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Question about purse handles

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I finally got my Happy Hooker book about a week ago. It came the same day as a lot of 6 skeins of Lion Brand Suede arrived, so I was able to start on my first Fat Bottom Bag! :cheer


My question is this - I know that the FBB pattern calls for store-bought handles. I'm not a fan of hard handles, I like the handles on my purses to be flexible. I think the ring handles and the wood handles LOOK great, but comfort-wise when it comes to actually carrying the purse, they're not for me.


I would like to crochet handles or come up with some other type of handle for this bag. I have seen handles on some of the purses displayed here in C'ville that looked like they were crocheted. I want the handles to be really substantial, in other words, not flimsy like one or two thicknesses of yarn would be. Does anyone have any suggestions for a way to do the handles in crochet? I want short handles, not long ones. I'm not a shoulder-bag kind of person, I prefer a handbag, but it would be OK for them to be long enough for me to put the handles on my shoulder and tuck the bag under my arm for short periods if I choose to, say, while I'm looking at something in a store and need my hands.


Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!



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I remember seeing a thread about this before, and one of the suggestions was to cut up a round plastic container lid (like a Cool-Whip container, for example), and crochet around it to make a handle. It would be more substantial that just a crocheted ring, but more flexible and comfortable on your hands.


Not exactly good for a shoulder-bag type thing, but something to keep in mind, anyway. :hook

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You can buy large brass rings at the craft store or Walmart, and then crochet around them, very thickly, so they are comfy to hold, but still sturdy.

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You could possibly also crochet around flexible tubing that you can find in a home supply store in a number of different diameters.

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You could possibly also crochet around flexible tubing that you can find in a home supply store in a number of different diameters.


Actually, I believe on the Doll clothes CAL, we had a discussion about this. Hellen (I think, bad with names) took tubing from her DH's maple sugaring and used coat hanger wire inside to give them a little structure and then covered them with cloth. You could just as easilly crochet around them, maybe with 2 strands of yarn and a larger hook. The best part about that is not only can it be cheeper, but you can get EXACTLY the size and shape handle you want! :yay

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AMY: do you mean the tubing like for fish tanks?? or like home depot type stuff?? thanks in advance!!!


The fish tank tubing would work just the same as anything available at Home Depot, I think.


If you wanted to make round handles, you could probably secure the tubing with a bit of electrical tape or something to hold the ends together.


The tubing will flex, of course, unless you insert a stiff wire or something similar inside it to make it hold its shape better.

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If you wanted to make round handles, you could probably secure the tubing with a bit of electrical tape or something to hold the ends together.


The tubing will flex, of course, unless you insert a stiff wire or something similar inside it to make it hold its shape better.


Go to your local hardware store, most carry tubing of different thicknesses and they can cut it to the length you need. Remember the thicker the tube the larger your circle. Also ask them about wooden plugs (not the right name I will get it today when I go), they should have them in different lengths if they don't understand explain that you are going to make the tube into a circle and need the plug to connect the ends together.

I am going to us this method for my purse and I might try putting beads inside the tube.:) :)

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I love making bags and purses and backpacks and am intrigues by this idea of tubing for handles (i also LOVE hardware stores!!! LOL) do you always have to make it into a circle or could you do more a a "C" shaped handle? and if so, what do you do with the ends? anybody have pictures?

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