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Omigosh.. Michael's is going to be the DEATH of me!!!

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Michaels is having a sale.


Bernat Matrix.. regular $5.99 a roll - now just $1

Moda Dea (not fun fur.. I'd have to look but this stuff feels so velvety soft like rabbit almost...) ... several different kinds ranging from $6.49 a roll to $10.99 a roll.. yup you guessed it.. now just $1 :eek


I have, in the past week or so bought approximately $90 worth of this yarn at sale prices. I would have to do some figuring, but if I average the yarn at $7 a roll I reckon I've bought SIX HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS worth of yarn.. for under $100....









Now I got a bunch of old acrylic I'm going to be moving out to make room lol :lol

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Ah, to convince my dad (who has a car and I don't ;) that I NEED THE YARN! lol! I do actually... maybe I can bribe him with fresh muffins or something... thanks for the heads up! when does it end do you know?



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oh i bought 6 kilos of wool off ebay and a further 55 balls from a webiste I am glad i am home in the mornings to get it hidden while my fella is out. thing is when it is cheap how can you refuse. i am crocheting blanket squares like mad to justify the wool coming in. I was down to two boxes and got nervous. good on you with your bargain hunting you must show us pictures. of you newly arrived stash. take care sian xxxx

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:eek :eek :eek :eek :eek


oo! oo! get me some too!:hook i wanna drive my hubby crazy again with my yarn stash. He found my secret stash while he was doing laundry:lol . It was kinda funny actually........he just looked at me and said "You have a sickness!".


LMAO that's what my mother says. My husband has learned to just keep quiet :hook


Not sure how long the sale will go on, but I'm waiting and watching to pounce on the Moda Dea Dream which is still at half price.. hmm.. if it's still there next week i'm going to call the manager and offer to buy it all if she'll drop it to $1 a roll as well :devil


Ok Final inventory this morning.. and I"m sure there's another bag around here somewhere LOL


23 Rolls - Bernat Matrix - $5.99

16 Rolls - Moda Dea Chichi - $8.99

17 Rolls - Moda Dea Prima - $10.99

11 Rolls - Moda Dea Kikx - $10.99

6 Rolls - Thick & Jiffy (for scarves) - $6.49


and 6 rolls of Fancy Fur just for fun but wasn't sure how much the retail was on those, so without those counted... *drumroll* the total tally unless I'm way way off base is $628.27 total Retail price that I got for $73!! yay_jump.giffaint.gif


Omigosh.. this is almost better than chocolate!!!!





*scurries off to hide the stash before hubby gets up... :o *

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I went in there last week and they didn't have ANY of the dollar yarn left except the fancy fur. I really wanted the Baby Boucle so had to get a rain check. Now I'll just have to wait 6 weeks before they'll honor it! LOL

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Yes, Michael's may be the death of you, but what a way to go!


Just kidding.


It sounds like a great bunch of bargains! You are so lucky.



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You think you have it bad? My husband teaches oil painting at our local Michaels. This means that members of his household get 25% off all purchases. I can buy yarn, and not feel guilty, even when it is not on sale!


For Christmas, I crocheted scarves and hats for my 4 neices and 3 nephews. I went to Michaels to buy the yarn, in their favorite colors. My husband asked "You're buying yarn? What's your stash for?" He just doesn't get it.

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