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Isn't it funny

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:):think How you pick a pattern? I find myself going through my doily books looking for a pattern to crochet and I might go past one a hundred times and think, oh its ok, maybe later. And then one day its like OH YEAH thats the one for now......wonder why that is? What makes a pattern stick out at any certain time??:think:eek
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I do that all the time. I think that's why I hold on to so many of my patterns/books.... 'Oh I might want it some day'... and I do! :lol



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Happens to me too....and yet one more reason to horde all things crochet! :lol

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I agree


I also wonder how I can pass a pattern by a hundred times, and then see it done by someone else in another color or yarn and it looks so very different.

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I do it also. Right now, I am looking for the perfect baby hat pattern and going through tons of patterns. I'll find one sooner or later. It's just kind of weird.



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It's the same kind of thing with eating out. You can pass a Mexican restaurant a dozen times and, on the 13th time, nothing else will do!:)

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Sometimes what patterns sing out to me changes based on what yarns I've gotten recently ("ooh! That would look wonderful in that new red I picked up . . .") or who I'm thinking of ("wouldn't she just love that scarf?") or what size hook I feel like working with.


All the more reason to hold and hang on to all possible patterns! :D


~ Joy

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I know exactly what you mean. I have some magazines that when I first got them, hated nearly everything in the issue and then like 6 months later, I'll paw through the same issue and all the sudden several things pop out that I think I want to make (usually for someone else) or I'll borrow a segment of one pattern to use in another project from another pattern...

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