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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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Wow Tracey, that is really too bad that you had to frog all that work :( But, yeah if it was that noticeable and you couldn't "fudge" it to make it right, you would want it "correct" in the end.


Krystal - I LOVE that pansies afghan. Is there a pattern somewhere for that? It looks just beautiful.


My progress is...not a whole lot, I have had so much to do here and I don't get to crochet very much on the weekends. Funny, huh?


I have 9 of the outside 9 patches done. and centers for 3 more. I hope to get time to work on it some today.

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MizLyn- it's in a Crochet Magazine backissue I bought in a bundle of stuff. I'll have to look to see which one...


DH says I *don't* have tendinitis (whew!) but that it's still caused by crocheting too much,and I need to cut back a bit and stretch often while I do it...

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Well, I am on the 11th row, today has been a little busy so didn't get as much done as I would have liked. I am hoping to attach the 16 9-patches tonight, or at least start on that. Still have to finish 2 more of them and the last 4 on the outer edges.


Krystal~ you take of that wrist, ice is also good at taking down swelling.

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I got my first 4 blocks joined on my afghan last night. i hope to get the next 4 joined tonight. Then I need to make a couple of afghans for a friend so I'm sure I will slow down even more on this project.

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Haven't attached anything yet but I have been working on trying to get all the 9 blocks done....


Hopefully i will get the courage to start attaching some the first ones today :lol



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I have 4 9-patches done so far. I'm home today waiting on the water people so I should be able to get the other 4 done as well and hopefully begin to attach them. The water people have to sanitize my water lines because a bacteria has gotten into the pipes and has contaminated the water. We don't know if it's coming from the well itself or somehow just got in through the pipes.

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Laurie~ that sounds dangerous, I hope they are able to clear those water lines for you.


Well, the six I still have to finish go around the outer border of the star. I have the four on the corners done. I tryed working on it last night, but was just too exhausted. Have to take DD to the doctor to this morning so maybe I will get some done in the waiting room.

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Laurie - would you believe our County Water Department just tells you a gallon of bleach? Dump it down the well, open up all the faucets (hot and cold) in your house until you smell bleach. Turn it off, wait an hour, then run until the bleach smell is gone.... Guess it kills the bacteria.


Either way, I never drink my water. Got hooked on distilled at one time (when pregnant), never could go back.


Still no yarn. :(

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How do you put the bleach in the well itself? Is there an opening I don't know about?


They're not expected here until 9 a.m. but I'm going to ask if they plan on sanitizing the tank on top of the well. I don't know what this company is using but it has to sit in the lines for 8 hours. Of course, they want to sell me another system starting at $875 (for UV lighting only).

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875.00 for a UV light, wow. You can get one at the fish store that can handle thousand's of gallon per hour cheaper than that. I use to be a saltwater Aquarist and had a 450 gallon system. that size tank has to turn over 10 times in one hour for things to work right. I seriously don't remember paying that kind of money for a UV. And installing it was rather easy. just the section of pipe and clamping the uv into that section, then your plug it in. Had a UV on my pond as well ( 1200 gallons ) paid around $200.00 for it, I installed it. So I would really start questioning them and do some research before they get there. If they do bring up the UV, ask them exactly what you would be paying for , a breakdown of expenses. And know the prices for home applications. What I am telling you is for saltwater application. Remember, fish have to live in the purest form of water or they die. So their UV have to work three fold over what we need.

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Haven't attached anything yet but I have been working on trying to get all the 9 blocks done....


Hopefully i will get the courage to start attaching some the first ones today :lol



Karen, I made a couple of SIMPLE mistakes in reading the pattern, so when you're ready to attach the 9 patches go slow - you may not have to frog everythong 3 times like I did!!:eek It does look great when you get the first one attached!:yay

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This isn't for fish. This is our household water system. I have a well and the water content is extremely high in iron so I had to put in water softening system. This year when they did the yearly cleaning, they tested the water for bacteria and discovered coliform (e. coli is part of this bacterial class).


This has been a very educational half hour. They created a closed system, so to speak. Chlorine is being pumped into the well shaft for about 8 hours and then circulated through this system. (Yes, it's also going into the aquifer which is good because it will kill the bacteria in the cavern around the pump.) The well pump draws up the water and chlorine, it goes into the tank above the well and from there into every pipe in the house including the water heater and washing machine. It's also going into my septic tank so I'll have to replenish the good bacteria there when it's all over. In about a month, they will retest the water and see if the bacteria comes back. If it does, great. If it doesn't, then I'll have to put in the UV light and the state water management district will have to be notified. The light will most likely be installed into the softening system somewhere.

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Laurie - sorry this is late, but we dump the bleach (which is chlorine) into the well cap outside of our house, where they dug the well in the first place.


Those UV things are neat - the reason they are so expensive is that they are "on demand" instead of like a fish tank, where it circulates. That, and there aren't nearly as many of them, so they have to make the money off of them. I would be curious to know where the bacteria came from. Usually a well *is* a closed system, and as long as it is deep enough, you should be free from bacteria. However, if you're on a farm, etc. and your well isn't deep enough, things do happen. Also, if your well cap isn't sufficient, you could be getting rodents in there, etc. Considering it's not a "naturally" occuring bacteria in soil, I would be raising questions.

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While I was outside with the technician, I read the outside of my well. It's only down 120 feet, which to me isn't all that far. Plus, I don't know where the water comes from. There are farms around me but they grow vegetables, not livestock.


It doesn't take much rain to raise the water table in Florida which is why when we had the hurricanes in 2004, there was so much flooding. The water had no place to go. The water table was up too high. Another example was the storm that produced the tornadoes in central Florida (about 2 hours south of me). My area got 6 1/2" of rain which produced a small stream flooding advisory. Anyway, because the water table is close to the surface, it's not hard for it to get contaminated.


I guess you're right about the well being a closed system normally. They attached a container to the well which circulates the bleach into the well. In 8 hours, I close the valve at the well and then open all the faucets to flush out the chlorine. They can't tell me how long I have to run the water because they don't know how big the gas cloud will have become in the 8 hours. They did leave me with a tester though.

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Our well is down 125 feet, and that is considered quite deep here. If you have had that much rain in the last month or so, that could perhaps account for the bacteria - with all that water from the surface flooding the water table, then the bacteria could get in that way - you never know the way the water goes.


You just reminded me that we were told to leave the bleach in there overnight. I do recall that now. Once your system is flushed and certified clean, it probably isn't a bad idea to do the bleach trick once a week or month. I keep saying that I am going to, but never do. You're essentially doing the same thing that the service is doing. Bleach in the hole, open the faucets until the bleach comes through, shut the faucets, leave it in at night, run the faucets in the morning until the water runs free of bleach smell.


Good luck!

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I agree, $825 is expensive. If I have to put one in, I'm sort of over a barrel with this softening system.

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This afternoon I finished the first set of 9-patches :cheer so tonight I can start attaching them to the star. :clap

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This afternoon I finished the first set of 9-patches :cheer so tonight I can start attaching them to the star. :clap

Great, Laurie! Just take your time and you won't have any problems...but if you do - we're all here!!:hug

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I just back from the Doctor with DD. They think she may have Mono. I had to take her for blood tests, and she will be out of school till the tests come back on Monday. If she does have it, she could be out of school for 6 weeks. It seems Mono is a highly infectious virus, I am thinking oh great what about the rest of the family? And the best part is there isn't med's for it. Just advil or other over the counter pain killers. Well I got a little bit done on the star at the doc's office, but today for some reason they were working quickly or I was working slow.

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