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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Linda, I think Dusti comes back in another week or so:think


Can't wait to see your ghan!


I guess I'd better make sure my pics are posted for a finish on the Games thread...

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Hey Shay

wonderful idea for all your scrap color squares -- that'll be real cute .


Mary - look for the Dr Seuss if you have any .Cam loved them best of all . I also read him all the old time fairly tales .


Linda-good job on getting that huge whopper of an afghan completed ! You are one powerhouse of a crocheter to complete something that huge in that short a time !!!


Jude- my little Chickadee --you are always getting so much done -- you must be an extremely well organized person. I always THINK I'm organized, but at the end of the day, I never have as much progress made as I think I will .

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Hey Linda- no rush on this -- just whenever you get time .


On your castle pattern if you count down from the left hand side ,the 9th row down,then the 3rd stitch over(between the lt and dk grey ones )can you tell me what that square is supposed to be ? I can't tell if it is supposed to be a halfand half square or a window square ?


Thanks very much,and no rush. I have all my saltines done to make my second block, but have to sew them together so it'll be awhile til I am ready to make the next set of squares . :)

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Julie ~ Yes! We have most of the Dr. Seuss books. I went upstairs a while ago and looked through everything. DD had Goodnight Moon and many others memorized. :lol We could never skip a page without her noticing. ;)


Linda ~ Thank you - I woke up this a.m. feeling as close to normal as I have in days! In a couple of days, I should be over this crud.


I think Judy is right...I think Dusti is going to be home later this week.:think I thought of her yesterday when they thought the tsunami might hit Hawaii! We've missed you, Dusti! :manyheart


Well, too many family phone calls this evening...hopefully more crochet time tomorrow.


Have a good evening, all. :yes

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Sorry guys I haven't posted. I haven't been crocheting either because I am having to start tutoring my great nephew in reading and math so I've spent most of my week preparing for that. Tutoring is going to cut big time into my crocheting time since for awhile at least we are doing 3 nights a week and probably two hours sessions at least so I've decided to put my Techn. Hearts afghan on the back burner for now and get started on my daughter's wedding present an afghan that will cover her full size bed. That way I am sure it will be done by Dec. when she gets married. So, I've bought the yarn for that and will be posting it as I go along. It is going to be a project that doesn't really follow any one pattern but a couple different patterns put together. She loves butterflies and so I am using a multi color yarn in green/blue/purple-pink (the best way to describe the third color in this yarn) and a plain green and a plain cream color. It will be done in squares but in ones that are crocheted as you go along and then just the strips put together I think, either that or individual squares. The butterfly squares will be done in sc like a charted pattern but the other blocks will be done in a combo sc/hdc alternating back and front loops as well and possibly with the hdc worked through the stitch in a twisted wort of way that will make a subtle but different look to the stitch, these done with the cream yarn, and then either the strips or squares crocheted together and the border done in the green. That is the best way I can think of to describe what I'm planning on doing. I don't want it to look too girlish since she is getting married and this is a gift for them but at the same time I don't want it to look to plain either so I'm going to be experimenting and yes. I will write the pattern down as I go and post it once it is finished. IF I get a square or two done this week I will post them so you can see what I'm doing. First I have to get the baby afghan sewn together and at lest one of the little outfits done for this baby that will be here in 3 weeks. Well, take care and hopefully no more snow for us or any of you. I love the snow but I'm ready for spring!

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Mary, just went back and took a look at your ripple afghan. Now I have to say ladies, ripples are my least favorite afghan to work, I don't know why but I just don't like doing ripples but Mary, the one you did is beautiful!

Going through my kids books this week also and went to the store to buy some on my great-nephew's reading level and what did i end up buying Dr. Seuss. For some reason kids just love Dr. Seuss, and adults do too, and they are so easy and fun to use with kids who have trouble with reading. I do tend to like the real Dr. Seuss better than the Beginning readers that are published under the Dr. Seuss label but by different authors. I came home from the store and sat down and read through half of them myself just so I could refresh my mind on them before Cameron, my great-nephews name, comes tomorrow for his third tutoring session.

Julie- How old is your Cam? and is his full name Cameron also? I read where you haven't been feeling too well, I hope you are doing better. I know the exhaustion route all too well, and the scare with the mammo too. I am going through this myself right now. I got a scary one a few years back where they had to go in and take little pieces of the place for a biopsy but it came back that there was just a thick place in my tissue. This time they tell me there is a place under my right arm that they are watching because they don't like to do biopsy's there because of the bleeding risk, so I go back this month to have another mammo and ultrasound as well. My grandmother died from lymphoma that started under her arm so I'm a little more apprehensive about this one although I can't say that I'm actually worried because I don't do that route anymore. I just refuse to do it and instead give everything to God to handle and leave it with Him. So these last six months waiting for the second round of mammo/ultrasounds flew by and I was shocked at how fast the time went. I call in the morning to make my appt. Will deal with whatever they decide when the time comes. Anyway, about the tiredness. I know this is not going to be easy to hear but have they checked you for CFS or Fibromyalgia? I went through a similar bout and they finally decided in my case that it is Fibromyalgia that is causing a lot of my problems with tiredness etc. Of course, I have more symptoms than the tiredness but that is the one thing that really makes a difference on how I feel. If I'm really tired, and yes have those crying spells as well, then I am usually having a Fibro flare up and within a day or two my other symptoms kick in and rage also. The tiredness was the first symptom that I had that I actually noticed so much I sought out medical help. I hate doctors, and specialist, and I know how scary it is to go to another doctor and have to explain what your are going through only to be looked at like you are crazy, and hopefully you haven't been told this but, usually told it is all in your head. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know you are not alone in this and if you ever need to talk you can send me a private message and vent with someone who has been there and understands. I will be keeping you in my prayers.

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That's good that you have lots of Dr. Seuss. We collected all we could find for Cam,and he has a really nice set of them now, even lots of old ones that are out of print .I'm going to save them for him for when he grows up to give his kids .

Yes, he also has Goodnight Moon. We read that before he took his naps . It was always a restful book to read .

You are gonna have SO much fun being a grandma . Nothing better in the world .



And I am REALLY glad you are feeling better now !

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Hi, Jules, Sue and Mary!


Jules...I'm fairly organized because if I want to do my crafts I need to keep up with my house. Phil is neat...and organized...and really can't handle mess. He saw losts of that when he was a cop and would go into homes of really creepy people...so he associates disorder with negative situations.

I try to be organized...occasionally I need a reminder:lol



Sue - you have lots on your plate! Looking forward to seeing what you do!

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I'll be interested to see how your wedding -gift afghan looks. It sounds real interesting. You must have quite the talent to combine so many different techniques into one . I would never be able to do that. I have to have a pattern to follow .


As for my illness, yes, I have heard several of the same terms you have mentioned . I guess I am trying to look at it like this :


I know what the possibilities are ,so I am looking at it realistically . I know it could be something that will be a long-term illness that won't go away ,or that might affect my life daily in some way .


There's also a chance that it could be something less severe that won't be quite as bothersome .


At this point, there are too many different things it COULD be ,and since I'm not real good at thinking about all the COULD-BE's , I just try to be brave and say whatever it is, I'll deal with it because I HAVE to . I have no choice .


The only thing I can do right now is listen to my Dr and trust her and follow her advice. She is sending me to a specialist ,so I have to see what he finds next . Then we'll see where we go from there .


My Dr has become like more of a friend to me than a Dr . She tells me if Life gets to be too much, then split it into smaller pieces. She says just wake up and think about TODAY . If TODAY looks too overwhelming, think about one hour .


So,with her help,and I have a husband who is as solid as Plymouth Rock ,and you guys are great backup support .Cam (yep,his full name is Cameron) is the sparkle in my life , and thankfully ,things with my girl are real good again.She calls almost every day and talks for hours .


So I have a system of backups who can scrape me off the floor if I need it .


I think I'll be ok, once I find the answer and know what I'm dealing with .


This not knowing is like dangling over the Grand Canyon by a shoestring .

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Morning Chickadee !


You are up with the birds !!! No, I bet the birds are still hiding out. Too cold for them to be out yet !


As for organized, our house is semi-organized. Everything is where it is supposed to be, but not like file-cabinet-organized .

Like- shoe-box organized .


I have things put in their places .. but it might take some digging to find something .I know where it is ,as far as general area, but not precisely .

We don't have clutter, though . I HATE clutter ... and not a packrat. If I don't USE it, I don't keep it .

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Jules....what Sue said about the CFW and fibro...is right on. It can be hard to diagnose, but can be the cause of that debilitationg fatigue. The firbro causes severe pain all over your body.

My issues came after a case of the flu about 20 years ago...and after some years it disappeared...though I still have problems when I catch illnesses. They hit me harder than most people, but fortunately I seem to only catch a cold once a year or so....I can deal with that 2 plus weeks of feelign miserable as a trade off for not having the other issues!


...sorry to go on...but. like Sue, I wanted tor eassure you that you can get through this.:hug


:)...and my soon-to-be 32 yo son LOVED Dr. Suess...and wouldn't let me skip pages, either:lol

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Jules...the dogs are having their breakfast:)


And the birds have been chirping lately at dawn...the temps are moderating and they've been busy eating the berries from my burning bushes and the mistletoe :)


We have file cabinets...it's MY junk...desk drawers...patterns...that need attention paid to them! PURGED is the word.

I just need to get mad and just throw stuff out....I mean, really - how many patterns and pld pics and cards am I REALLY going to look at?

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Thanks for the info Jude


Yea, I'm thinking it could POSSIBLY be something along the line of one of those type illnesses. My Dr has brought up some of those to me, but she is pretty cautious when talking to me, because she knows how I am. I tend to go into panic mode if I hear too many "possible" things it could be .

It seems when I hit 50, everything broke . I know whatever I have now isn't going to be a simple fix ,and it's not a simple ailment .It's affecting too many different body parts .


I'll be ok if I can stay strong mentally. When I let down my guard and mentally lose it, then I feel too weak, like I won't have the power to fight things off . I HATE feeling weak . So, I need to stay focused and strong .

I need to be like Braveheart .

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Just save a couple cards ---- I do that . I LOVE cards ... I have some cards and letters from many years ago, from relatives who passed away decades ago .


Those aren't replaceable and I wouldn't take a million dollars for one of them .


Yea, i'm a sentimental old fool, but I am BIG time into preserving memories of people who are no longer with me .

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Just save a couple cards ---- I do that . I LOVE cards ... I have some cards and letters from many years ago, from relatives who passed away decades ago .


Those aren't replaceable and I wouldn't take a million dollars for one of them .


Yea, i'm a sentimental old fool, but I am BIG time into preserving memories of people who are no longer with me .

yup. I have cards from my mother and MIL...:c9

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Hi, all. I am a pack rat big time and come from a long line of pack rats. I do have to do some sorting and pitching this year, but I'll wait until the weather is nicer. And procrastinate as long as I can after that! :lol :lol :lol


I finished my monster flannelghan before the deadline. And that included hiding all the many tails. Now to get the yarn and start on another one (done the regular way) for John's son's wedding. I have until mid April on that one, so it won't be so rushed. These pictures show it on John and Kim's queen sized bed. Nice and generous, so nobody has parts of them that aren't covered. :tup





It's sunny today and somewhat warmer, too. That's nice since I have an appointment with my kidney doctor at 1:00 this afternoon. Hopefully he will be pleased. All the lab work turned out well. We'll see.


More later.


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Good Morning, Ladies. :) We're having rain again...just heard we could even have a little snow later. :eek What a winter this has been for North Texas!


Hi Sue ~ Your wedding afghan sounds wonderful! We love pictures. :yes And I would love to take credit for the gorgeous ripple :wink ...but Shay is the one that made it. :yes It is truly the prettiest ripple I've seen!


Julie ~ Yes, not knowing is so hard. :hug I'm sorry you're having to go through this and always remember we are here when you want to talk. Meanwhile, we expect you to show us lots of saltines before long! :devil


Judy ~ This house could do with some purging, too. :lol DH saves everything, but at least he's very neat about it. :)

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Linda, it's gorgeous! I can't believe you finished that it two weeks. :cheer:clap

Thanks, Mary. There were several days when my hands were hurting, that I wasn't sure it would get done, but I made it with about 20 minutes to spare. :lol :lol :lol

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WOW -- I cannot BELIEVE how HUGE that is !!! I bet it weighs a TON !!!! How much yarn did it end up taking ,do you remember ?


It is really pretty ,and good for you for finishing in time !!


Good luck at your Dr-- glad the labwork came out good, so your Dr shouldnt have any bad stuff to say that way .


Mary- yep, I'll get Sam to be my picture man this week. I'm gonna try to get back on my photo Friday routine, so will see if he will take photos of my stuff I get done in each of my CAL's on Thursday nights, then I can post them by Friday mornings .


I have the top left block of the castle ghan done and put together and putting together the next one down this morning .


Hope you dont get any more of the white stuff down there. I know we are thoroughly tired of it here .

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WOW -- I cannot BELIEVE how HUGE that is !!! I bet it weighs a TON !!!! How much yarn did it end up taking ,do you remember ?


It is really pretty ,and good for you for finishing in time !!


Good luck at your Dr-- glad the labwork came out good, so your Dr shouldnt have any bad stuff to say that way .


I have the top left block of the castle ghan done and put together and putting together the next one down this morning .


Hope you dont get any more of the white stuff down there. I know we are thoroughly tired of it here .

No, it does not weigh a TON! Just 7 pounds. :lol :lol :lol


Julie the square in question is a window square. First round in black and second round in whatever color you are using for that shade of the wall.


Mary, two years ago during the crochet games I did have to pull an all-nighter to get done in time. I had 20 minutes to spare this time. :lol :lol :lol

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Shay - I love the idea of using up the old saltines! You're ripple afghan is simply gorgeous. I really wish I had more patience to make afghans especially after seeing such great works of art like your's.


Sue - It's very nice that you're going to be tutoring your great nephew. Best of luck with that.


Julie - Hang in there and when you need to stay strong...come here. I'll kick you in the rear until you perk up! :D


Linda - I absolutely love your flannelghan!!!!! Great job! :yes I hope your doctor is pleased, too. It's exciting that your lab work turned out well.


Mary - You have had a crazy winter. I hope you don't end up getting any snow as predicted. We haven't had a winter this snowy here in several years....since I was a kid or something like that. It has been nothing compared to the east coast though.


Judy - Hi there! :hi


Well, I thought I would be in mourning today after the USA lost to Canada in hockey, but I'm not really. I'm very proud of those guys. Most people didn't expect that they would do much of anything. The silver medal is a darn fine accomplishment.


I didn't actually get to see the game on tv. I went to see our junior team play Team USA (the second string). Our team won 6 - 2. It was a good game.


Have a great day ladies!

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