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Plastic Bag CAL

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Liz I love your bag holder....what better than a plastic bag bag holder!!! :hook

Here's my plastic bag holder made out of plastic bags. It's not very pretty but is very useful. It's hanging on the corner of the changing table for when we need to wrap up, well, something smelly.:lol My dd also likes to chew on it so I take it down for her playtime sometimes.


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Here's my plastic bag holder made out of plastic bags. It's not very pretty but is very useful. It's hanging on the corner of the changing table for when we need to wrap up, well, something smelly.:lol My dd also likes to chew on it so I take it down for her playtime sometimes.



This is gorgeous! Great job!

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... I really like the brown and white on your bag CrochetDad. If I can locate some different colored bags, I may play around with that for a while.



Cherry - thanks. Brown bags are from Home Depot :construct

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I've found clear-ish bags from Wegmans (grocery store) and yellow bags from a New Jersey state park (cary in, pack out trash policy... picked up more bags than I needed last time I was there...) Micro Center has gray bags... Now that I've been looking, I've seen some interesting bags at interesting places.... now if only I can get off my lazy butt and do something with them...

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I am definately in. I am new to C'ville and this was my first stop! I have seen several patterns that use plastic bags but nothing that I might use.


Well I have an idea, and I am going to try it out. I love to make toys for my cat to play with. Problem is that he is a yarn eater. I even tried hemp but he ate that too. He has successfully destroyed every toy he has had (with or without catnip in it, store bought or hand-made). I was going to try the plastic string used for making kids jewelry. He LOVES to play with plastic bags after grocery shopping, and he doesn't eat those. So maybe I can make him toys out of the plastic bags that will last a little longer and give me something to do with ALL these bags.

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Hey guys, is it too late to join? I just made my first plarn ball and wanted to make a mat to place under the bowls for my cats' food. I'm thinking abot using the fish mat that someone was so kind to post in the original pattern section.

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This is a very open CAL - come on in!


Would you believe it? I was sitting there innocently at work when the custodian who comes in to change the trash saw my plarn bag and began cooing over it! I hopped up quick, showed her the photos from this CAL, and began printing out plarn patterns for her to try. She says she learned how to crochet from her grandmother before she passed away, and likes to make rugs. I'll be on the look-out for a few days, but we may have a new convert on our hands. :woo


~ Joy

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Hey guys, is it too late to join? I just made my first plarn ball and wanted to make a mat to place under the bowls for my cats' food. I'm thinking abot using the fish mat that someone was so kind to post in the original pattern section.


Ok this has just gotten CRAZY! :eek Now I HAVE to make a mat for the cat...where will this end. I am trying to finish up some other projects then get started on his toy (have to - now he sits on the back of the couch and trys to eat my hair!)...and a bag for the beach...now a cat mat....AAARG! I have been completely swallowed by this web site! I LOVE it!!

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Ok this has just gotten CRAZY! :eek Now I HAVE to make a mat for the cat...where will this end. I am trying to finish up some other projects then get started on his toy (have to - now he sits on the back of the couch and trys to eat my hair!)...and a bag for the beach...now a cat mat....AAARG! I have been completely swallowed by this web site! I LOVE it!!



Welcome to the insanity!:coo:loco:sofunny

You'll find that you're never 'finished' any more... there will always be something else that needs to be done, made, tried... And you'll love every second of it!

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I made my first plarn ball!!!:clap Was alot easier than I thought.


So I'm looking at Sammy (my feisty feline) looking at me. I have beanies and blankets and booties to make and he's waiting for me to drop that little piece of yarn so he can have his snack. :devil I figure why not try to whip up something simple before I fight with an intricate toy for him and him not want to play with it (maybe be because its not edible????) So I made a ball, put a bell inside and tossed it on the floor. Brat NEVER even gave it a second glance. KM felt alittle bad that I "worked so hard on it." So he tries to get him to play with it. An hour later he is on the couch SLEEPING with it!!!!:eek


Should have just made a pillow!

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My husband and I noticed that we need to replace our shower curtain liner, and he jokingly told me I could make a new one out of our wonderful waterproof plarn! Unfortunately the gaps between even the tightest sc stitches would mean puddles on the floor and mildew all over the curtain, but wouldn't it be something to crochet a shower curtain liner?

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My husband and I noticed that we need to replace our shower curtain liner, and he jokingly told me I could make a new one out of our wonderful waterproof plarn! Unfortunately the gaps between even the tightest sc stitches would mean puddles on the floor and mildew all over the curtain, but wouldn't it be something to crochet a shower curtain liner?


You could use a clear liner under it to keep the water in. I think your idea is wonderful! :yes

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just finished my second bag (and started a 3rd). It's a smaller version of my previous one, so I'm not posting a picture this time. I also wanted to move our CAL up on the list a little. I'm going to try a new design this time...hopefully it will turn out nice. Cherry

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Cherry, thanks for the bump! :bump This CAL sure got quiet fast.


I haven't been crocheting with plarn for a little bit now because I've been focusing my plarn abilities on making the two biggest plarn balls I could for the auction! They still fall short of my vision, but the bigger they got, the slower they grew, and eventually one HAS to send in what one has.


Each one is between 7.5-8 inches in diameter and represent a good many hours! I hope they go for more than the cost of shipping them, so that Crochetville doesn't LOSE money on them. :D


Here's to plarn in our future.


~ Joy

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I know, I feel like I keep adding WIPs, even though I saw the folly of that and SWORE I wouldn't.


Now that I've sent off the two plarn balls to the auction, I can focus my plarning on making plarn for myself. I've just been promised grocery sacks through my local freecycle group, but I've also been saving bread bags, cracker sleeves, shredded cheese bags - just about any plastic food bag I've been able to get my hands on. They get a good rinse and dry out, and now they're collecting in our too-tiny apartment! I'm going to sit down sometime soon and figure out how-to-do-what with them.


~ Joy

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I've been working on other projects myself lately, but my dm (darling mother?) just informed me that she has some old vcr tapes. I think I'll try a bag out of that. If anyone has worked with this and has any advice, I'd be ever so grateful. (finished plarn bag #3, but I don't like the pattern as well as my first two - such is life:) Cherry

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I know that RecycleCindy uses the VHS tapes. I had tried them long ago and found that they let off silver flakes. I don't know if it's because the tapes I used where too old and they may have been dry or something but the silver stuff was everywhere. I never tried it again. I would like to know if anyone else had the same thing happen to them or as I said my tapes where too old :(

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I have several free patterns for vcr video tape bags at my website. Here is the pattern link page.


I have worked with the vcr video tape for quite a while now and have never had a problem. I've even gotten it wet to see if it would flake and it didn't. Also my tape has no silver stuff on it. It is all black mylar video tape. Maybe yours was another older brand or something? :think

I would encourage you to try it again. Good luck.





I know that RecycleCindy uses the VHS tapes. I had tried them long ago and found that they let off silver flakes. I don't know if it's because the tapes I used where too old and they may have been dry or something but the silver stuff was everywhere. I never tried it again. I would like to know if anyone else had the same thing happen to them or as I said my tapes where too old :(
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