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Look at the BEAUTIFUL afghan gifted to me by Villagers!!! (you know who you are!)

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Oh my, I don't know how I missed that thread:think but I went through and read every postsing for SIX PAGES! You all were busy PMing back and forth and I was clueless - I guess so caught up in my own psychosis I couldn't see the skein through the sheep:no - Okay. That was really bad.


The hug-ghan (I'm calling it a hug-ghan 'cause it IS a big wonderful hug from all of you) arrived yesterday while I was at work. I called my husband at lunch as I always do and he said, "Your yarn is here." and I said I didn't order any yarn ('cause we're sorta broke:blush ) and he says, "It's big and soft and it's yarn." and I said no, it isn't yarn. It must be something of yours. So then he says he tore open a corner of the package and it IS yarn. So I said, "Wow, that must be my scarf from the Scarf Swap on Crochetville! That is way too fast!" And he says, "This is one big-*** scarf. :D Honey, I don't think it's a scarf." Then I was so curious I told him to open it, and then he got all funny and weird like I've-got-a-secret and he says, "oh, Honey, some people really love you a LOT." and wouldn't tell me what it was!:no


OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY! When I got home (I actually left work EARLY :yes) I could not believe it! I rolled around on the bed with it and looked at all the squares and came on Crochetville and tried to figure out where the heck this came from and who was behind it!


Suddenly I realized I'VE GOT TO POST THIS! DUH! So I hijacked the camera from my daughter and the batteries were dead and then I found more and got my son to take pictures (he's confirmed that I'm nuts) and Chelsea the wonder-mutt was so excited 'cause I was so excited so she tried to eat me:angry but DS gave her the rest of a turkey sandwich instead. Then I tried to upload the pictures and Kodak EasyShare had taken over which would be fine if I had Kodak EasyShare but I have a Fuji Something-or-another, so I had to find the disk and that, my friends, is why I didn't get it posted until this morning! Got up early to grab some computer time and load the pictures and now I've got DD and her friend cleaning the house:eek while I talk to you all!


So thank you so very very much and I will go to the original thread and PM each and every one of you to personally say how much this means to me!:hug



I forgot to say thank you SO MUCH for the Michael's card! I have a coupon for 30% off the ENTIRE PURCHASE at Michael's and I'm going to get some yarn for.... what else? An afghan! Fun FUn FUN fUN fuN

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Oh Paulette, it is as lovely as you!! Yes Vicki deserves Kuddo's for putting it all together, she is a great friend, you are never alone , now you ALWAYS have us with you, even if you DON'T want us....lol:hug :manyheart

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now i am crying, paulette i am sooo happy you like it, yes we are sneaky people hehe i posted it in charity instead of comfortghans . i am sorry some didn't see it, but i am glad that you like it:D:D:D:D i had a lot of fun putting it together for you, you sounded so down when you were having some issues and your always here for us when we need cheering so i decided after asking all the rest of the people here if anyone wasinterested in helping and boy did i get the pm's had to clear my box over and over again, , your dd is the one who gave me the info ahleah was alot of help and overpreference of colors and also address info oh and the michaels card is what was left after postage was taken care of, some people were not able to send squares but sent postage instead which is the same thing in my book., i am so happy now you got it i was so afraid the stupid post office would lose it, i was biting my nails last night lol. i know we all have our down times and having been the recpeicant of a comfortghan/hugghan i know how good it made me feel to know others love and care for me and we all do you ya know. i hope when you use it you think of all who helped or would have helped , if they were able to. most of all i think your hubby is right, you are loved alot by all of us now am off to find a tissue before posting farther lol :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart

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thanks soo much carolyn, you and everyone else made it possible. i am so happy she loves it, makes it alll soooo well worth doing which as i said could not have done without all of you:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart

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Just wanted to let you know what I did with the Michael's gift card that was sent - you'll be so proud! I had a coupon for 30% off the entire purchase (and they don't put those ones out too often) so I bought the yarn I'd been wanting to try, the Lion Brand Cotton-ease in the color Berry to make the Kimono Inspired Cardigan from the February '07 issue of Crochet Today that I picked up at the market last week.


I made a gauge swatch and even this is not the yarn suggested in the pattern it came out perfectly, was a dream to work with and has a lovely appearance! I'm very excited about this project... oh, and I currently have 12 projects going:eek ...


Again, thank you guys with all my heart! I'll never forget what a kind thing y'all have done for me!:manyheart

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