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63 Squares Crochet Along


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:ohdear I better get working on this. At this rate... my blanket won't be finished til 2020. :rofl


(well.... cha cha yarn is SOOOO much MORE fun to crochet right now!!! :P )

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Hi! I am new to crocheting and decided this afghan would be a perfect project. I like that while I am learning the stitches I am actually making something I can use.


I started looking at this message board in hopes of finding some help on (you'd never guess it) Square #8 the Chevron Releif Stitch... Thank goodness THAT'S finished.


I was so glad to see that I wasn't the only one who had a hard time with that. I'll definitely be checking back here while I'm finishing the rest of my squares.

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ok .. so i know you all have had like a million years head start but i just couldnt help my self when i was at walmart this evening and i picked up this book so i can do this thing... so i am gonna play catch up LOL... we shall see how it all works out.. i am sure you will hear me cursing about it soon LOL



<a href="http://threeolivemartini.blogspot.com/" target="_new">threeolivemartini.blogspot.com/</a>

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..so i started last night.. i never swatch but it seems really important with this .. i decided what yarns to use.. started my first square to get my guage right.. ugh.. needle to small... needle too small.. needle too big.. and as luck would have it didnt have the needle to make it just right.. so i didnt get square one done.. PLUS.. i think the yarns i chose werent as big as they should be... SOOOOO.. at 4 am this morning and about 6 attempts at one square.. i said screw it and went to bed.. will go get different yarns today and try again ..






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Try any worsted weight yarn with an H hook to begin with. Then go up to I or down to G if needed. One of those should probably work. Go, Elizabeth! :cheer2 You'll get it!

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ok.. so i went and got more yarn today for the afghan.. its gonna be black white and taupe.. got a great deal on some TLC at Michael's.... a dollar a skien and i got a few skeins for .75 cents...so for 20 dollars i got my afghan yarn and some extra for a Project Linus blanket SCORE!


tonight i swear i am making 4 squares.. making up for lost time ...LOL



<a href="http://threeolivemartini.blogspot.com/" target="_new">threeolivemartini.blogspot.com/</a>

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