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Has Anyone Seen These on Ebay?

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WOW! I'll be interested to hear as well as I think the sunflower ghan is just beautiful!


I love the cardigan too, but that one doesn't look too hard to knock-off. Just some grannies for the sleeves and change each row with a new color! :)

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The afghan looks like something yarn duck did about a year ago. I think she got it in the kit. Hers was truly beautiful.


As for the jacket, my first reaction was eewww, a bit like a coat in many colours. I dont mean to offend but I think this sort of style gives crochet a bad name. it would probably look ok in more subtle colours. As for the pattern I have never seen it.

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It was a Mary Maxim kit. You can see someone's blog entry here.


Hope that helps.


yep that is yarnducks blog. I couldnt remember what it was called. mmm I havent seen yarnduck about for a while eithor.

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Ya know... I personally wouldn't be caught dead in that cardigan. But my 10 y.o.? I can SO see her wearing something like that! :lol

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I would TOTALLY wear that cardigan, maybe in not so bright colors.


But then, you are talking to the girl who spent $30 on a 1970's "boho" crochet pattern book off ebay, so there you go.


One person's tacky is another's quirky style :smile


I think I'd do the sleeves in stripes and the body in granny squares, though :lol

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I love the afghan, but thumbs down on the sweater. It brings back all the images of all the bad crochet that gave crochet such a bad rep. It reminds me of the horrible 60's type "garments" that were just great huge granny squares w/and opening for the head to poke through , the archtype for " What not to crochet". Now, I am not taking away from the time and effort that was spent crocheting it, or that someone else may in fact think it is fantastic...it just isn't to my taste. I have lots of patterns from the 60 and 70's but avoid making ones that are all/mostly done in the traditional multicolor "look what I made out of scraps" granny squares.

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Thanks for the info & the link to the blog too!


And yeah umm.. I don't think I'd wear it either... but I have a feeling my 15yo DD would, she's just *like that*! :lol

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Wow! That is one magnificent 'ghan! I'd love to have the pattern for that! I wonder where the pattern was from? Anyway, this is one of the first times I've ever seen anyone have any success trying to sell something like this on Ebay. Most of the time when I do a search to see afghans and throws and stuff there are no bids at all. This one is exceptional, though! :manyheart



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