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i LOVE my man!

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yep, thats right! i LOVE my man:manyheart :hug


i have been trying to do these to "simple" tote patterns and have been getting FRUSTRATED:angry with both. 1. because i have a hard time reading a pattern and 2. because every 5 min the kids need me for something. well, he got laid off from work and will be off this up coming week so he said that tomorrow and the next day (Monday & Tuesday) I will be laid off and i dont have to clean, take care of the kids or any other of my motherly/housewife duties. he said that i can sit up in bed and crochet:hook until i run out of yarn. (sssshhh he thinks i only have 4 skeins but dont tell him that i actually have 10-12. that way when i run out of the 4 that he thinks i only have i can go to the yarn store and buy more. i know im bad but i doubt im the only one on here that is a yarn addict).


so, like i said i LOVE my man:manyheart :yes:hug:yay

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That's so great!!! I sort of got the same thing last week...but I was really sick, very fevered, and didn't stay awake all that much..but he stayed home and took care of the kids and I stayed in bed and watched movies and played with my yarn...at least when I was concious LOL!!


Enjoy it!! And tell your sweetie that he's just won MAJOR brownie points and he's probably gotten a couple of guys in trouble here LOL (one of the OTHER C'ville members hubby took over everything and didn't let her lift a finger to do anything but crochet for TWO DAYS...why don't YOU do things like that for ME??) :lol



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I Wish I had a man like that! :( I have my yarn stashed all over the place! If I remember right I think I even have a tote stashed in the garage now that I think about stashed yarn! :rofl

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Lucky you! If my hubby did that it would take me at the very least 3 months to use up all my yarn, lol. He used to make comments about how much yarn I have, then he got to where he just rolled his eyes when i bought more. Now he just ignores it, lol.

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how lucky you are. My man just ignores me when I crochet unless i ask about colors ( I am notorious about not being able to match colors). But then I et all the time to crochet that I want when I am home since the kidlets are old enough to help out and don't need mom that much:cheer

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