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Need a Marketing Suggestion...

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Many of you responded to my questions regarding crocheted lingerie patterns (in Off-Topic Conversations) a couple weeks ago. I am definitely going to pursue this (yes, ladies, plus-sized patterns and adaptations will be made available ;)), but now I need some suggestions. I have decided to sell the patterns individually, but I would like to sell them discretely. I am using GooglePages as my web host, and they don't want explicit photos on sites, and neither do I. I will be making a dress form soon, so pieces can be modeled, instead of on an actual person. So, here are my questions:


1) Should I post pics on my site with the finished garments on the dress form?


2) Should I post just closeups of the patterns on the dress form with a description of the item?


3) Should I merely refer to the patterns being available, and have catalogs printed to be sent to the inquirer? I know this last option would be more expensive than the others, but it is a possibility.


4) Does anyone else have any ideas? This is a new thing for me, and I don't want to be lewd, or crass, but I'd like to be completely tasteful and discrete about it.


When responding, please keep on the topic of marketing this idea. I don't wish for the discussion to get out of hand. AmyS has shared some guidelines in my original post about what should and should not be discussed in this. Again, the intent is not to offend anyone. Thank you for any help.



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I think either option one or two would work, then you're just showing material on a dress form, nothing personal.

Or, instead of posting pictures with the descriptions, post a link to the photo on a different page or photo site so that way those who are interested can look, and those who don't want to don't have to. It's almost like sending out a catalouge, but much cheeper.... I definately would want to see what a finished product looks like before purchase, no matter what the pattern is for, be it a blanket or a sweater or anything else.

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I agree with Addy. I much prefer to see a finished project before I buy a pattern, and usually, I pass up patterns that don't have a finished photo that goes with it. And I second the dress form. Keeps it a little less "personal" yet gives the pattern buyer a good idea of what it will look like. I hope this venture works out for you, I'm definatly a potential customer!

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Speaking from personal experience, I prefer to see items being worn. Preferably on a person my size, but a manequin would be nice too. Just be sure to show all angles, not many companies show the items from the back. Good luck with this. I can't wait to see it.

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Well, presumably, the people shopping for these patterns are going to be wearing them, so they are not going to be offended at seeing them on the website.


So, I'd go for pictures on the dress form, so your customers can see how the items drape and fit, rather than just having pictures of the items laying flat.

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I think put a description up, with a link to another page on the website for pictures...I agree that if someone is looking for patterns, they want to see what it looks like.


Having pictures on another page prevents people who stumble on your site accidently seeing something they're not prepared for.

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I would like to see the pattern before I pay for it. While I may be willing to pay for it, I don't want to pay for it without having an idea of what it will look like. And as long as the pictures are done tastefully, I don't see what the problem would be. I couldn't be any worse than seeing the bra and pantie models on TV and in magazines.

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couldn't be any worse than seeing the bra and pantie models on TV and in magazines.



Definitely post pictures of the finished product. I think the majority of crocheters want to have at least some idea of what the finished product is going to look like. But whether you have the picture ON that page or a LINK to the picture is up to you.:hook

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The first one. If it is on a dress form, it shouldn't be a big deal. Lingerie isn't lewd or crass, it's clothing. Personally, I am not going to buy a pattern unless I can see the whole thing, and I might be too lazy to inquire for the photo of the completed object.

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Your catalog doesn't have to be snail mailed - you could have a pdf catalog, even available for immediate download on your site. That would be the same basic idea as having pictures on another page, as far as giving the viewer a chance to "shield their eyes" if they think it might be offensive.


As a buyer, not only would I want to see a picture - from a few angles - of a finished product on a person or mannequin, but I would be less likely to ask for something to be sent to me (mail or email), just because I wouldn't want to give out that information before I had made a decision, especially if it was not an "established" business website. I'm even hesitant to download (and opening a pdf online/in the browser does download it) a pdf.

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