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Interweave Crochet Invoice - Check yours


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I received a few weeks ago my invoice for the Interweave Crochet Subscription and paid it.


Yesterday I received another invoice (as sometimes happens) and read it. It states "We are thrilled that Interweave Crochet is going to be available as a subscription, and we hope that you enjoyed the SPRING 2007 issue you received as a FREE BONUS for helping make it possible"


I didn't receive the Spring Issue in the mail - did anyone else? I went out and bought mine as they stated the subscriptions wouldn't start until Fall.


Going to have to email them and tell them to add another issue on to my subscription. Geez! Not starting off well with this publication.

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I paid online so I haven't received a hardcopy of an invoice. I haven't received an issue in the mail and I too thought the subscription wouldn't begin until the Fall.:think

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I am located in Eastern Canada and received my free spring issue on thursday this week. I first saw the magazine in stores about 2 weeks ago. You should be getting it soon. My experience with other magazines is that stores get them first and then subscribers get theirs.

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I'm in Colorado and received my (free) spring issue about two weeks ago. I paid the bill AFTER I received it.


Did you get a postcard indicating you would receive the spring issue for free? Maybe it was limited to the first xxxxx number of subscribers (?)

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I had no clue they were sending out the Spring issue until I got this second invoice (the first one I got didn't mention it). No postcard either. I emailed them and asked if they would add an issue on to my subscription - will see what they say. Oh well, if I get another Spring issue, I am sure someone will want one on the RAOK lists.

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I want the Spring issue but haven't been able to find it yet. I have a bill for the subscription, but haven't paid it yet, nor have I received the Spring issue from them. Maybe if I go ahead and pay it, I might receive it??

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I am located in Eastern Canada and received my free spring issue on thursday this week. I first saw the magazine in stores about 2 weeks ago. You should be getting it soon. My experience with other magazines is that stores get them first and then subscribers get theirs.


That's odd. It's usually the other way around! As a subscriber to Crochet! Magazine, I always get mine at least a week (most of the time 2) before seeing it in a store.


I also have subscriptions to Redbook, Woman's Day and Ladies Home Journal (that one just ran out) and I always get them in the mail before seeing them in stores.

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That's odd. It's usually the other way around! As a subscriber to Crochet! Magazine, I always get mine at least a week (most of the time 2) before seeing it in a store.


I also have subscriptions to Redbook, Woman's Day and Ladies Home Journal (that one just ran out) and I always get them in the mail before seeing them in stores.



From work experience, a magazine store would typically receive from a publisher several boxes for different magazines. Each magazine comes with instruction when to put in on display, when to remove from display and when to return to publisher. Many magazines store do not have extensive storage facilities at each store, magazines arrive at store 7-10 days before display date. When a spot is available on the shelf, the store staff would open a box and display the contents, contrary to what publishers indicated.


I hope you did note that I am in Canada. A large percentage of magazines come from American publishers depending on the type of interest magazine, Canadians who have subscriptions to these American magazines frequently experience the delay I mentioned.


I subscribed to this magazine since it was hard to find when it first published in late 2004/early 2005. Now, I can find the Spring 2007 issue at most magazine stores and major bookstores.

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I received a few weeks ago my invoice for the Interweave Crochet Subscription and paid it.


Yesterday I received another invoice (as sometimes happens) and read it. It states "We are thrilled that Interweave Crochet is going to be available as a subscription, and we hope that you enjoyed the SPRING 2007 issue you received as a FREE BONUS for helping make it possible"


I didn't receive the Spring Issue in the mail - did anyone else? I went out and bought mine as they stated the subscriptions wouldn't start until Fall.


Going to have to email them and tell them to add another issue on to my subscription. Geez! Not starting off well with this publication.


Briana, I didn't receive the Interweave Crochet Spring 2007 for free but I did receive the invoice requesting payment. However, when I went to their website I noticed that they offered a two year rate so I went ahead and subscribed online. I recently purchased the Interweave Crochet Spring 2007 issue at the newsstand.


Regarding the Crochet! Magazine that someone else mentioned...I haven't received the latest issue (May 2007) yet but on another crochetville post it was supposedly mailed out to subscribers around March 27th. I'm still waiting.

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Don't feel bad~ I received my mystery postcard also. The one saying that they hoped I enjoyed the "free issue". "Free issue"???? I didn't receive mine either, and thought that I was the only one.


This post is about the "Interweave Crochet Magazine". I'm glad that I found it. I thought I was going nuts. :) I'm sure happy that I am not alone!



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So far, I have had no response to my email asking them about the invoice. Will send another in a few days if I don't hear from them.

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