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Shawl pins and a weirdo row counter

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I've been bored and feeling kind of blah all weekend, so I played with wire.


Here's what I came up with -- three shawl pins made with lampwork beads and Swarovski crystals, and an abacus style row counter. In the row counter, the dark beads represent 1's; the light beads represent 10's (i.e. the central loop shows 21 rows, but can count up to 109). Thanks for looking! :)




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Wow, very nice:) I love working with beads too. My next thing to do is stitch markers. I haven't heard too much about stitch counters, how would you use it? or is there a site that explains it? ...........................Lise

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Thanks! :)


Wow, very nice:) I love working with beads too. My next thing to do is stitch markers. I haven't heard too much about stitch counters, how would you use it? or is there a site that explains it? ...........................Lise


You could use the row counter a few different ways -- just to keep track of how many rows you've done (I did a pattern requiring you continue in XYZ stitch for 40 rows that I got really sick of counting after awhile). I think it's handy for keeping track of repeating patterns, like knitting cables or lace too. (At least I find keeping track of rows harder with knitting than with crochet... especially if I'm knitting with something thin on tiny needles like sock yarn, ugh!)


You could also do something like slip one color into the center loop to count as one rep of a pattern, like if you've got to do a rep. * to * 9 times but don't have that many stitch markers.

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