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Grrr...DIY Knit One Purl Two

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:yes ok so what knitter doesn't own at least ONE crochet hook though? :eek I only have the patience to knit a dishcloth but have seen shows on knitting where they make a chain or finish off with a row of sc. lol. So really they are crocheters they are just in DENIAL!!!! ROFL!:laughroll :laughroll
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Did anyone happen to catch the name of the store and where it is located? I have a ton of minutes and free long distance :) I would love to hear it from her directly why she talks smack about such a large piece of the crafting population.

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I agree it's wrong for them to be snobby against crochet on TV. And LYS owners are tinkling in their own Post Toasties by losing business. I'd much rather go to Hobby Lobby or order from Joann.com than try to find an hour when my LYS is open that I can actually get there; i.e., when I'm not working my normal-hours job. They seem to only want the business of women who don't work outside the home.

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I guess I'll catch it for this, but I've noticed a touch of snobbery toward knitters right here on the ville. Some have gotten down right angry that someone called their crocheting by the K word. They seem to feel insulted in some way? Like knitting is a bad thing? What does it matter anyway? You're using yarn and a needle of some type, creating something with your hands. I do both, love both, but know which works best to do whatever. I know this forum is "crochet"ville, so I pretty much keep my knitting in the closet when I'm here. Any teaching show or LYS should be contacted with a loud and clear voice, don't bite the hands that feed you! And my hands knit and crochet!

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I guess I'll catch it for this, but I've noticed a touch of snobbery toward knitters right here on the ville. Some have gotten down right angry that someone called their crocheting by the K word. They seem to feel insulted in some way? Like knitting is a bad thing? What does it matter anyway? You're using yarn and a needle of some type, creating something with your hands. I do both, love both, but know which works best to do whatever. I know this forum is "crochet"ville, so I pretty much keep my knitting in the closet when I'm here. Any teaching show or LYS should be contacted with a loud and clear voice, don't bite the hands that feed you! And my hands knit and crochet!



It's not people insisting that I'm knitting when I'm actually crocheting that ticks me off...it's being outright insulted by knitters in the "knitting" shops that I've gone to because I crochet.


I've had knitters (including my maternal grandmother) insult my choice of hobby and make nasty comments about my preferred choice of fibers (Red Heart SS)


Nothing takes the joy out of wearing a sweater you've crocheted as having a knitting snob tell you it would have looked better if it were knitted, and saying that crochet is "only for afghans and toilet paper cozies".


and for the record...I knit too. (only just learned last summer)

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Wow, I never felt anyone was angry about knitters, except when they insult us. Even when they say things like "the K word" -- which is meant to be funny because it is a crochet board. People even share their knitted projects with us. I haven't seen actual nastiness. Then again, no one at C-ville is ever anything but kind. We have our own little Shangrila! :clap




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nah you shouldn't catch it because you knit. There are a lot on here who do both, myself included. It is a tease when we say the K word instead of saying knit.

Many a times knitters have put crocheting down as being cheap and your grannies work. Several times going into LYS's we have been told to use the cheap stuff, the other is to good for crochet.

This is why most get up in arms when crocheting is put down. It is a great hobby like knitting, scrapbooking and such. It is what we relax with and what keeps some of us sane.

Show us your knitted projects. We love to see anykind of crafting work.:hook

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I think that secretly, knitters that snob on crocheters are just mad that we take something that they use only for edging their work and that they think is *hard* and we create really neat stuff with it.


And, we don't need ANY knitting at all to do it. After all, knitting always needs crochet (I figured out that binding off is actually single crochet without a crochet hook, lol!), but crocheting never needs knitting <grin>.


That said, I sure do love knitted socks a lot more than crocheted ones!

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I think that secretly, knitters that snob on crocheters are just mad that we take something that they use only for edging their work and that they think is *hard* and we create really neat stuff with it.


And, we don't need ANY knitting at all to do it. After all, knitting always needs crochet (I figured out that binding off is actually single crochet without a crochet hook, lol!), but crocheting never needs knitting <grin>.


That said, I sure do love knitted socks a lot more than crocheted ones!


Not to mention purl stitches look like crochet chains to me. (what is it called when you do one row of knit, and then another row of purl and another row of knit so that you have purl stitches showing on one side and knit stitches on the other?)


I watched an episode of Knit One, Purl Two today....noticed on my Tivo that the episode was at least 5 years old, so these episodes have been rolling around for awhile. There was some lady on the show who was apparently a friend of Edith Eig (the host) who seemed to be a bit snotty about crochet. They were crocheting buttonholes or something, and the friend of the host was making what sounded like snarky comments about crochet.


I also noticed that Edith Eig didnt really crochet all that well, and all she was doing was chain stitches and I think slip stitch or single crochet.


At least Tracy Gold (actress from the old tv show Growing Pains) didnt take herself and her knitting too seriously on that episode. She actually referred to herself as the "idiot knitter".


I actually credit the show Knit One, Purl Two with teaching me to knit. Last summer, I was watching an episode (the one with Marina Sirtis from Star Trek: TNG on it) and I had a knitting epiphany and I was suddenly able to knit. I'd been trying to knit without success since I learned to crochet. (I'm 37 and I learned to crochet when I was 5 or 6) I dont know why I was suddenly understanding knitting. A week later, I had a vision problem (was nearly blind in one eye for 2 months) and that's when I really started to knit. I guess I needed a challenge.


I like knitting, but I LOVE crochet with a serious passion. (probably love crochet more than I love my boyfriend! well...almost :D) If I couldnt knit...I'd think "meh...dont miss it", but if I couldnt crochet, I'd slip into the deepest depression you'd ever seen a person sink into...and the only thing to bring me out of it would be a skein of Red Heart and a Susan Bates crochet hook.

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