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A Scarf and Some Cool Hats


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I've finally taken photos of some of my finished works. Voila!




I made this scarf last December with varigated Red Heart. It's a bit bunchy in places because I've never gotten around to steaming it, but I quite like the colors. Funny enough, I made it as a way to avoid an overbearing grandmother, so yarn saved me from a difficult situation. (Not the grandmother who taught me to crochet in the first place)




This is a sort of rasta hat I made for my friend Grace, my first hat ever. I haven't given it to her yet, but it's quite large and I think she'd like it. Another varigated Red Heart yarn.




This is the project I'm most proud of so far. I made these hats one right after the other a couple of weeks ago. I did the pink one first for my friend Amanda, then the green one for my other friend Amanda. Yes, quite confusing at times. The blue one's mine, though. I made it when I dyed my hair dark red because I thought it would make the color pop more and I love it.


Well, this is the first you all get to see of how I work. What do you think?

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wow!! your hats and scarf are beautiful! Looks like you put in a bunch of time in making them! You should be proud!

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