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Hi! I have only been crocheting a few years, but I love to crochet all the time. But lately, my right elbow hurts when I crochet! I'm right handed. It gets pretty stiff and I get a shooting pain in the tendons going to the area from my forearm. Some details: For this project I'm working on now, just for a change, I am using a wooden hook instead of my usual alluminum. It now hurts to do any activities involving small motor skills on this hand...writing, pick up small objects, etc. Does anyone have any ideas?? I don't want to give up my favorite hobby. Do you think I'm straining soemthing? Should I blame it on my golfing instead??? :) Let me know what you think. Thank you!

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Well, whatever it is, you should give yourself a rest! I'd call my doctor and let them take a look. My coworker's husband was recently diagnosed with carpal tunnel in his elbow, and had to have surgery for it. You don't want that to happen, trust me. Patty

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you might have a guess of tennis elbow. that happened to me and I had to slow way down on my projects. My doc told me to take ibuprofen and then I had to get a brace for my arm. Now I have splints for both hands I have to wear when I type or crochet and it helps a lot. I'm 39 so carpal tunnel is an issue for me. so take care slow down and take a break

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Ouch! Get a wrist brace and wear it whenever you crochet but, especially when you sleep or rest. You need to rest the wrist. If you are in that much pain, best to see your Dr, carpal tunnel is pretty common with crocheting, keyboarding, etc. but if you catch it before it's chronic you probably can do without surgery (I've had it for over 20+ years but have never had surgery, I just take care of it). Take care!!!!

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Cold packs, ibuprofen, and rest. If it's not better in a week or two, see the doc. Cortisone pills fixed my elbow the first day, and I kicked myself for waiting so long. Then my face broke out in a hot rash-looked like a purple sunburn-but I could crochet again!

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I get a pain in my hand and wrist sometimes, when I crochet a lot. Same thing happens with me too, it hurts to do anything with that hand and/or wrist. The sharp pain comes with every hand gesture. I just have to give it a rest for a few days untill it stops hurting. I haven't taken any pain meds for it though. I just bear through it. I am only 27, but I believe that carpotunnel can be a serious issue. That's why I just do the unthinkable, and put down the crochet. Then I am forced to do other things around the house, like CLEAN UP. LOL...

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This sounds like inflamed tendons to me... something I have suffered from since the age of 13. I started life on Ibuprofen, then gradually moved up on stronger and stronger anti-inflamatories. I find crochet isn't too bad when it comes to setting it off, I get it in my fingers, wrists, elbows and shoulders. (If it's the elbow that is affected then it's indeed called tennis elbow lol...)

First try Ibuprofen and rest your hands until you can move them without feeling like someone is sticking hot needles into your wrist area. If like me you struggle to use your hands when it's bad then sometimes sticking your hands under cold running water for as long as you can handle will help the pain. Definitely see the doctors as they might subscribe you something stronger than Ibuprofen to help with the inflamation :)

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It sounds like golfers elbow but you should have a Dr look at it, Ibuprofen should help a little but I never found it to help much. (I don't golf by the way just had golfers elbow)

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