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It wasn't meant to be....

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A little while ago I got a catalogue from my local craft chain store, Spotlight (it's an Aussie chain)...and got all excited. For the first time I saw that they would be stocking Lion Brand Yarns!


You've got to understand, these yarns haven't been available in my area, or even Australia (I think) before. So I rushed off to Spotlight this morning to get some of the yarn I have heard you all talking about so fondly....Specifically, I wanted some Homespun.


Well......they had Homespun, for $14.95 a skein! That's a lot of money for what is an acrylic yarn out here....comparable Aussie brands are a third of the price...I just couldn't understand why it's priced so high....there's no way I can afford to spend that much per skein on yarn.


So now I'm all depressed...we've got Lion Brand, but it's ridiculously expensive compared to our normal brands...it's just not fair, and now I'm sulking.

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Wow that much? I thought it was high here in the U.S. but it is ten dollars more there. I wish I could help out I really do but in my financial situation I need a miracle right now.

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it really does suck doesn't it, i raced down this week as well and was very disappointed. Did you know that there is one store in Victoria that is the only store in Australia that imports directly from Lion Brand. If you want the details, send me a PM

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Oh no, that really stinks! That is so expensive - only about $4 here in the U.S. I guess they charge more because of the shipping cost and the rarity of its availability there. I hope the prices will start coming down - that's a shame.

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I know it's only around $4 a skein in the US..but ordering from over there is expensive post wise. I ordered some yarn a while ago, and it cost me $45 to post it out here! I guess that's why the cost is high here. It's a shame, because it could really do well out here, if it were competitive.


I do know of the place in Victoria that sells it as well, I've just not ordered from them...I thought they're prices were high, but they are $2 a skein cheaper than Spotlight I suppose....

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i wish i could help you too but i have found that shipping yarn to australia is horribly expensive, well everything pretty much is outreagous to send, i am assuming that you would not want to pay to have some shipped there? cause if you do if you paypal me the money i can send you some but it would have o be paid for ahead of time as i live on a fixed income. and can not afford to use any of my own money. please pm me and let me know if you want to do that alright?

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oh i am so with you on this one!!!!! but we are past miracle stage it think!


Wow that much? I thought it was high here in the U.S. but it is ten dollars more there. I wish I could help out I really do but in my financial situation I need a miracle right now.
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Wow, I'm in Canada and I thought it was expensive here - around $6-7 CAD a skein. And I've only found it at one store in my area, although I haven't ventured into the few LYS's around here, mainly because I've heard prices can be high and I can't afford to pay very much.

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Maybe you could make a big bulk order online to defer the costs a little. I would assume you'd have to ask around for the best shipping costs compared to price and hope for some great deals to even make that plausible.(If you do order alot you could sell some to other hookers or knitters nearby or as an Aussie only ebay deal.)

Do you have anyone visiting to (or from) US or near abouts anytime soon? They could fill dufffle bag full and fly back with it.

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Remember to bear in mind if you are importing from the US you might also have to pay import tax as well when the goods arrive. This has happened to me on a few occassions.

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Groan. Oh no! I had heard that Spotlight was getting it in and I was annoyed because the catalogue wasn't delivered. So no drooling and choosing my yarns, colors, etc. Then my friend who was going to the shop for me couldn't go because the day she had free turned out to be a public holiday and the shops were shut. Now, you are telling me they are charging ridiculously high prices for the yarns! I guess you're right Mandy, it just wasn't meant to be...............for either of us. Darn!

:bang :bang

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