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CrochetMe Hacked?!

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There's another thread about this problem on C'ville. It wasn't very long ago that Annie's Attic was attacked with pornography and they had to shut down their public posting area. I was one of the victims who received the porn.


So locked doors don't mean a thing if someone is intent on breaking in.:angry

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me too, and I was so disappointed when they closed the forums, that was before I found the 'ville and all the other sites that I frequent now.

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I got in ok. Where does it say it was hacked?:think


They had the "hacked" message up earlier tonight. It's been wierd most of the day. When I tried just a minute ago, it looks like it's up, but not quite back to normal yet.

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It is always sad when things like this happen to people that don't deserve it, some bored adolescent no doubt...hang in there, this to shall pass!

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I saw it when it was hacked before Kim put the noticed up that she was working on it.


Thankfully, due to AVG virus scanner and the use of Mozilla Firefox, I didn't even come close having anything infect my computer.

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I'm not sure which I can't stand more. Hackers and their antics, or the web stalkers that harass people and make their online time no fun at all. Maybe they're sort of one-and-the-same anyway...


Hacking a crochet site, though? Whatever for?! :think To cause grief, obviously, but I'm trying to figure out why hacking into a crochet site would be of any interest to someone who commits such acts.

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Hacking a crochet site, though? Whatever for?! :think To cause grief, obviously, but I'm trying to figure out why hacking into a crochet site would be of any interest to someone who commits such acts.

It's not about a crochet at all. Content doesn't matter to them.

It's about being able to do it. Period.

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