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Christmas CAL... anyone interested???


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Everyones prezzies are looking really good :clap.


I've been working on a hat, scarf & mitten set for my 2 year old nephew (not sure if that one was on my original list!!!) which I'm quite pleased with.


I went to the new knitting shop in town last weekend and found some lovely soft Alpaca for the two scarves I want to make my friends. Have started one of them but I think I'm gonna run out of wool - oh no, I'll have to go back to the shop!!


I have also now completed four little animals so far for my neice - pig, mouse, hippo and duck - still got plenty more patterns to go!!


I'll try to get some piccies over the weekend.



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Have started on nephew toy#4. Its going really well, so this one should be done in the next day or two.


Still plugging away on the same sock for pair #4...argh...


Haven't gotten any further to finishing up my holiday dishcloths/towels. I have however pulled all the yarn aside and it is just waiting for me....


I REEEEEALLY want to get these nephew toys done...they are holding me up for alot of other things!

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Am I the only one that feels like Christmas is weighing down on them?


I know Christmas isn't about the giving and maybe I've set lofty goals for myself, but truth be known- if I don't make gifts...we don't really have "it" to purchase them either...and I have ALOT of scrap yarn laying around. There is very little I have to purchase for that....


Maybe I'm just having a tired week...


I am 3/4 of the way through sock 1 of pair #4. I am on the turn heel so things will fly after this!

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Quick update on my Christmas list.


DH scarf -

Stepson scarf - started

MIL scarf - removing from list

Cousin scarf - DONE!!

Neice poncho -

Mom and Dad bathroom rug -

Granny kitchen rug -

(Maybe) DH slippers -


Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.

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Ok, I have christmas gifts that fall into the categories for a few CAL's.... so I'm gonna jump in here, here is what I'm working on:


Carissa- baby girl sleeper w/ bonnet and booties

Alicia- Mittens, hascarf

Mackenzie- Fairy Set

Dawn- Slippers, stuffies

Christina- horse or 2

Marshelle- Fairy, Candy Apple Shrug

Gavin- Care Bear pair

Danielle- Doily

Amber- Tree Frog, MP3 case

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I know its very close to Christmas but I want to go ahead and jump in this too. I am currently working on:


RR in Spiderman colors-for my 5yr old son

Spongebob afghan-For my 5yr old son

And a Love-a-Lot care bear toy for my bf's 5yr old daughter/not a blanket but oh well lol.


Finished projects for Christmas include:


Love-a-lot care bear afghan-Bf's daughter

Bed time bear afghan and doll-My 4yr daughter

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I'm working on:


Sweater for my chihuahua Cocoa

Teddy Bear for my Grandson

Knitted Sweater for my Granddaughter

Doll for younger Granddaughter (need to buy pattern)

Set of All In One dolls for Granddaughter (started this morning) I'm ready to stuff the head and then I can continue crocheting.



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I've completed five more dishcloths. I finished the sweater set for the baby. I completed pair o socks #4..can't remember if I said that already or not. I have started pair #5. I'm still stuck on some toys. I'm anticipating getting past them soon.

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I'm going to start over on a new list. I've been figuring out what to make for Christmas.


Cradle Purse



Sweater for Granddaughter

Spaceship with Aliens


I'll add more to the list when I figure out what else to make. I should be able to do these fairly quick since they are small projects.


What would be a good sweater/cardigan pattern for my 12 year old granddaughter? Does anything pop into anyones mind? I'll check at Ravelry to see if I can spot something good.

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I have finally started on 4 yr old niece's present (a castle with princess, prince, dragon and horse). It's almost done. I only have the two animals to make and embroidering some faces on.


Then its on to finishing up the Pokemon characters. They are just taking too long!

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Sweater set for newest nephew.


Ballband dishcloths....and....


Regular dishcloths.



7 yr old nephews present...


Plus 6 Pokemon characters, 4 pairs of socks and a castle much like the spaceship...I'll be posting the free pattern for that sometime soon.

I feel like I could crochet and knit 24/7 and not get done what I want to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your presents look so nice! I've only got three things on my list now. I've shoved everything else aside for now.


I've got a cradle purse half done, the bunting done and the doll about 80% done. I still have to do the arms, a skirt and put a face on her.


I started a vest for my granddaughter but decided the yarn wasn't going to make it. Too stiff. I bought a skein of Caron Soft yesterday. I'm making the vest Mei-Mei from Everyday Crochet.


I'm working on an alligator from an old McCall's Magazine 1975 for my grandson. I've completed 26 rows of it.


I'll post pics of everything later.

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I'm almost finished with Mei Mei. I'm on the bolero shaping part now.


Things haven't been going good with the alligator toy. I don't think all the directions are there. It doesn't say anywhere about sewing it shut.


The cradle purse is done except for the drawstring.

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Good for you Sim! It's great to get done with things. I swear my arms are about to fall off. Next year I am going to start making washcloths, etc at the beginning of the year and setting them aside for gifts so I don't have to do this last inning stretch every year.


Yeah...maybe I'll actually do it...

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