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Miscellaneous Afghan CAL


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Bet y'all thought I dropped off the planet :no Nope. I just couldn't face sewing afghan squares together for a loooong time. They sat there in their basket mocking me. I ignored them. Then they cranked up the taunting. I strengthened my resolve. I started making skinny scarves to say 'see, I'm too busy to sew you together!' They didn't care. I moved on and made a poncho for my girlfriend's little girl. They glared at me. Then it became fun and I made a poncho for my girfriend so they could be matchy-matchy. That did it. They could bear it no more. They attacked!!


So here it is. Last but not out for the count, The Solo Afghan. :eek



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I finally finished another 18 squares and I started on the third to last color I need to finish all the squares. I'm getting there...:cheer ...but then I have talk myself into weaving in ends and sewing squares together :yuck

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So here it is. Last but not out for the count, The Solo Afghan. :eek




I have an online friend in Canada who made that. It's gorgeous! I'll update the first post.


that would be great, thank you


Okay, will do!


I finally finished another 18 squares and I started on the third to last color I need to finish all the squares. I'm getting there...:cheer ...but then I have talk myself into weaving in ends and sewing squares together :yuck



Great job!

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Just checking in after my month away. 3 weeks for business in North Dakota and a week getting ready has kept me away from Crochetville. I was have withdrawl symptoms. :lol


Anyhoo, the Woodsey MAM had morphed into a RR. But, the good news is that it is done! :cheer:clap:D I was begining to hate that thing. I got quite a ways on it as a MAM and realized I made the strips way too long. That's what happens when you crochet in a car. I was so disgusted I ripped the booger apart and made a RR out of it. It came out great. It is DONE and I will try to have a pic shortly.


So, Barbara Jean, you can mark the blasted thing finished. Finally. :whew


Oh by the way, can you put me down for the Plum Granny Ripple. I'll try to have pics of that too. I'm about 1/3rd of the way on that one.

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Just checking in after my month away. 3 weeks for business in North Dakota and a week getting ready has kept me away from Crochetville. I was have withdrawl symptoms. :lol


Anyhoo, the Woodsey MAM had morphed into a RR. But, the good news is that it is done! :cheer:clap:D I was begining to hate that thing. I got quite a ways on it as a MAM and realized I made the strips way too long. That's what happens when you crochet in a car. I was so disgusted I ripped the booger apart and made a RR out of it. It came out great. It is DONE and I will try to have a pic shortly.


So, Barbara Jean, you can mark the blasted thing finished. Finally. :whew


Oh by the way, can you put me down for the Plum Granny Ripple. I'll try to have pics of that too. I'm about 1/3rd of the way on that one.


Well, congrats on getting it finished. Don't you hate it when you're not enjoying a project but you've put too much work in it to frog it.

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I've gotten to the point that it is almost never too late to frog. :devil If I am not enjoying something I just move on to something else. I usually have a few things going at a time. I'll give something a rest if I am a little burned out on it. But, if I realize I don't like it or it just is sitting and sitting, I'll start frogging. At least that way I get to use the yarn for somethng that's fun to work on. :yes

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Well, I've been working on the Blushing Grannies afghan, but I ran into a snag. I got the first three rounds of all the squares done and was working on the next two rounds (in another color) when I ran out of that color with only five squares left. I bought this yarn months ago so it's unlikely that I'll be able to find the same shade of Burgandy that I've been using. So, I have no idea what I'm going to do with that one.

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Well, I might as well join up! Help keep me in line to actually finish the few I have going. Drum roll please. And the list is:


A giant granny square ghan made up of squares in pink, purple, green and a border of white. I still need to piece that together. I have 2 I think pieced and around 100 more waiting their turn!


A join as I go made of granny squares in royal blue with a round of sunflower yellow, then a sc round and then my own version of the lattice technique. let's just say I didn't fully read how to do it and just made it up as I went, but it looks nice! I have about 5 done and only need a ton more! I have no clue how big I want it since I want it large enough for my father to sleep under when he snoozes in his chair. so... twin to queen size. Thank goodness there is no deadline for this.


This one use to have it's own cal but has since, well, died a bit. my tetris ghan. I'm actually working really hard to finish this one. Since I need to have it finished by the end of next week since after that i'll have to mail it to Canada and if I get it finished before then, i can just give it to my friend, who i am staying with for a couple of weeks.


Lastly, i have a giant granny scrap ghan but I know that there is a separate CAL going on for that one. It's just going to be an ongoing thing since I need to make it huge enough for two people to cuddle under. Something to work on when I don't need to bother looking at a chart or piecing together or anything.





Finally for my tetris ghan, here's my progress: i have 4 strips sewn together and I'm working on the 5th. I actually don't mind sewing it but I tend to prefer to crochet instead of sew so its a bit long coming. However, it is kind of nice to see the strips come together and when i lay them side by side, it's kind of neat to see it start to really look like something. My biggest thing that I am not looking forward to doing is sewing the LONG strips together. Also, finishing up the 60 something odd black pieces i have.


Oh! I;d show a picture but i have... well... temporarily LOST.... my cord to hook my camera to my computer so I'll just have to wait till I get back home to do that. That's what i get for throughly cleaning the bedroom. :lol

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Welcome kiwikitti!

You've got lot of work ahead of you. At least it is enjoyable work. I'll add your afghans to the first post. They will be updated with a (COMPLETED!) once your finish them.

There is a CAL button in the first post if you would like to use it for your blog.

Good luck! Looking forward to hearing your progress.

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Oh dear me I know about all the work. I've been putting off finishing the tetris one for months and that pile of greens and pinks and purple squares is staring at me.



However, while I am working just happy and fine thinking I was getting somewhere on the tetris blanket I take a look at my work and see "oh! I'm sewing these on backwards." Thankfully, I noticed it fairly soon and I hadn't sewn in ends so it wasn't that hard to backtrack but I can say it did make me put it down for a bit! Now, I check a lot more before I just start sewing. :)

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I think I'm 2/3ds of the way through the Pinwheel, but I'm not sure, I haven't counted the motifs recently. I started the Bed of Roses afghan, but I'm thinking of frogging it and using a stitch pattern that takes less yarn. Maybe I'll do a giant granny square...I'll decide tonight or saturday night (I intend to watch Ice Station Zebra on one or both nights. It's this spy/mystery/suspense movie that was just MADE for crocheting to. Another good movie for crocheting to is Action in the North atlantic, I got a square done for the 63 squares CAL...)

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I'm usually watching food network and get distracted, hence my sewing things on backwards. Something I did again last night! Oh well. I got it fixed.


I have 9 of my rows sewn together and only 60 something black squares to make to finish the rest of the rows. They are mostly black so it was hard for me to get too excited to keep making 4" black squares over and over again...

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Here is the sage green section of my diagonal texture blanket. Took me three days to finish it up. Next will be the beige tan section. I might have to buy grey and one more color to reach 72". Now it's 60" so far.



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I've got about 1/3the squares of my Blushing Grannies being blocked right now and I'm working on others in between homework tonight. I'm hoping to have all the squares done, blocked, and ready to be sewn together by the end of this week, though. But, I have no progress on any of the other afghans and I bought the yarn today for another one. I'm not sure if I'm ever going to get finished with these.

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The kittens in a row afghan has been put on hold... I've got a new project going for x-mas. I hope to make some knit/crochet squares (7" x 7") and make those into an afghan. This project is better for me as I won't be making a bunch of the same square, so it keeps the project fresh :D

My siggy says 54 squares, but I've split the project with another crocheting family member so the total amount of squares should be 108. :eek This should be a pretty big afghan!


I've scoured all the free 7" square/dishcloth/hotpad patterns in both knit and crochet, and I think my eyeballs are about to fall out.... but if any of you have a 7" square pattern to recommend feel free!

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The kittens in a row afghan has been put on hold... I've got a new project going for x-mas. I hope to make some knit/crochet squares (7" x 7") and make those into an afghan. This project is better for me as I won't be making a bunch of the same square, so it keeps the project fresh :D

My siggy says 54 squares, but I've split the project with another crocheting family member so the total amount of squares should be 108. :eek This should be a pretty big afghan!


I've scoured all the free 7" square/dishcloth/hotpad patterns in both knit and crochet, and I think my eyeballs are about to fall out.... but if any of you have a 7" square pattern to recommend feel free!


Sounds like an exciting project! Good luck with it - I'll add it to the list.

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Woo, I am almost halfway with diagonal texture blanket - all up to tan section. All I have to do is buy medium gray, then it's all decreases from there. I am not sure about colors, maybe repeating colors in the same order. I will take a picture after I finish the gray section. :) By then, it should be about 6 feet width and height. Right now it is 67", 5 inches away from 6 feet goal.

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The last time I posted, it turned out I was only halfway, not 2/3ds, but I got 5 motifs done that day (and more later), so now I think I have 40/61. I'm not sure, I need to count again.


Well, halfway is still better than nothing! Maybe not as great as 2/3 but it still means progress.



My tetris one is soooo close to being finished. I modified the pattern a bit, cutting off the top rows since I'm afraid I'll run out of black and being no where near my stash or easy ways to get yarn, I decided to take that route. This means however I only have 5 black squares to make left, 2 rows left to sew together and then join onto the blanket and the border, which will hopefully make it a bit wider. That's the main reason I was worried about the black. I think it's just a tad too short width wise but with a border hopefully I can remedy that a bit. Then all that's left is to weave in ends. I don't know why I stopped doing this after the 4th row but I really don't mind doing to all at the end. I guess I'm just not destined to weave as I go!

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I got about 2 rounds done on a motif last night while watching a WWII movie (great movie, too. It's called Desparate Journey, and it's got Errol Flynn and Ronald Reagan in it.). I didn't really feel like working on it, so I got some work done on a fingie I'm designing for 'Pas de Crochet'.

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I have 12/48 squares done on one afghan and have had to put myself on a 'must complete so many squares a day' regimen. It HAS to be done in less than a month.


I have finally gotten around to ordering the yarn I need to finish the kids afghan I've been "working" on for 6 months.


Argh...I hate making afghans...why do I do this to myself??

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What I found to be a good idea when working toward a deadline is to watch sort of suspenseful movies, because then I tend to crochet faster. Try 'Foreign Correspondent', maybe. Unfortunately I couldn't find my crocheting when we watched that, or I would have got a lot done!

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What I found to be a good idea when working toward a deadline is to watch sort of suspenseful movies, because then I tend to crochet faster. Try 'Foreign Correspondent', maybe. Unfortunately I couldn't find my crocheting when we watched that, or I would have got a lot done!



LOL--Good idea!

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I can't watch movies that are really suspenseful or action filled when I crochet. I stop crocheting and then just watch the movie! Or really... any movie that I've been wanting to watch for a while.


But! All I have left to do is weave in all the ends for the tetris afghan! So close to being finished! I think the changes I made to the original pattern layout I had look really good also. I kind of wish I had had a grey to border the blanket with. More tetrisy that way, but the black looks just fine. And I have some left over to go towards my scrap ghan!

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