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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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I just realized I wasn't paying attention when I attached the 9 patches to make sure they were in order alternating the 2 different 9 patches. Woops ...... looks like I have some frogging to do :( We are going away for the weekend though so I'm gonna let it wait till Monday. I have some other projects I need to work on.

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Thanks, peni - I love reds and burgundy (any rich colors, really) so it was one color that had to make it in there somewhere... Picking the varigated (as someone suggested here) made choosing the solid colors so much easier!

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Finally, I have time to upload pictures on my computer, photobucket album and now crochetville. :lol


Anyway, here is my UFO that I neglected for years. As I look at it, I start to understand why I was so disheartened by this project. When I worked on it a long time ago, I was not aware of the corrections printed out for this pattern, and also a lot of messy ends that need to be weaved. As I went along, I tweaked things to make it look like the front cover (which make it more worser in my mind ) :(


My issue is should I go ahead and work on this afghan, despite many errors, OR frog everything, save the yarns for scrap project and start all over again (with new yarns)? :think


I still have to buy new yarns even if variated is discontinued. I will work on this project next week. Any comments, opinions and thoughts will be apprieciated! :manyheart








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Hi Diane, your colors are great, I love them but if it were me I would buy new yarn and start over.:eek I know, but let me tell you why I say that. I went in my stash and got most of my greens, and all are no dye lots.....I picked up a few more skeins of the colors I would need and lo and be hold when my frosty green ran out I started with the next skein and it was at least 1 shade darker! :eek I freeked! Lucky I had another old skein and maybe I can use the other on the blocks??? Not sure but my point is chances are the yarns won't work! My mom is bad at buying only a few skeins at a time and buying as she goes on an afghan, she has several solid color afghans where you can see every skein change.:(

I am glad to see how the wedges will work.

Good luck on what you choose to finally do, I hope my mistake helps someone from making the same....

peni :hug


Finally, I have time to upload pictures on my computer, photobucket album and now crochetville. :lol


Anyway, here is my UFO that I neglected for years. As I look at it, I start to understand why I was so disheartened by this project. When I worked on it a long time ago, I was not aware of the corrections printed out for this pattern, and also a lot of messy ends that need to be weaved. As I went along, I tweaked things to make it look like the front cover (which make it more worser in my mind ) :(


My issue is should I go ahead and work on this afghan, despite many errors, OR frog everything, save the yarns for scrap project and start all over again (with new yarns)? :think


I still have to buy new yarns even if variated is discontinued. I will work on this project next week. Any comments, opinions and thoughts will be apprieciated! :manyheart








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Diane I agree with everyone. Start fresh with new colors. You can keep what you have done and make it into a nice centrepiece.


Judi your colors are beautiful. You are doing a great job.


Krystal I love your windsor and white ghan.


Has anyone finished the border. Im 6 rows into the border and when I have finished I have the blocks and the wedges to attach. My ghan is starting to not lay flat all the way round, has anyone got this problem. I guess it will come good later on but at the moment its annoying me.

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Thanks, Wendy!


And Diane, I agree with the gang - use your old piece for the animal shelter or something, and consider it a dry run for the real thing now!

Have fun picking out the new colors:yay

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Diane, I love the colors you chose, but I have to agree with everyone, there are some mistakes and it will need to be frog. It is better to just start over with new colors. There were soo many corrections to this blanket that were unknown back then, you will be happier having a do over.


Now I took a picture, several actually, but I am only posting one. The only thing big enough to display this on was one of my cars. Not about to put it on the floor in here. ANyway this is what I managed to get put together, I have most of the 9 patchs done, jus need to put the corners on a few more.



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I'll take the car - not my color, but I'll struggle through.. ;)


Looks great!


Dianne - *I* wouldn't redo it. But that's because I hate losing time like that. I would keep going, strategically placing my "new" and "old" skeins so that the yarns don't touch. Of course, if they don't even *make* that color anymore, then that might change my mind considerably. But I think there would be a way to modify it.


Besides, the official corrections didn't have anything until the BORDER. It's been out all this time, and we finally found two more errors ourselves.

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I have had a bad case of tendonitis in my wrist so I have nor crocheted or been on the computer for a week. I stopped working on this after I joined 2 of the squares to the center and it looked horrible. I do not like the ridge and it doesn't lay flat. So tose of you who are farther along can you tell me if this is normal and I should keep going or should I try a different way of attaching those blocks to the center star?:think

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Grammy Pat the ridge is normal and goes in line with the blocks having ridges as well but if your not happy with it you could try your own way of sewing them together.


Tracey I love yours. The colors are beautiful.


I am still plodding along doing the blocks. They are taking forever.

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Im trying to put the block 4/wedge/block4 together and Im totally lost with the instructions. Especially when it says after doing the wedge to not fasten off.

Unfortunately, I'm nowhere NEAR that point in the pattern (I hope there are still people left here when I DO arrive at that section)

I am learning, though, by reading about everyone's questions and hiccups along the way:D

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Wendy, I am not to that point yet. I will be starting it today, but from what I was reading, you don't fasten off because you will start to attach the wedge to the 9 patchs at that point. Once you have attached both 9 patchs to the long sides of the wedge you fasten off. so you have to have the 9 patches done in order to finish the wedges.

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Tracey. I love your colors also.

I have gotten 6 of my 9 patches done and hopefully will get enough done today to start putting it together.

Are the corrections to the pattern still on the front page of this thread. I will go and look.

Diane. I agree with the rest. I would give what you have started to a shelter and get new yarn and start.

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I've re-attached the 9-patch to the star. The star is definitely overlapping the 9-patch at the inside corner. No matter how much I pull to try and straighten it out (going with weight theory), there's a problem.



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Laurie - I think you're good still. Mine tucked under that way, too - I can't see 100% from teh angle/light in the picture, but mine was pretty bad. I don't think it's a matter of right stitches or not, I think it's more the tendency to be looser on tension with the trcs and chains. I would recommend continuing on with one more square, but being VERY conscious of your tension the whole way. See if the 2nd square lays flatter. If it does, then rip the two out and start over. If it doesn't, well - then just go with it. A LOT of that will even out with the borders around it. ALSO- when you do the frist sc round around all the 9-patchs, you take up the slack between the point of the star and the corner of the square, so it WILL lay differently.

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Laurie~ Question are your squares as big as the opening on your star? Your right, something doesn't look right in that picture. The only real thing I notice is that your squares appear to be bigger than mine were. I am going to post a link to a pic of my attachment of my 9 patch to the star. It is really big, ie the reason for a link. I hope you can see the difference and maybe it can help you.



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