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Blankets for soliders


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I just wanted to bring a great charity to the attention of you wonderful people of the 'Ville. I've been sending care packages directly to the soliders through anysoldier.com. Tonight while looking through the list I found an Army solider requesting blankets among other things. In my experience it is somewhat unusual for soliders to request blankets, the normal request is for snacks and toiletries. This request for blankets made me think of all of you. Here is a link to that request.




If anyone would like to send a blanket to them all that is required from the service is your name and email address. This is not a scam, as I have personally donated through this charity before. Thanks for reading. :)

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  • 2 months later...

My son tells me that the blankets they give them are unimpressive at best. Most of the soldiers sleep in their sleeping bags on the bed (seems the army gives good sleeping bags but lousy blankets) rather than use the blankets. So it doesn't surprise me that a soldier would request a blanket.

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Nikki, thank you so much for this post!! I visited the site, and have requested a couple of addresses to send packages to.

I have asked my son, who is in his 3rd week of Basic at Lackland AFB if there are any members of his unit who don't have anyone writing to them. We send a note, card, or letter almost everyday to Matt....we know how homesick he is, and can imagine how an airman without regular mail must feel.

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  • 1 month later...

CDBEAR your son is about a month behind mine in his training to be An Airman I think mine is a Marine . What a proud day to see them Graduate HUH . Mine finally found his waiste line ,and makes his own bed.Ive been trying for 20 yrs and It only took the service 3 months. Ill bet if we ask the VFW or American Leigon they would help with the postage . I am envolved with the Marine Corp League . So they told me that when I had a Plan to let them know and they would help. ( I also play bingo there) I know it isnt cheap to send stuff . I live in A small town where just about everyone know my son and I have ask If when Im ready if I could put up a Can for people to donate a few pennies to help send stuff to his unit when he goes . Ive already started to collect things I know that this company might want or need so I will be sending him stuff. Oh I will be sending stuff to other branches of service also, so maybe . That Any Soldier .Com is a good place to startto see what is wanted and needed. and VA. Hospitals are a good place to go. I guess Ive kinda gotten off the subject.sorry but what ever we can do to help just a little will make a few smile.

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Thank you so much for this link. My boys 21 and 14 have picked a name and we are going to do something as a family. We are so excited.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love the idea of anysoldier.com! How neat! There are so many ways you can help too, that's great! I tried the link to the person wanting a blanket, but it didn't work. I'm still new at the site, but is there any way to search for a particular item? I'd like to make a blanket, but don't know who I'd send it to, or what the requirements would be for it (size, color, etc.). Can anyone help? Thanks so much!



Edited: Oh! I just signed up to get an address. I bought some chewing gum on sale recently, and there's a lot of groups who love this (and any candy really), so I pretty much randomly picked one that hasn't gotten a lot of packages (but has been updated recently) and hope to mail it out tomorrow. This is such a neat idea!

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