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I Finally got it!

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I know this is going to sound probably stupid, but I finally got how to make granny squares last night! Ok, a bit of background. I'm blind. And while I could read the instructions through marvels of technology (aka a screen reading program that keeps me on the net), the instructions just never made sense to me! I had even sat down and tried to crochet a granny as I was reading each individual line of the instructions! That still didn't work. But last night for some reason, it finally clicked! I'm soooo excited that I can finally make a granny. Just had to share!

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Good for you. I just recently became good at making granny squares myself. I'd try several times before and like you, just couldn't get it. They were always missing a corner. Your accomplishment is terrific



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Mel!!! It is definitely NOT stupid at all. I made a post a few weeks ago about how I had finally made a granny square!!! I had tried and tried before and I finally got it too!!


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Congrats on figuring it out! I, too have been struggling with it. Can't believe that since I grew up in the "age" of the original granny square. Well, DD wants a granny square purse, so it was time to re-learn. It's not impossible to teach an old dog new tricks....but not easy either!!!! ROFL!!!!


Now we can "granny together"!



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