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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Let's see ....colorful :


skittles candy





bowls of fruit


teletubbies ...........please tell me you dont have the teletubbies punched into your backside .

see the highlighted portion above...and the rest I won't tell you...not in public, anyway:lol:lol:lol

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I'm going to post this on the Pirates CAL, but wanted to show you ladies who don't go over there:

This is to keep Sparkie's dirty paws from getting on the comforter when he comes to snuggle. He hangs around the bottom portion of the bed. It's 50 by 84 inches.



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Happy Sunday, Ladies. :rain We've had a nice, slow rain all day and it can stop now. :lol


Shay ~ :hug I hope your throat feels better very soon. Your Mario ghan sounds great! And add me to the followers of Criminal Minds...Reed is just adorable. :)


Linda ~ Reading about your Saturday wore me out. ;) Congratulations on your new "skinny" clothes. :clap You should be very proud of yourself. :manyheart


Judy ~ Your morning walk sounds wonderful. My sister and I were planning a long walk today, but the weather didn't cooperate. :no


Julie ~ We used to ride our bikes to the park all the time. We'd take a lunch, build dams in the creek, be gone for hours and our parents didn't have to worry back then. A couple of years ago, people in our city voted down a new park to be built near us! :( I was furious...when I voted, I just assumed it would pass - who wouldn't want another park?


Sorry, Julie. No cake at the shower yesterday. :lol But there was the most delicious food...all made by the hostesses. There were several small finger sandwiches, scones, and about a dozen other things. They even had champagne and coffee punch. I don't like coffee, but the punch had cream and ice cream and chocolate shavings and I had two cups. :blush It was a wonderful afternoon and DD received beautiful gifts. Can't wait to see the Little Guy in person. :c9

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My X DIL has a really pretty flower tattoo on her backside -- it's got vines and doodads on it . Looks real pretty .


I like your new Jackson -- looks real nice and the colors look well together ! Nice and big too .





Mary -it sounds like the shower was lots of fun, even without cake ! When is the baby due, I'm sorry if I asked before, I don't remember you saying ?

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Hi, gals! Looks like I missed a lot this weekend. This is just a quick post...I have to get ready for the work week. :yuck


Julie - I have four cats. Pipsy, Jackson, Cooper and Oliver. They are sweet kitties and make me smile a lot. :manyheart


Just wanted to show you all the colors I picked for the living room. I have two strips sewn together on the flannelghan and the new curtains up. I'm loving the look so far. It's so different...the colors are a lot softer than the usual, harsh primary colors I had before. Anywho, thanks for looking. I'll catch up more tomorrow.



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Hi, everyone. I'm back home after running around again this afternoon. I bought two more tops on sale, one's black and the other is orange. I bought a wreath that was on clearance for $5. I'm going to take the flowers off of it and use them for this year's Kentucky Derby hat for me. John has to shoot two turkeys this spring so I'll have the tail feather to decorate his hat and Kim's hat. They are going to be matching "Kenturkey Derby" hats. Got books at GoodWill. Got curtain rods for the new curtains. Had lunch at Panda Express and supper at Five Guys Burgers & Fries. Now I'm ready to crash.


Judy, I love the bed protector.


Hi, Julie, Nicole, and Mary.

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My X DIL has a really pretty flower tattoo on her backside -- it's got vines and doodads on it . Looks real pretty .

Mine is pretty, too...:devil

I like your new Jackson -- looks real nice and the colors look well together ! Nice and big too .

Thanks...I purposely steered away from brights on this project (my friendship ghan is going to have lots of those colors:lol)

Just wanted to show you all the colors I picked for the living room. I have two strips sewn together on the flannelghan and the new curtains up. I'm loving the look so far. It's so different...the colors are a lot softer than the usual, harsh primary colors I had before. Anywho, thanks for looking. I'll catch up more tomorrow.



Very, very pretty!!!:cheer

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Hi ladies,

Had a great weekend watching NASCAR and crocheting.


Nicole - Putting some squares in the mail for you tomorrow :yes


Mary - Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the shower. Bet you are excited for that baby! :c9


Shay- The Mario afghan sounds great. Looking forward to seeing pics of it. Kids do grow up way to fast. My middle grandson is 17 and just informed me he is now 6'3". OMG. Hard to believe, I just think of when he was a little guy and would visit us on vacation. He would take his shower and then holler at me from the bathroom...Get ready G-ma. I would hold a towel up and he would run thru the house yelling "I'm a naked jaybird" and then jump in the towel for me to dry him off. I still call him Jaybird to this day. :lol


Linda - What a fun weekend, shopping, new clothes for the new bod. Congrats on the weight loss.:woo I'm kinda stuck at a plateau. I've lost between 75-80 lbs. Took about a year. I've been stable for the last few months, but need to lose more. I keep fluctuating on those 5 lbs, it goes up 5 then down 5. If I could just get past that point :thair


Judy- Wow, Sparkie is sure lucky. I am jealous. Wonderful afghan. Your tatoo?? :flower


Julie - Yup, dogs do get grey hair. In fact, we had a basset/beagle years ago and by the time Brutus was 13 he was totally white haired. He just looked faded.


O.K. So Friday it was :sun and we BBQ'd steaks. Yummy. They were so good. Then Saturday morning it was windy, windy, windy. We have tumbleweeds stacked up 5' high all along our fence line. By Saturday night we had :storm Woke up this morning to :2rain and this afternoon it was :flake I'm telling you, I don't know how to dress anymore or whether to fix hot tea or ice tea. :think


I prowled ebay this weekend. Trying to find "The Ultimate Book of Southwest Afghans". It is a discontinued book from Annie's Attic. Got outbid in the last few seconds. Dang it! I found it at Amazon (used, of course) but they want $57 for it. :eek Guess I will just have to keep watching ebay.


Hope you all have a wonderful week ahead. I'm making plans with my girlfriends...maybe playing Bingo on Friday nite. :clap

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Wow, that afghan is going to match EXACTLY !!! You couldnt have gotten any closer on the colors .


Are your cats men or ladies ?


I noticed one on the back of the couch. I like those kinds of cats - the big,meaty strong-looking type, like they look TOUGH, you know, like they aint scared of ANYTHING or ANYBODY .

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Hole smokes,

You are making me tired. You certainly had an eventful weekend,with lots of stops to make and things to do.


You certainly do keep busy all the time .. That's good, though ,to always have lots of things in the works of stuff to do .

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Do you have a picture of your doggie when he was younger ,then old with white hair ?


I am really not very smart about pets .


I had a pet cat when I was a kid, but he was a man cat and not the type who liked people bothering him much. He wasn't mean .He didnt bite or scratch ,but he liked doing what he wanted. He was kinda an outside AND inside cat,so he went where he wanted .


He wasn't the type that wanted people picking him up and holding him, he liked laying on the floor and sleeping .sometimes you could pet him, but he'd rather just kinda go about his business and do whatever he wanted .


So, he was a good pet, but not one that wanted or needed much attention .


My sister had a little poodle of some type . I never was too wild about him -- I always called him a sissie dog, only just to make her mad,because my cat COULD have beat up her dog, IF he would have wanted to . But my cat KNEW he could've done it ,but he had the attitude of WHY BOTHER ? I have BETTER things to do .

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Hi, Diane;) TY for the flowers:lol:lol

I know about the weather...turn off the heat during the day and the next morning it's freezing and it has to go on again!:P

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Judy - Your afghan is gorgeous! I really like that one....is it the Jackson Afghan that you were working on?


Mary - Sounds like the shower was nice. I bet you can't wait for the baby! :cheer


Julie & Judy - I have four tattoos. All of them are on my arms....two on each. The way they are done, they look like two though. Mine are all black. I have my name and a little desgin on the right arm. I have Xavier Ian with wings and a halo on my left wrapped around the Chinese Character for luck.


Linda - My you have been busy! I was lazy pretty much all weekend. :blush


Diane - Thanks for the squares! :hug I"ll be sure to let you know when they arrive. It sounds like you have had the same kind of weather problems we all have this winter. It has been crazy everywhere. We're supposed to warm up a lot this week though. Up into the 60's be Friday. :cheer


Julie - Thanks! :hug I really like the way it's turning out. Regarding the cats, I have one girl (Pipsy) and three boys. Pipsy is definitely the queen. The boys and I are her servants. :yes




Well, back to work for me. :sigh I have always wished the weekend lasted longer.

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Nicole, yes, it's the Jackson ghan...my version:lol

...and I waited till I was in my 50's before getting a tattoo...you're way ahead of me!;)

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Judy - I had all four of mine by the time I was 23. I doubt I get anymore. I got my first when I was 17. I'm a product of my generation! I really like the Jackson Square Afghan. I thought about making it for the new furniture, but decided on the flannelghan instead. I might go ahead and make it for the other couch. :D

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Good Morning, Ladies. ;) I'm in slow motion this a.m. - lots of activity and just now feeling back to normal from being sick. The guest room sheets and bath laundry can wait...they're upstairs and out of sight. :lol


Julie ~ Little Luke is supposed to arrive around the first of April. :D DD is now going to the Dr. once a week on Thursdays. The Dr. says things are right on schedule as of now.


Nicole ~ Your flannelghan is lovely! The colors are just perfect with your new furniture. :cheer I'm sorry I can't remember - is it Cooper that has Diabetes? How is he doing on the meds?


Linda ~ Your Derby hat ideas are great! Loved seeing them last year. :yes


Hi Judy! Has Sparkie tried out his new afghan yet? ;) That is such a great idea.


Diane ~ I hope you're able to find your book. Maybe you could post here on the 'Ville and see if anyone has one you could buy?


I'm going to HL today and hopefully get yarn for Just Ducky...I completely forgot that DH gave me a $100 gift card for Christmas. :blush Now it's in my billfold, so I'll always have it with me. I've bought yarn there at least twice lately and never even thought of it...that is definitely "a senior moment" or two. :lol


And no tatoos for me - but it's never too late. :D

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Mary - I agree about the laundry! Out of sight, out of mind!!! :yes Yep, it's Cooper with diabeties. He's the one in the picture on the back of the couch. He's doing well. He has lost about three pounds. :cheer He hasn't had anymore major problems like seizures or anything, thank goodness. Thanks for asking about him. :manyheart

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Morning, ladies. I don't usually do that much on the weekends, but I was in the mood and just had to get out of the house and DO! There's a quilt show next weekend, but after that I'll be good again and play it cool on the weekends. Besides, turkey season starts in two weeks. :lol :lol :lol


Diane, plateaus during weight loss are really annoying. Hang in there. :hug You'll make it. I've got to get back to being serious on my diet after a week of goofing off. It's not nearly as much fun, but the only way I'm going to get to where everyone wants me to be. Sigh! :sigh

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Mary....getting a tattoo in my mid 50's was a liberating moment. I did it while Phil was out of town, working. He didn't think I'd do it:lol


...and Sparkie hasn't tried out his blankie yet...I wanted to put it through a wash cycle with fabric softener so there wouldn't be any static electricity. It's on the bed now. There are times he leaps off the bed and you can see the electricity he generates from his fur!

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Hi Guys

Just a quick check in before shutting down for the night.


Mary- Luke is such a cute name . Love it !


Our police chief in town has a birthday on April 1st. He's a real nice guy and very funny, so your Luke will turn out to be just as good I bet . Cannot wait to see a picture of him .


Will yak more tomorrow guys. I'm beat tonite.

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