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Does anyone else get like this over magazines?

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Hi Friends,


I subscribe to three or four magazines about crochet right now. My problem is that they all seem to come within days of each other, and then I go through a dry spell of at least a few weeks without anything.


When I go to the store, I search the racks to see if there is any kind of crochet magazines that I don't subscribe to that I need to pick up.


It's almost an obsession. And when I do get my magazines, I read them from cover to cover, trying new projects and really soaking in all the new products.


I have boxes and boxes of patterns, and I still want more. It's crazy.


Any known antidotes? Does anyone else feel this way?



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:yes:blush It is bad. For a while there I was in a 'How many new patterns can they possibly come up with?' phase, but just lately the old me is back; and.... it's bad.... :blush I have only bought one magazine though. I think I can justify that (especially since my husband just bought a cell phone- I can buy a magazine, right?) :D


I don't even go to the book store/section anymore. :no (That's bad, too...)


Oh re: subscriptions.... I do have one to Crochet World. I did have one to Crochet! and to FCEC. (That's the one I bought in the store yesterday.) I also had one to FCEK (Family Circle Easy Kn*tting). Those are just the crochet/kn*t magazines, I also had one to Family Fun magazine, Reader's Digest, Martha Stewart Living, Martha Stewart Food.... :sigh It was getting to where I couldn't afford food, for all the magazines/subscriptions I had. (That was back when I was working part time, though- in my own defense.) Now I am working part time again, but I have to use it for bills!



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You're not alone...my obsession for crochet magazines and books is almost as bad as my obsession for yarn :lol . In fact, the bookcase in my room is about half full with all of them.

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I am always on the lookout for new crochet magazines! I don't have any subscriptions though.


I love them though and I do read them from cover to cover!!!


Does anyone know if crochet Fantasy is still around? The last issue that I got was the Summer issue last year and I haven't seen anything for fall or winter... :(

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I do the same thing but then sometimes I'm very disappointed when I get them home and go through them. I'm trying to at least glance through them now before I buy.

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I'm just the same...and when I can't find any crochet magazines, I'll buy knitting ones because they talk about yarn in them!:lol


While I do knit occassionally, I'm no where near good enough to knit anything out of these magazines. I buy them purely to read the articles and look at the new wool (I sound like a man justifying his reading "those" magazines!):yes

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Question - where do you get the Family Circle Easy Crochet magazine? I can't find it - do they have a website or something?


They did, and I used to go look but my bookmarks (FC Easy Knitting and FC Easy Crochet) now go to somebody blog or something about knit and crochet, not to the magazine anymore. Anybody know why?


I did find the magazine on the rack at the grocery store, among the quilting mags, not on the regular family circle spot which is where I found it last year. The rack at walmart doesn't have it, but crochet world is located in the teenage fashion/gosspi spot, not anywhere near the other hobby mags (and the rack in the craft department has diabetic living - are they suggesting diabetics needs to be more creative with their food?).

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I'm just the same...and when I can't find any crochet magazines, I'll buy knitting ones because they talk about yarn in them!:lol


While I do knit occassionally, I'm no where near good enough to knit anything out of these magazines. I buy them purely to read the articles and look at the new wool (I sound like a man justifying his reading "those" magazines!):yes


maybe I should start looking for crochet mags in the adult bookstore ... hmmm, crochet fantasy kind of has a 'fitting" title - I can see it now, trying to justify a credit card charge to XXX videos as a "hobby" expense LOL


saw an article somewhere online about some life size crocheted nudes in a muesem display (Chicago?) that the artist had to then make fig leaves for, and what about the breast shaped pillows and willy warmers? An the "well endowed bunny" bottle holder somebody posted a picture of once (was that on this board?).

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You are not alone and what is worse is I have forgotten what magazines I do have and buy them a second time!:blush


My DH just shakes his head. If it has to do with crochet or yarn I am definetly obsessed!:yes

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maybe I should start looking for crochet mags in the adult bookstore ... hmmm, crochet fantasy kind of has a 'fitting" title - I can see it now, trying to justify a credit card charge to XXX videos as a "hobby" expense LOL


saw an article somewhere online about some life size crocheted nudes in a muesem display (Chicago?) that the artist had to then make fig leaves for, and what about the breast shaped pillows and willy warmers? An the "well endowed bunny" bottle holder somebody posted a picture of once (was that on this board?).


This is such an amusing idea! :lol I can just imagine crochet mags coming in plain paper wrappers so the neighbors won't know! :D That way I could keep my adiction to crochet a secret. :lol

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Crochet Nudes (no visable genetalia in photo)




edit: hmm... I found the link to the Well Endowed Bunny Bottle Holder, but since it appears to link to a semi-pornographic site, I won't post that one :-)

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