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Do you ever just have trouble getting past a row? Sigh. I've been crocheting the Ripe Wheat doily in #10 thread. It's gorgeous, but this one simple row is killing me. I need 5 (get it, Carla 5!) double trebles in a set, not 4! The worst was when I found the mistake after I had gone all the way around the row and was back to it on the next one. Grrrrrrrr. I keep checking back but still I've missed some. I don't think I've ever made a project without doing something stupid like this....


1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

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That's when I put it down. If it's not late, I'll pick something else up and work on that instead. If it's late, I'll just put my stuff away and go to bed.


When I get "stuck" like that, it means my brain is fried. So my brain needs to take a break.


Sometimes I wonder if it's out on a permanent break, but......... :wink

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I had that happen earlier today. I was working on my thread cal and couldn't get one round right. I put it down and started working on something else. I decided to work on my DD's 3 strander. I got 12 rows done. When I was counting the rows, I noticed I missed a stitch at the beginning of a row.....10 rows back. So my last 10 rows are narrower. I have folded that one up and will frog those 10 rows tomorrow. And I was almost done with it. 2 more rows and the edging and it would have been done :cry:cry:cry:cry:cry


Every had one of those days when you mess up everything you try to crochet? That is me today :(


I am going to try my hand at a few rows of my round ripple. 5 more rows and it is done. Wish Me Luck!!

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Every had one of those days when you mess up everything you try to crochet? That is me today :(

Oh yes!

Sometimes on anything Ineed to be EXACT in stitches (can't fix it in the next round or row) I'll stop every so often to double check, then I'm only frogging a small part and not the entire round/row. So after a few "shells" or something similar, I'll go back and count. This is especially helpful when I'm tired or just not getting it or not concentrating (usually that means somethings on tv:blush ).


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Yes, when I get loopy or frustrated, I put the project down; if I'm still in the mood to craft, I resort back to a simple little doll dress shift that by now I can make with my eyes closed. The process of crafting is enjoyable, and I can give my brain a rest. When I'm refreshed (next day???) I pick up the frustrating project and get to frogging if the error is blatant. If no one will see the error besides me, I don't sweat it.

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I guess it really depends on what is going on. When I was just learning to knit and having to do and re-do Mother kept on saying, "Why don't you just put it down for a while?" Every few minutes she would say that. I was not terribly frustrated because I knew what stage I was in and just kept thinking that I was learning, for Pete's sake, and had to work it over and over to get the bugs out. It's when I make stupid counting errors on simple stuff and have to frog back repeatedly that I need to gently lay the project down, slowly back away and get a cup of tea or coffee or preferably, some chocolate!

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it seems once i make a mistake no matter how hard it try i will make it again and i will frog something even if i have to pull one row or half of what i have already done. i can not stand to leave mistakes in my work . it drives my mother crazy.

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I'm sorry to ignore you, KH. Somehow I didn't see these last two posts. It's finished! I blocked last night (wet block) and the doily is drying today. Once it is ready, I'll take a :photo . I tend to get into those crochet or knit dazes where I pay only minimal attention to what is going on. A little more mindfulness helps! Thanks for asking!

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I've been crocheting for 35 years and I still do this all the time :lol Mama always would say, "Step away from it. Take a break then come back to it and you'll see where you went wrong." But I must admit, in my hot headed younger days, things got slung across the room at about that point :wink

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I totally understand your frustration because I had a doily project I put up for two years because I couldn't get past a row. Pulled it back out two years later and couldn't get past the same row for three more tries. When I finally DID get past that row, I got stuck on another row. I had 4 rows left to finish when I put it up. Now, that's bad! I did finally get it finished. Last doily I'll be making for a while because I just got too frustrated.



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