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Anyone starting on 2007 County Fair Projects and what are you going to make?

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Hi Everyone.


I am starting to think of what to make for the County Fair this year. I am thinking of a Round ripple afghan, a Christening dress and maybe a couple of little things.


I know my fair's not until the beginning of August, but I need some time to get my projects done.


I did quite well last year, and I hope to do it again this year. Maybe not 10 projects, but I will do 3 to 5.


It's just such a fun time for me. I love the fair and all that goes with it.



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I have entered the last two years and have done fairly well. This last year I made $37. I had 5 first place and 4 second place. My sister sews for the fair and one of her toddler dresses got Best of Show. She got a $25 gift certificate to walmart and her picture in the paper. Just talk to someone on the County Fair Board. Or check it out this year, get a county fair book, which will list all events, catagories, ect. And plan out what you will do for the following years fair. I know I pay $1 an entrie, last year I had 9 entries, so I actually came out $28 ahead. Its not much, but its fun to see people ooohhing and aaahhing over what you made. And you can actually leave your phone number on the ticket in case someone might be interested in buying that item. Although I have never had that happen to me yet. But its fun to do, and fun to see other peoples work.

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Yes I have lots of stuff ready for the fair. Last year I waited until a few weeks before to do stuff and now I know the catigories I can better plan. I am to doing a round ripple. I have a star gahn finished and some other stuff including a christening gown.

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I've actually been thinking of doing this for the first time this year! Not sure how many entries there'd be ... last year, multitudes came down with some dreaded illness at the fair due to water contamination on the fair grounds and it was so not great for bringing in the crowds. I could be in-like-Flynn!


What are some typical categories for crocheted fair entries?


How would a funky, artsy-type of doll go over? I love the idea of a Christening dress! And I think a Trish doily might do well.


Hmm ... good question! Must think on this more!

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To be HONEST, I have been contemplating, I am fortunate enough to live in the town the county fair is every year. We have the entry categories and even the forms right in our newspaper here in town. I DO belive this year I will get the courage to make something and get the expdrience, of course I wont even expect to PLACE or recieve a mention, but it will be a great learning experience for me, I feel. That between-the-meal centerpiece is STILL haunting me...I started one for last years fair, and then life happened and was unable to finish it in time, soooooo I still have that itch to make it for the fair, BUT, I used the one I started, and cheated on the finishing to give for Christmas, THUS I would have to start a new one, and it is a VERY tedious pattern, but BEAUTIFUL in the end.....

so, yes, I am planning, now to find the TIME..:think

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how do you go about finding county fairs that have contests for crochet items? this seems like a very fun thing to do!


Here's a site that will help you out.


If you scroll down to the bottom you'll see: Home Exonomics & Art Exhibits. Then below that you see the link that will give you the rules, fees and what is allowed to enter.


For anyone wishing to enter into fairs, in your search box key in

Agriculture Fair Association, texas (type your state).


Most times you should see a main web-site listing. If not, let me know and I'll try to be of more help.

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got side tracked here......i'm entering the Noah's Ark afghan in the Needlework Contest through the Grange. Got it all done and can concentrate on other crochet projects, oh yeah!

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I'm just finishing up a ripple afghan that I plan to enter in the Maricopa County Fair this April. I still have a couple months till Fair, which is HIGHLY unusual for me to be done with something so early! So, I was thinking that I may try and do another afghan (granny squares, probably) and maybe a scarf or a hat.... Then, I can start working on STATE Fair entries.

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