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No dye lots are for the birds!!!!

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I started a sweater this week and after getting the back half done I realized I needed three more skeins. Well TLC essentials are a no dye lot. The Aran color is WAY OFF!! Now I have to hit all the stores around here trying to at least get close to the color. I am so pi**** at myself for not getting all the yarn before I started!! I may have just wasted three evenings of work..... Who ever came up with this no dye lot must not crochet or knit!!!

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I have also noticed that in some light they look like they are the same, but then you get them outside and you notice they are off enough to be noticable. good luck in your hunt.

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I agree that there's no such thing as "no dye lots". Even if you're doing something in black or white, don't assume you can buy yarn later on and have it match. It won't!


P.S. My birds wouldn't mind "no dye lots....." It all tastes the same to them.

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The companies that are supplying the yarn manufacturers are apparently having difficulties with the raw materials for the acrylic no dye lot yarns...and I've also heard that some of the yarn companies have had problems getting their dye to stay a consistent color within a dye lot.

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I don't believe there is such a thing as NO DYE LOTS anymore. I make sure they have enough of the color I need and I even check and make sure all the numbers on the wrapper are the same.

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This is so frustrating...I know how you feel! This happened to me when I was working on a gift that was very important and I had limited time:headache . I bought the amount the pattern said I would need and it was not enough and when I went back...well, you know:thair . Now I buy much more yarn than I need for a project because I am paranoid. So sorry this happened to you and after putting in so much work! I hope you find some that matches!

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I like that yarn; but I have to agree with you:yes

It is so furstrating about the dye laws.

All the money we pay and the work. and then to find it a different shade.

There should be a law against the dye lot.:lol

I do feel for you. AS I have had the same problems.:yes

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Well I hit three stores and none really matched as well as I would have liked. I just happened to go around the corner at AC moore and saw regular Red heart super saver so I held the TLC yarn up to the Red Heart cool white and it matched! What is the difference between the two? Other than the TLC was 3.69 and the Red Heart was 1.88!!

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I had that same problem with Caron Simply Soft. From now on when I get the same colors I won't just read the names I will also see if there are lot numbers on the labels lol. Sugar n Cream also had this problem with their colors, same name, same color but one was lighter then the other.

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