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Oh what fun!!! I would love to have a few hours to just pet all that yarn!!! <img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/hi.gif" />


If she's looking for any customer input <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/idea.gif" /> I'd love to see her put up more cotton/cotton blends (not machine yarn) and any unusual yarns that she has. I'm already staring to think about spring projects and there's only so much chenille a gal needs. And that's not critisism in any way, just a suggestion!! I know she doesn't have any choice as to what yarn she gets from her source, but I remember you saying she has a lot more in stock then she has listed at any given time. <img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/rowofhearts.gif" />


Have a fabulous time!


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well i just got back girls.. will be taking pictures in just a few minutes..


she has alot of new stuff she will be putting up .. she said she didnt know what was going on but it seemed every one and their mother has wanted yarn the past month and its all she can do to keep up with what she has up.. she has many new things to be listed so keep an eye out..

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I can't wait to see your haul and the new listings!


Tell her the gals at Crochetville found out about her <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/ura1.gif" />



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Gorgeous yarn Beth! :faint I can't believe how jealous I am ... :rock <-- green with envy face. :ha


:thumbsup Yah did real good!

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<img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/lildevil.gif" /> <a href="http://stores.ebay.com/Fiber-Options" target="_new">Melanie aka Fiber Options</a>


Grab a cuppa and settle in for some serious browsing. She has many happy Crochetville customers. Elizabeth is lucky enough to live close enough to go there in person <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/faint.gif" />


Since these are all bulk/cone yarns, she lists them by yards per pound. If you aren't familiar with that, <a href="http://www.spinderellas.com/patterns/yarnchart.html" target="_new">this</a> chart will give you something to work with.



Holly <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/angel.gif" />

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:eek Holy piles of yarn!! Thanks so much for turning me on to this seller!! Does she have an actual store, or is Elizabeth friends with her? I only live about 3 hours away from Charlotte!!
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Elizabeth emailed her.. LOL .. i had made several bids on her stuff on ebay and then asked could i come pick it up because it was over 100 pounds and the 150 mile drive seems worth it.. to save me shipping.. i have a very fuel efficient car..


so i went.. and then she let me look thru what she had... it was nice.. i have made three trips to her thus far and have never come away disappointed that i took a whole day to go there..


she has two smaller buildings about 14X12 and one large building about 20X30 that are all full of yarny goodness..


i swear even when I move back home it will be worth the drive to go see her.. she and her husband are such nice people..

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