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A Simple Thank you!

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A couple weeks ago my friend Elizabeth had to have knee surgury. So I made her a stuffie. :) I made her the Caring Hearts Bear by Stormy. Unfortunatly I didn't take a picture of him. Anyway to add the extra touch to it. I made a little white bandage and put itover his left leg.(The side she was having surgury on) And I also crocheted a little angel pin for her. She had said thank you to me at church last week for him. But tonight at Wednesday evening service she gave me a card. Her card saying thank you meant soooo much to me. She told me how much she loved the bear and that it meant so much to her that I was thinking about her.And that is what makes it worth it to crochet gifts for friends.

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How thoughtful of you to add the bandage and let your friend know you care. It's nice to see when people appreciate the things you make for them. I can tell you both got a smile out of a gift from the heart.

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