn something new everyday... :))

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Call me crazy, but now that I've almost got my Christmas presents all done, and it's time to get back to the 63 Squares... I'm not happy with my colors.


Should I start over? :faint Or just hang in there? :ohdear

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:ha :ha :ha Deb... I think everyone thinks they should start over at one point because of the colors.


I started and decided to change my colors too, not sure to what yet but then again I only had 4 squares done so it's not a big deal!


You could change your colors and keep the squares you have done already aside for a 'scrap' afghan one day. :thinking1


Let us know what you decide or what colors you will choose.

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awwww, Deb. So sorry to hear that. What colors are you using? How many squares do you have done?? I like someone's idea of if you do change colors, keep the other squares you have done for a scrap afghan. I'm doing mine in scraps, each diagonal row is a different color. Makes it more fun to work each square cuz it's not the same color over and over again :) I wish you luck on finding a good color to use!!!!

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Hi Guys...


I've got 23 squares finished... and I am using Red Heart TLC Essentials (softer that regular Red Heart IMHO), in Country Rose, Country Blue and Steel Blue.


I got the yarn out again last night... and have three skein sitting here by the computer. After looking at them for a few hours, and thinking about scrapping all that I have done already... I have come to the conclusion that I must press forward. :D!


The colors are, after all, quite nice... and if I get bored, I can add a deeper rose or an off white to the mix.


Thanks for your support. Ithink I was just having a CrochetDivaDramaMoment. (CDDM?)



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I allready dont like mine either but am going to finish and do another one if different colors.:oops

Hehe Im thinking of maybe doing three one for each of my nieces(sp). :rock

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I know what you mean! :lol A while back, I was thinking of changing one of my colors, too. :sweat I put the afghan aside for a while and thought about it and decided to stick with what I'm doing. :P

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Hi Lisa,

My squares are turning out the same way-- 8 inch. I kept wondering why , because I don't crochet loose and was using the right size hook . I guess I never realized that Red Heart would turn out bigger . Oh well, as long as all the squares are the same size when we put them together that's all that matters. The afghans will just turn out a little bigger too !

What colors are you sing, did you say ?


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I actually started over using an f hook so my squares would be 7 because I was concerned I wouldn't end up with enough yarn if I didn't. I only had 6 done so it wasn't that bad I am almost back to where I was. As for the colors I stuck with the colors in the pamphlet because I thought it was really pretty, but if I had to pick again I would pick something besides the pink color because I don't like pink that much. Oh well.

Maybe you've already said what colors did you pick? How many squares do you have done?



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Hi Lisa! I'm using the colors in the leaflet too. I told my Rick to help me pick out colors for it and he insisted on those. I like the look so far, but if I ever did it over I would do shades of one color rather than three different ones. <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/veryhappy.gif" />

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Hi Lisa,

I chose 4 colors . Rose, blue,thyme and aran . I am really getting a slow start at this- i only have 3 squares done. I need to concentrate on one project instead of 27 different ones at a time ! I'm about ready to wrap up my other projects and hope to get a good jump on this then. I'm glad there are new people starting out all the time, it keeps me motivated when I see new posts about it !

Good luck and keep dropping in . It helps to hear how other people are progressing .


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I'm not doing this one (YET....after the holidays maybe hehe since I saw this book at Walmart last night at work) ANyway

but my friend that helps me crochet did and I thought I'd share her colours....(she did it a long time ago she says) Black for the joining and borders, Yellow, Red and Blue all in their primary form!! Sounds like a crayon box, but it is pretty!!

<img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/toothygrin.gif" />

I'll probally buy this after I do my younger sons ripple camo blanket (that his dad wants me to do) and make the squares afghan for myself <img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/lildevil.gif" /> I think I'll do mine in maroon, darkish green, and a varigated That contains those 2 colors and then the light color from the varigated (white or cream i guess) for the joining and borders




don't add me to the list yet cause i'm just dreaming right now LOL

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as i posted on my blog.....hubby spoils me<img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/blush.gif" />, and he bought me the book LOL so of course I'll use my coke money from this week to buy some yarn to start square 1 tonight at work!! go ahead and add me!!<img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/ura1.gif" />

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Are you sure he is spoiling you and not himself? :D! My husband calls buying me yarn and internet :computer "keeping me out of his hair" :heart I really dont care what he calls it just as long as he does it. lol :)h :wave

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I know it's supposed to be an easy square but I can't understand the directions on the #9 Arch Stitch. Maybe just because I'm new at this or tired, but anyway on row 4 it says:

Ch 3, turn, 2 dc in same st. What does that mean?:bang I don't get what it means by "2 dc in same st" what same stitch. It doesn't make sense that it means the chain I just made so I am thinking it means do 2 dc in the first stitch in the row, is this right?


Well any help would be appreciated.



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Lisa, did you figure this one out? I have misplaced :ohdear my 63 Stitches book at the moment, so I can't look it up, but I'll get back to you later when I locate it.

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I did square number 8 and it looks awfull. (you can find the link to my squares at my blog.) I think Ill have to find something to replace it with. Or well blocking help it at all? :faint I finished the arch with out to much troulbe but somehow my off set clusters keep getting off. Ill do up to about five inches and then something went wrong. So putting them away. :eek2 Before I chunk the whole thing out the window.:bang

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