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Taking a NO CROCHET Weekend :(

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So you may not see me lurking around here this weekend, I have midterms next week and I've been so busy crocheting that I havent studied!! :eek:eek:eek


I'm not touching the hooks until after my first exam on monday....it's going to kill me but I gotta do it!!


Everyone wish me luck!!

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Ew, I know all about exams.... NO FUN!


Good luck studying and taking your tests... and think how GOOD it will feel to walk out of that last exam and go home and pick up your hooks again!

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Good luck on the exams and you'll be so happy to have the tests done and to be able to play with your crochet hooks again. :D

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Good luck on your exams, we will be :cheer for you! Be sure to get some favorite study food and hunker down for the weekend. When the tests are over, you need to treat yourself to some fantastic yarn! :hook

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Thanks everyone!!!!!! :manyheart I def plan on stocking up on some yarn as a treat to myself after exams.:hook



I had to do that last week for my midterms!! Good luck, you will get through it and ill be sending good thoughts of a A'S to you!!!


Whats your major? and how long do you have left??

I'm so excited, I finish my BS in biochemistry in may!!


I'm a Fashion Merchandising Major---That's the business end, not design end. I want to go into buying or merchandising/product development. I graduate in December with my Bachelor's. (10 months!!!!!!) :D

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My no crocet weekend is over!!!


Although, if you look at the Fat Bottom Bag CAL you will see that I cracked under the pressure :devil


But my first exam is done!! My next one isn't until Thursday and it should be easy-peasy.


I'm sitting on the couch for a few hours now and giving my hooks some lovin, they were feeling neglected!! :hook

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