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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good Morning, Ladies. :flower The sun is shining and we're going to start the initial clean up in the yard...so I'll be whining about sore muscles later. :lol


Shay ~ I'm go glad you're feeling better. Your blue afghan is stunning. :clap And your Yo-Yos are amazing...you need some kind of award for making that. :wink


Diane ~ Another beautiful afghan! Did you win at Bingo? Oh my, almost a year of rehab - but it sounds like you're doing really well. :hug


Linda ~ Can't wait to hear about your day at the quilt show!


Ann ~ We even like pictures of squares! Great progress. :cheer


Hi Julie ~ So sorry Cam is sick. :( Have a great crafting day!


Hi Nicole and Judy, too! :manyheart


I'm off to do laundry and pay some bills until it warms up a little more - then time to play in the yard. Have a wonderful morning, everyone.

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Yea, Jude

I am SO tempted to work on knitting myself . I found a beautiful bright yellow to try that baby pattern I found the other day ,but have tried to restrain myself til this 63 thing is complete for the weekend. We shall see. I may cheat a little and at least cast on and do a row or 2 to get a start on it.




Mary -wow, it'd be so nice to be able to go out and do yard work today. It's not too bad here -raining ,not super warm, but at least no snow,so I'll take it !

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Good Morning Everyone,


Well, Bingo was a blast last night. :no I didn't win anything but enjoyed myself very much. we played at the Elk's Lodge. Our dinner there was fish and chips w/cole slaw. It was sure good. One of my BFF's won 2 games ($50 each but she had to split with another winner). She also won a door prize...a coupon good for $5 off of her cards the next time she plays. She is excited to go again. :jumpyay


Shay, your blue afghan is stunning. Love the colors. The yo-yo is growing quickly. Don't know how you have the patience for that.


From Julie

Diane -- I really like the afghan you posted ,it's so different. Very unusual pattern, but real nice. I think a man would especially like it, but I do too .



Thanks, Julie. That pattern definitely reads "male" to me. Your signature line crackes me up.


Judy, Linda and Nicole, thanks for the complements.


From Mary

The sun is shining and we're going to start the initial clean up in the yard...so I'll be whining about sore muscles later.

I'll be so happy when we can start the clean up. Know what you mean about the sore muscles but isn't it so gratifying when you are done. It's like an immediate reward to see the yard all spiffy. :yes


Julie, What is the baby pattern that you will be using the yellow yarn for?


Judy, Linda, Julie and all of you knitters :knit out there. I got my Lion Brand yarn catalog yesterday and there is a gorgeous knit afghan pattern, done in squares called Fireside Patchwork http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/80753AD.html?noImages= Has anyone tried this?? It is so appealing to me. Just don't know if I have the nerve.


Got the last of my "63" books. I just want to jump into that and then I see Shay in here and I feel guilty because I got my yarn for the Tree of Life but haven't started that yet. Linda, as I recall you were using that pattern to make a thread table runner. Did you finish it? That sounded wonderful to me as well. Too many proects in my head.


Well, I'm off to work on Nemo. Have about 25 of 150 rows done. Need to wind some bobbins now. Hate that part of it, but a girl's gotta do.....


Have a great weekend. :hook


Can someone help me with a tutorial on how to quote a message here. I can't get it to show who the original poster was. :think TIA

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Hi Diane

Yep, I know what you mean about getting too many patterns you want to make and not enough time to do them all.

Here is the knit baby afghan I was talking about --



I looked at the knit link you posted -- it is lovely ,but no way could I do that yet. I'm a very basic beginner, I wouldnt be able to do all them fancy squares yet. Maybe in time, but not anytime real soon .

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My photos for the week...didn't get to much done,just some work on my Yo-Yos and my son-in-laws afghan.....spending the rest of the weekend on the square hoho that Julie has going.


That blue ghan is beautiful!! :clap The yo yo ghan is awesome, I could not do one of them. :cheer

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Hi, everyone! I'm finally home for the Sewing & Quilt Expo. Rosie and I had a blast! Lots of great vendors and fun people attending. I bought a 3 2/4 yard piece of beautiful oriental material in turquoises, 5 gold oriental fat quarters, and 3 - 1 yard pieces of miscellaneous material. Also bought a jacket pattern in a style that is very flattering on me and pretty simple to make. Then I bought Rosie 2 - 1 yard pieces of batik material as a thank you for doing all the driving. She outspent me by 3 - 4 times this time. We are both going to have several new projects from this trip.


Glad you had so much fun at Bingo, Diane. I haven't tried knitting an afghan. I have done a number of clothing items both by hand and on a knitting machine. I like the knitting machine better, because it's lots faster than doing it by hand.


Not sure what I'm doing tonight. Maybe just hang out. It rained several times again today, but we were inside for most of it. We even had a little hail.


Oh, and, the daffodils are in bloom here. Yeah! And so are some of the shrubs. We have had some yellow blooms, a lot of pink blooms, and few white blooms open in the last two days. It's still chillier than it should be, but a lot better than it's been.

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Evening Ladies :hug


Thanks for the great comments on my projects.The Yo-yo one is not hard and its mindless so its easy to just get in the zone and go with that....The blue one has been nixed....my son in law wants a quilt look so i handed him the computer and told him to look through Cara's quilts so it looks like i will be doing the ATW with Judy...oh well at least they are all solid and it will still be in the blues.


For the other knitting Ladies out there....this is my dream...one day i WILL do this :yes Have to learn how to Cable first!!


Yggdrasil Afghan Bed small



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Morning HH ladies

Well, another Tequila Sunrise here


Still dark out as of the moment -- don't forget time changes for those of you like me ,who did forget until this morning !!


I think we're supposed to have rain again, but I'll take it . better than snow. not real warm, I think maybe 40-something, but we can see the grass and snow is melted so it's good .


I worked on my 63's yesterday and did take a little time out last night to get a small start on the yellow knit baby ghan .It'll take me a LONG time even though the pattern is pretty easy, because I'm a slow knitter, but it's ok .


Tomorrow I will pull the castle back out and get back to it again . Possibly get clear down to the bottom so will have it done top to bottom at least one strip down .



Hope you all have a productive day today and can accomplish some of your crafting goals .

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just a quick hello from Barnes & Nobel's coffee shop...TG for free wi-fi.


We lost our power at 4:30 PM Saturday, and the electric company says it could take into Tuesday before it comes back...we may be pleasantly surprised, but we're not counting on it!

I'm alive but living like a pioneer...:P

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:hi All Happy House Friends !!!

I was looking for a hula dancing smilie, but to no avail, so I just have to say, "A-L-O-O-O-H-A!" I am so happy to be back :bounce My daughters and I are slowly getting back to reality, but it seems to be taking me a little longer than it does them. My littlest was awake at 3am on the morning before their return to school, and she never really settled back in for more sleep, because she was excited to see her friends, again :blinkI have the laundry all done, the summer clothes are stored away in the basement, the pantry is re-stocked, and I *think* I have read through all of the posts I missed here -- boy, you were a chatty and productive group while I was away . I love it :hook Please forgive me for not commenting on any particular posts, I would not even know where to start. Just know I have enjoyed all of the photos, and I am ready to jump back in as this new week gets off-and-running.

The tsunami warnings were a little more excitement than I really needed, but it was sooooo kind of you all to think of my little family during that time :manyheart Our apartment is in the inundation zone, and, while a vertical evacuation (go hang out above the 12th floor of a building) was suggested, our home only has 4 floors, so we needed Plan 'B'. We packed as much water, granola bars, and bags of fruit as we could carry, filled all of our pots and pans with water, as well as the bathtub, in case the city's water supply was compromised by the tsunami waves, donned our most comfy walking shoes and hiked up into the mountains. We made a base-camp at the University of Hawaii, about 5 miles inland from our apartment and prepared to stay there with about 150 other folks in an open-air Commons Area. The U set up a big screen television, so we had live news coverage of the waves, as they approached all of the islands, and we were in good spirits when the evacuation notice was lifted the same day it was issued. The Warning System was very effective, we felt warned and safe at the U. All-in-all, a little exciting, and, definitely, something the girls were able to share with their classmates that does not happen every year :yes We were SO lucky it was not any worse than it ended up being.

I finished 2 pairs of socks and 3 little pouch/purses during my absence. I am intrigued by the flannel 'ghan I am seeing here, I have another pair of socks on my hook at present, and I am playing around with another Baby 9-Patch quilt-ghan. For this week, that is enough projects to get me started. Have a GREAT WEEk, All!!


It's so nice to be "home.":ghug

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just a quick hello from Barnes & Nobel's coffee shop...TG for free wi-fi.


We lost our power at 4:30 PM Saturday, and the electric company says it could take into Tuesday before it comes back...we may be pleasantly surprised, but we're not counting on it!

I'm alive but living like a pioneer...:P

Thank you for letting us know you are alright, Judy! Stay safe and warm :hug Hasn't this weather, lately, been something else?!? I hope your power is restored before Tuesday.

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Hey Jude

Wondered where you were this morning, but thought maybe you guys decided to take a day trip someplace . Wow, too bad,, to be without power for that long. You never know how much you appreciate things til you don't have them. Hard to remember what it's like without stuff when you are used to flipping a switch,etc,and things just automatically work .

So are you planning on going back home ,or staying at a hotel orvernight ? Maybe you won't be able to answer -- if not, that's ok. Just stay safe. We'll miss you til you get back . Keep warm too .





Dusti- it's good to have you home. It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday .My girl and family live over there ,and on the tsunami day, my husband kept trying to call and couldnt get through ,so was in touch over the computer with her. She said they weren't scared at all, because they are far inland and on the army base ,so they felt safe that they would have had warning and been evacuated in time if need be, but I guess it turned into a tempest in a teapot for them anyhow .


Take care and "rest up" from vacation. Usually takes you awhile to get back into the swing of things.

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Evening Ladies :hug


Thanks for the great comments on my projects.The Yo-yo one is not hard and its mindless so its easy to just get in the zone and go with that....The blue one has been nixed....my son in law wants a quilt look so i handed him the computer and told him to look through Cara's quilts so it looks like i will be doing the ATW with Judy...oh well at least they are all solid and it will still be in the blues.


For the other knitting Ladies out there....this is my dream...one day i WILL do this :yes Have to learn how to Cable first!!


Yggdrasil Afghan Bed small



Oh, WOW!!! More power to you.

just a quick hello from Barnes & Nobel's coffee shop...TG for free wi-fi.


We lost our power at 4:30 PM Saturday, and the electric company says it could take into Tuesday before it comes back...we may be pleasantly surprised, but we're not counting on it!

I'm alive but living like a pioneer...:P

Oh, my, Judy. Hope it's not out for that long. Stay safe and warm.


Welcome back, Dusti! :hi You've been missed. I'm so glad to hear that your vacation went well and that the tsunami didn't cause the damage that was predicted.


Diane, I was doing the Tree of Life in thread, but last night it went to the frog pond. It was just too small when done in that size thread. I went for row after row with no visible progress. So, I pulled out a bunch of my thread crochet pattern books and found a fillet crochet piece that I liked and started it last night. It will be approximately 40" by 40" when done. It will take me a while, but will be a nice, easily portable piece to work on during the summer. The starting chain was 424 chains long! And the first row is solid dcs. I'm about half way through the first row.


Julie, I forgot about the time change, too. That means that I woke up at 2:30 this afternoon. I was playing catch up on missed sleep from the previous three nights I guess.


Didn't loss any weight this week, but didn't gain any either. Considering how poorly I did with my diet, I'm happy. And I still have about three blocks to do on the dragonghan to get caught up. So, not too bad.


Unhappy news. We discovered that mice have gotten into the closets in the master bedroom which is where the Lady of the Lotus quiltghan was. The mice chewed some holes in it and another afghan that was in there. :eek Hopefully I'll be able to fine matching yarn for the destroyed squares and be able to repair it. I was really upset and I'm still far from happy about it, but I think it's doable. A lot of work, but doable. :sigh I haven't even looked at the other one yet. :sigh It's done in somewhat larger granny squares, so it may be fixable, too. We'll see. :sigh

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Wow, Linda

sorry to hear about the mice. YEK, those things give me the willies. We get them in our garage a lot .

One got in the house once ,and I about lost it. I don't know why I'm afraid of them, I just don't like any wee little crawling things. they give me the heebie jeebies .


That is such a shame that they did the damage to your quilts. I sure hope you can fix them.

May have to find some of the big rubber tub containers to store your projects in so they can't get to them anymore .

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Morning ladies


Well, I keep wondering about Jude and how she's faring with no power. I rarely watch the news anymore ,so didnt realize what a bad storm hit over that way. It must have been a doozy .


I hope they are staying warm and dry .


As for here, it's grey out today,but no rain as of now . Looks like it might ,but I dont know if it will or not . I just sit around in a fog sometimes and don't pay much attention to stuff . :think


I plan on pulling out my castle today and working on it some more . Due to circumstances beyond my control, I was unable to see Cam all weekend ,which was a killer, but maybe was for the best, considering the circumstances.


Life works in odd ways, though. I was really sad this morning since I missed him on the weekend , but Steph called early this morning to ask if I could keep him and get him off to school, so luckily I DID get to spend some time with him . Not long enough,but any time at all is good at this point . I'd sure be lost without him, I know that .


So,today I am building his castle again ! Will put away my 63 for a few days and concentrate on something more colorful for awhile .


I hope all of you are good today and have decent weather, yarn ,hooks, and a nice drink sitting next to you ,with a piece of CAKE .


CAKE makes every day better . :D

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Good morning, Julie. And good morning to the rest of the Happy House gals, too. The sun is shining this morning! Whee!! It's pretty windy, too. Oh, and by the way, the daffodils are in bloom! Finally! We have flowers! And the grass has gone from brown to green! Whee!!


I managed to get 6 rows done on my filet crochet piece yesterday. And it looks like it's going to be about 47" wide. With a border it should be a nice tablecloth for a little table.


I think the dragonghan is calling to me today.

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That sounds peachy ,to have daffodils and sunshine ! Cannot wait ! We have something trying to peek up outta the ground in our yard ,not sure yet if it's tulips or what. I can't remember what I planted there ,but I think it's tulips . I think they might be AFRAID to come out just yet ...


Anyhow, there are a few small signs here that spring will be on the way ,so I think we may make it another winter through into spring .


Looks like we both have the same plan today-- saltines !


I made a run to the p o and bank(payday),then had to run to the store ,and ended up getting the bright idea to buy "just a couple gizmos to dude up the house ,and the gizmos ended up being 84 bucks worth .

Remind me to stay outta the store,would you ?


I'm dangerous on payday . Too many GIZMOS .


I make a list, but if I get one thing, then I see another ... vicious cycle, you know ?


Well, I'm back in safe territory. Back home , nothing to BUY ...just gotta put my gizmos up and then get busy on my saltines.


OH -- AFTER I fold laundry , do dishes ,and sweep the living room .


Do I REALLY have to do that stuff today ? I guess I should . I could wait til about 4 PM, then run my rear off and try to do it all at once .


Better not pull out the saltines, or I'm sunk. Wrinkled clothes still in the laundry basket ,crunchy floor from Cam's cookie crumbs ,dirty dishes in the sink ,and no supper started , NOR any idea of what to make .

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hi again...from the town library this time.


Dumped the contents of the fridge and freezer this AM:(


good thing: it gave me an opportunity to really clean that sucker once it was empty:lol


It's only ib the 40's, so with a killer, thick, comforter on top of what we already have we were okay last night. Dogs seem to like a house on the cool side, too:lol


We'd have to find a pet friendly hotel if we had to bail (almost all our neighbors did), but we're managing. Haven't had to cook for days:D


almost 200,ooo people without power in NJ...and a few people were killed by falling trees. We saw major damage to the beach front we love going to when we drove there yesterday.


Anyway - all I did was crochet...and pull the covers over my head.

This is getting old and someone who shall remain nameless is becoming short tempered. Lack of heat (and his favorite electric blanket) will do that.


No work being done on the fallen wire and tree in our neighborhood as of yet...I' HOPING for tomorrow, at this point!


CU when I can.

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Judy, hang in there. I really, really hope they get your power back on soon.


Julie, sounds like you had fun finding you gizmos. I've got some of that housework stuff to do today, too. Empty the dishwasher, fold and put away clothes, give Kim her shower, fix supper, etc.


I managed to get 11 saltines made while Kim had lunch. I've earned enough for about 3 blocks I think. Two will finish off the top two rows. And that is 1/4 of the way to completion. And about 1/4 of the way to my weight goal.

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Sure good to hear from you. I was thinking of all the food going to waste. A few times when our electric went out I worried about that, but ours was never out for that long a time .


I will wager to guess the short fused person is NOT you. I cannot imagine YOU having a short fuse ! You always seem so diplomatic and polite ,so even under trying circumstances, I bet you keep calm .


I would probably tend to be the short fused type too, so I can't say I blame him. I lose my temper too when deprived of basics like warmth, food and my own dry place to be, with my own shows on tv, my computer working ,etc.


I hope your insurance will cover loss of items or damage to anything outside .


I'm glad you were able to check in . Hang in there. We are all thinking of you .

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Well, Linda

You got more squares accomplished than me. I finally got everything else fairly well done. Still need to fold the laundry and make supper, but that's it, so hopefully a night of saltines ahead .


I hope to have the castle done at least down to the bottom on the first edge clear down,so we shall see. I will concetrate on it this week and put other things aside for now .


Will stop in later -

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