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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good job on your FG Linda--

wow, time has gone quickly. when you first mentioned making it, it sounded like you'd have a REAL long time to make it, but now the time is almost here !


I must live in a fog ... it seemed like it'd be like 6 months away !


Maybe that's one of your other items -- I know you have several in the works that have deadlines .

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Hi everyone!


Wow- I got in my car after work and while driving home the temperature was 93 degrees! :hotWhat!!:eek This is April, not July!! :lol


Marissa- Have fun at Hobby Lobby- my co-worker brought me a skein of I love this cotton- it's great- and I do love it! :c9

She went to the HL in Easton. One of these weekends I'm going to take a drive out there! How was the sixers game last night?


Linda- wow- you got a lot done on the flannel'ghan:clap Can't wait to see it when it's done!


Julie- I like your tips about the notebook to remember everyone/everything- Of course, as I'm sitting here on my chair with the laptop, I don't have a pencil or a notebook near me now and I'm being lazy and don't want to get up!


Since I work all day, I check in the morning b/4 work and then when I get home- there's a lot to remember!!! And this is what I'm usually doing-:think now who was it that said that??? :lol


Judy-Yes, Joba looked great.:clap He belongs in the bullpen- he's a natural for it-go out and throw heat and not think- I hope they don't mess with him again this year!


Dee-Dee- welcome to the house!


Cindy- sorry the weather didn't cooperate for you on your day off- but there's always things to be done inside- although my favorite inside activity is sitting with my hook and yarn! Hope you had a good one nonetheless!


LeeAnna- I checked out the hippo on the LB site- I can't wait to see yours! I've never made any ami's.


Brenda- sorry about the frogging/cutting out- been there done that- as have we all I'm sure-! You'll be glad that you did though. How's it coming along?


DH and I had ice-cream:icecream for dinner tonight:lol- He called and said what's for dinner? I said I feel like ice-cream- (half jokingly) and we went to get sundaes- buy one get one free- YUMMY!!!!


Well, I guess i better tackle that yarn barf so I can finish the round on the large granny


Have a good night everyone!

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Hi House :)

Just a question to see if we have any interested parties in this :

How many of you would like to be a part of a simple dishcloth exchange ?

It can be any pattern, knit or crocheted . You will only be signed up with ONE partner ,for ONE dishcloth .

The cost would be minimal to MAKE and to MAIL .

You could be the proud owner of a handmade dishcloth from one of your friends here in the House .

If you are interested , just post your comment below ,and we'll make up a list to see if we get a nice -sized group ,then go from there .

Thanks ! :yarn:yay:yarn:yay:yarn:yay

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I have part of the last block on strip 5 to do and then it's on to strip six. With luck I'll have it done by the end of the weekend. The next project with a deadline is mom's Mother's day/birthday quilt. Her birthday is May 20th. I still haven't cut the first strip or taken the first stitch on it, but it's planned out. First the flannelghan. :lol :lol :lol

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Jules...I'd like to participate in the dishcloth swap!! I'll crochet mine....or the recipient will have a long wait:lol

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Joanne....yup, 90 degrees today is way too early for NJ...but wait 2 days for our normal temp for this time of year: it'll be 53 on Saturday:lol


Enjoy the Yankee game! I don't think they'll mess with Joba...they have enough starters, for one thing...and I think the fans will revolt esp after seeing how good he is coming out of the pen!


Off to watch the first pitch of the game...


CU all tomorrow!:hug:manyheart

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Count me in on the dishcloth list...it's been a good long while since I've been involved in a swap...

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Julie, I'd be interested in a dishcloth swap too. Mine would most likely be crocheted too.


Its still pouring here, and the weather report still calls for some snow tomorrow.


And in other news, I think my computer has bit the dust. I can't get it to finish the start process. I suspect dh will go out and buy me a new one, because otherwise I'll be on his!


I'm sitting here alternately knitting a blue dishcloth or crocheting a green one. Knitting hurts my hands after a while, so I started a crocheted one.


I'm going to say good night. I have to work tomorrow and it is my grandsons birthday so we are going over there for dinner.

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Thanks LeAnna & Cindy-

Got your names down on the list !


Cindy- have fun at the birthday party tomorrow,and good luck on computer shopping .. Hope your hubby finds you one shortly,so you will have your own that works again.

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Oh,, wow, Linda

so you actually had 2 big ones due close to the same time !!!


Are you making the FGsuper-sized this time, or following the pattern size ?


My mom's and Cam's birthday are both May 15th !

The flannelghan is another super-sized one, but the border won't be as wide on this one.

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Yarn barf untangled! 3 more rows of the large granny done.


Julie- I had a soft vanilla sundae with hot fudge and whipped cream with a cherry on top! It really was good!


I'd be interested in the dishcloth swap- mine will be crocheted!


Back to my regularly scheduled Yankee game and the granny ghan.


Cya in the AM!

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Here's the Hippo...I'm not very good at embroidery, so all my animal faces are always a bit off...been like that for over 20 years...but she's done and next Tuesday she will go to live with River Sophia...really cute, I like her...might have to make myself a hippo...


Hope you like. I am so tired...I am off to bed...getting up early tomorrow to go visit my sister in law and my niece and nephew...

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Good morning Happy House!


LeAnna- your hippo is just too cute!!


Hope everyone has a nice day today and I'll be back later after work.


I'm a tad sleepy this morning- the game went to 10 innings- but it was worth a little less sleep since the Yankees won! We'll see how I feel after work though! LOL


Cya on the flip side!

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Good morning , LeAnna-

you are already probably in bed fast asleep -- looks like your post was late last night .


Love your hippo--especially the little ruffly diaper-bottom !!!




And good morning Joanne !


I'm glad you enjoyed the game last night. We don't watch a lot of baseball --but it sounds like we do have a few people in the group that love it-- so it'll be entertaining with you guys cheering for opposite teams .

Hope you're not too tired today after being up so late .

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Here's the Hippo...I'm not very good at embroidery, so all my animal faces are always a bit off...been like that for over 20 years...but she's done and next Tuesday she will go to live with River Sophia...really cute, I like her...might have to make myself a hippo...


Hope you like. I am so tired...I am off to bed...getting up early tomorrow to go visit my sister in law and my niece and nephew...

Oh, I love it!:cheer:clap It's really cute....the little girl is going to squal, grab it and hug it to death....:c9

I finished my Love Knot Symphony this week, then started Princess of Twilight, both from Crochet Garden.

That's beautiful!!!:cheer:clap

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Well, good morning to all...and Joanne, I join you in being sleep-deprived, but happy!


Cindy, have a wonderful time tonight:manyheart

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