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any advice for a tender wrist?

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My wrist seems to get sore/tender/tired alot quicker these days. I have tried the stretchy exercises - and those are a little bit helpful - also tried heat - and I try to rest my arm comfortably on a pillow. I don't hold the hook so tight anymore - but I am almost ready to get one of those wrist thingys. Does anyone else use one? Does it help much? Where can I buy one? Any suggestions?

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I know the feeling! I use wrist supports sometimes. I have the stretchy kind with the velcro strap that goes around the wrist. You can get them at Walmart or just about anywhere. They really do help a lot. They look a lot like the Handeze but with a strap. You should try one. I hope you get some relief. :hug

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You night consider seeing a doc. It could be the beginnings of tendonitis. As awful as it sounds maybe you need to give your hands a break for a few days. if you don't give your body time to recoup and heal it'll never get better.

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My wrist seems to get sore/tender/tired alot quicker these days. I have tried the stretchy exercises - and those are a little bit helpful - also tried heat - and I try to rest my arm comfortably on a pillow. I don't hold the hook so tight anymore - but I am almost ready to get one of those wrist thingys. Does anyone else use one? Does it help much? Where can I buy one? Any suggestions?


Instead of one of those things that holds your wrist in a fixed position, just try a wristband first. They sell them that are about three inches wide, made from the ace bandage material, that have velcro fasteners, and they just add a little bit of support to your wrist without severely limiting your range of motion. They're fairly inexpensive, too, between $3 and $5.



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i use a brace over night and give my hand rest for a day. the ristband i use has a medal plate in the hand part. this is what helps me. agree seeing a doc just to be safe.

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at night i use an elastic bandage thingy. the doctor said i've got tendonitis, but other ppl that have had carpal tunnel syndrome, say that's more likely what i have. So, i wore the bandage off and on for about a week. It's a lot better, but not 100%. i think i'm ready to crochet again......we'll see.

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Big time carpal tunnel here, so I know what you're talking about! :) Doctor's advice for me was icing it if I start to feel tingly and numb, taking B6 & MSM (a sulfur supplement, helps your joints I believe), and wearing a brace at night and if I'm crocheting. The brace I have has the metal plate to keep your wrist from moving too much, which can be a huge pain when it comes to hooking :hook but it's the wrist movement that makes me tingle, so I think it's worth the hassle. I think the ones that are like a sleeve with a velcro strap are good for support, but if it's pretty bad I would go for the brace with serious structure! Good luck! :hug

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Everyone has given good advice so far. I tried wrist braces but most don't fit me right; a simple crocheted band helps keep my wrist warm (cold muscles and tendons are more prone to injury). I say definitely rest up those wrists and see a doctor if it seems to be getting worse, because once it gets past a certain point recovery is much more difficult. I also find that some kind of aerobic exercise, enough to get the heart pumping, helps heal soft tissue injuries. Good luck!

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My doctor told me to wear the wrist brace with the metal thing at night while I sleep and it has helped 100%, now I can crochet for hours without the pain. I do use the handeze while I crochet if my fingers are hurting any. But you have to wear it everynight not just off and on, for the best results.

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I've noticed in the last couple of weeks that my left hand, all the way up to my elbow goes all tingly every now and then. When working on the computer keyboard, which is what I do pretty much all day @ work, it gets worse. Hubby thinks it's the beginning of carpal tunnel........do you think so too? I'm not really sure, since I'm a righty, and I don't do much with my left hand while crocheting..... unless it's the combination of 7 years of clerical jobs and crocheting......

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My first suggestion is to find out what is causing the sore/tender/tired wrist. I had complained to my GP for several years and he kept ignoring the fact that there could be a serious problem....well long story short...there was!!! Now several surgeries later...I am in looking at a wrist fusion or wrist joint replacement. If it had been addressed in the beginning...I would better off now.


I am not saying you this to alarm you...but CHECK IT OUT!!!

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