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How do you all "destash"? :think


I mean, I know that there are many, many, many things one can make with the already existing stash that we all have on hand. :blush


I think we need a group...similar to AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)..:yes to help support others that are drowning in their stash as I am. I keep swearing that I am not going to buy any more....but then I find myself in Michael's or Wal-Mart and I just can't help it...I always leave with more. :devil


Thank you for your support in this disease. :hug

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Does yarn bought for a project count as part of your stash :shrug If so then I have a hugh stash :eek. I have yarn for at least 6 hugh projects (read - afghans) waiting in the wings for when I get time to work on them :heehee I also have yarn for 3 sweaters (2 are actually WIPs now). Plus I have a whole bin of Wool that I reserve just for felting projects (just how many purses does a girl NEED :ohdear ) And aside from all that I have all my left overs from other projects.


With everything I have on hand, I still have to browse the yarn section any time I go to Michaels or JoAnns and it never fails I find something I just have to buy because I love the feel or color and my mind starts clicking :dreaming and I start drooling :drool and I just have to make something from it. The last time this happened I purchased 2 skeins of Patons Rumor (Man, I love this yarn! ) so now I'm kniting a scarf. DH saw it and asked if they had the yarn in a black or gray because he would really like a scarf in that yarn (read - must go buy more :yarn cause you can't let your DH down)


Yes I think it's a sickness :loco , but don't tell anybody till I run out and get another fix :wink

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I'm on a de-stashing binge right now. I'm trying not to buy any more yarn until I use up some of what I have. So far, since the first of the year, I have made 2 lapghans and one scarf, with another scarf and afghan in progress. The sad part of this is that this doesn't even make a dent in my stash!


Now for the bad news.....all yarn is 25% off at AC Moore....must not buy more yarn !!!!

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I am trying to de-stash in a casual sort of way. I want to get rid of (i.e. use) some yarn that is just sitting there. whatever purpose may have been planned for it is long forgotten so now it has to become squares or hats or something.


I still plan to buy yarn to finish projects that I started in order to de-stash :wlol:lol:wlol


I want to empty those rubbermaid tubs though. yarn that is not working is not working :think

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:clap Oh thank heavens - a FAA (Fiber Addicts Anonymous) meeting, right here on line! ;)


I have been really good this year in my attempt to reduce my stash before purchasing any more. I only bought 3 lbs of cotton yarn (because I needed to make a couple of bibs for my grand baby due in March) and 2 spools of #3 thread for a doily I have to try, since the first of the year. I think this is a huge sacrifice! :D


To reward myself for this restraint, I need a treat. :yes I found a lady on craigslist who is willing to sell me 100 skeins of assorted yarn, RH, Lions, Bernat, etc., for $60.00. Oh, and this includes 2 totes to haul them in.


I think my 12 days of sacrifice deserve reward, don't you??????? :yes:devil:yes

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I've been trying to find things to make with what I already have.


So far this year I've made:

A scarf for my mom

A scarf and hat for Gavin

HH short and sweet



I'm working on a scarf for my mil and a yo yo ghan for my sister. I have plans for another afghan.


However I did buy yarn ... :lol I couldn't help myself ..... The first was yarn that my aunt asked me to buy for a scarf she wanted me to make for her ... so technically i didn't buy it since it wasn't my money :lol then i bought the yarn for gavin's octopus blanket ... i really just couldn't help myself .... then he's been begging me to make him a vest so I bought yarn from Knit Pick's last night for that ... but thats it ... so $20 of my own money ... thats not bad :lol

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hehe... I'm trying something new this year about buying so much yarn... I have a monthly calendar on the refrigerator, and I write down when I work out. If I work out so many times (actually haven't pinned down a number on that yet, but the year is young) then I get to buy a little yarn. It's sort of working. I figure, I might just lose some weight in the process! :) It's incentive to work out, that I'll say.

Good luck with it!


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