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Yes, especially if you buy the swift with it. I've never tried putting the hank on my feet and winding it that way though. I adore mine, even my friends boyfriend liked it, he was winding away while we were chatting! haha... :lol

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I am so glad you got one! I have had mine for years. Got it when I got my first knitting machine and haven't regretted it for one minute. Purchased my swift last year and use that all the time also! I LOVE gadgets that make things easier!



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I love mine, too. Some skeins are really hard to find the end in the middle, so if I can't easily find it I wind a ball on the ball winder in two minutes or less. And of course, it's invaluable for yarn hanks.


Linda Y

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i got a yarn winder! it came from JoAnn's. i love it! it makes the prettiest little flat bottom balls of yarn. i got it on sale with a coupon and free shipping. i wish i had gotten it years ago.

better watch yourself and not wind too much, cause i speak from experiance i actually sprained my arm , and could not even crochet:eek:eek:eek

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I have always wanted one, but have been a little afraid I would make a big fat mess of the yarn with it. How do you keep from tangling the yarn? Do you unwind from the outside with the skien stuck on something?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I bought both too, and love them dearly! My kids like to help. Worst part is sometimes getting the hank end loose from how it's knotted... I worry that if I cut something I'll cut the wrong thing and end up having to knot my yarn or make 2 smaller balls.

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i just wind from the center pull usually - even if it's hard to find and you end up pulling out a big wad of yarn. (this happens to me a lot) so far i've just taken my time and used my hand to keep a little pressure on the yarn as i'm winding. i went too fast once and got the yarn caught up in the gears. it took a few minutes to untangle that mess but nothing was lost but a little time. i like the way you can stand up the little flat bottom balls of yarn and crochet either from the center pull or from the outside. makes it easier to use two strands, too.

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