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The Borrowers

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:sigh I feel as though I have an intruder in my house.... maybe my house is just a safe haven for The Borrowers, because every time I turn around my tapestry needles are missing, and then they come up in the oddest places, places I KNOW I've never sat down to weave in my ends :lol


I made the cutest little apron for my little girls 4th birthday today (her birthday is the 31st). And I made a little pocket for it, and I can't finish it and take pics,and be all excited about it because there are these ends hanging out giving me a headache, and now I want to :bang


I had the needle this morning, because I made a stitch marker case, and I had to sew a button on it, and weave in an end for it..... so I know it's here somewhere, and even my back up needle, that is always in the front left corner of the drawer, is missing.


Anyone know how to get rid of the borrowers?? Or communicate with them, that they need to LEAVE MY CROCHET ITEMS ALONE???? :rofl and :thair all at the same time. :think

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When that happens to me, I usually just talk out loud..either I'll just make a general statement like "OK, whomever is playing with me, I really need to find this now so can you please just help me locate it?" or I'll directly address family members who've passed on who were into crafts...specifically, DH's aunt (nearly all my knitting needles had been hers, though I never knew her I do feel tied to her) and my grandmother (she was into quilting, sewing, crochet, knit, pretty much everything) and I'll ask them to help me find whatever it is that's dissappeared...and every single time I ask for help like that, it's taken me less than 3 minutes to actually put my hands on the missing item/items!! Then I always make sure to thank them outloud too, and I usually light a candle if I can.



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I agree totally to jessc031778. I call for help all the time.

One day I couldn't find my asthma puffer shortly after my brother died (He used one too). I said "Come on George where is it?" It was on the kitchen table where I had searched 10 minutes before. I thanked him and teased

him about being my Gremlin.


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Our kiddos have the same birthday, my son will be 4 on the 31st, too!!


As for the borrowers, I have no idea how to rid a house of them. I do like the idea of asking for help out loud. I'll have to try that sometime. The borrowers who live with me like to hide keys behind locked doors..especially car doors or trunks ;). Weird. :lol Ha! Hope you find your needles soon, I look forward to seeing your creation!

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I had this problem too.

Heres how I solved it.

I got one of those plastic containers. the small one that its long oblong I guess you would call it from Rubber maid

I put my crochet needles I am currently using and my weaving needles. cross stitch needles, or thimbles in it.

It fits nicely in my work bag. I take my crocheting and knitting with me and I also make sure that there are scssiors in it too.

I haven't been able to find any more in that size . Strange. I wanted to get a few more. They are handy to keep all sorts of needlework supplies in.:clap:yes

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We have missing items at times too. I tend to have my keys misplased and my crochet hooks - the one i always need. In our house "bob" did it. (don't ask)

However, i believe when i get through this preimenopause stage things might fall into place!!!

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I have two suggestions that may help. the first is along the lines of the "asking for help" others have suggested. I call it 'feeding your fairies" to keep them happy, though. It's just placing like peppemint candies, unwrapped, out every so often. After a day or 2, throw them away. Keeps the fairies (borrowers, gremlins, etc) happy, and you on their good side. :)


the other is, I use old pill bottles to hold mine. They are a bit bigger and the odd orangy color stands out. So easier to see and find. fits into most bags to carry along. w/ the safety lids keeps the pins from falling out, as well.



Hope you find your needle soon,


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Ok, I must say that when i read jess' post yesterday, i said to myself "I am not talking out loud to the borrowers, my husband upstairs will think I'm talking to myself" So I looked everywhere around me, I knew the needle hadn't left within 5 feet of where I am right now. I usually stick it through the stitches of my stitch marker case, and I'm never without it, been a LONG time since I've lost this needle.


I cleared out completely my 2 totes of yarn, the 2 drawers of yarn, the basket of yarn, the 2 wip tote bags of yarn/wips, cleared off the table, emptied the charity blitz item box, cleaned out under the table, put everything back neatly, look under the couch, and just got flustered. About 9:30pm I finally said "fine, I'll talk to myself" and I said out loud "I don't care where it's been all day, but I want my needle back please"


I sat down, then after a few minutes looked again, and there it was, right on the floor next to my plastic drawers...... i looked there, heck I VACUUMED there, but there was needle, snug as a bug in a rug.

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Ada, your post is just too cute for words! You had me laughing myself silly. I am always losing my needles! :eek and they turn up in the strangest places. What I have done, was buy some extra needles and I put them in an old prescription medicine bottle and keep them in my tote bag. If I misplace a needle, or the borrowers come, I have the extra one to finish my project.... until the other one is retrieved. Have a great day! Thanks for the smiles you gave me. When I take out my needle today, I will be thinking of you! :D:lol

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Ada...they always return things to the couch...it's always the first place I look (cause that's where I always sit when I'm crochetting) and I always pull the cushions off and run my hand into all the cracks of the couch...and the stuff just isn't there...and then I ask for help and I'll wait a few minutes and then I'll look again, always starting with the couch, and I'll find them. It never fails that things are returned to the spot I've already checked 10 times!!! Glad it worked for you...and I'll tell you a secret...the guys all think we're crazy anyway...the talking to yourself will just confirm his suspicions LOL!!!!:lol



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I love the Borrowers books! I definitely want to add them to my book collection. As far as losing things, I only lose them after my husband uses them. Especially when he uses the tapestry needles. SIGH.

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For me it is my scissors or my hook. The cat seems to have a fondness for my hooks. :cat I guess she thinks that since I like to play with them she might find them fun too! :hook The scissors are the tough one, Zoie doesn't like them so I can't blame her for that!


I always ask out loud what has happened to whatever I have lost. Having cats gives me a good out when my DH wants to know who I am talking to :lol but it always works. Like Jessie said even though I looked there 10 minutes ago somehow it is there now!

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Is THAT where my tapestry needles have gone?!?!?! I keep buying more and they keep disappearing!!! I've been forced to use the child-safe big plastic blue needle lately. Drat those Borrowers... :D

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I have a habit of sticking my needles back inside my crochet hook case along with my little sissors. Prescription med. container works. OR you could try one of these - I know it says for quilting or needle work - but you could anchor it somehow :think . http://www.needlepals.com/

I have a woven cloth on the end table by the couch and I've been known to stick in that. :blush

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