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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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I found the most beautiful color yarn in 100% wool. I even got a varigated that I liked. Funny thing is, they are close to your colors. And I have wanted to felt something since I first heard of it. I may not do it, it depends on the shrinking process.

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Tracey - It looks great! =)


Wendy - Well I have 5 full squares and 3 more squares that just need corners. so that will be 8 full 9 patches and I need 16 total to continue on. My arm is killing me lol I have a sore spot in the muscle of my arm (I think from working with the cotton which takes a little more "umph" than regular yarn does)


I am not sure I will be able to get 16 done this weekend like I had hoped. But, every bit is getting me closer!

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*This* is SuperBowl weekend. It's the weekend where a good number of us women see our houses turn into college dorm rooms, or where our husbands go elsewhere to invade someone else's house. It's like the World Cup of Soccer, but it's American Football. Between Pizza and beer, I think there's a serious drain on the American diet right now! LOL!.


My husband LEFT, so I have the house peacefully to myself. ;)

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Evening Ladys,

Your lucky, my DH choose to stay home. So I am here listening to the game, no chance of not hearing, DH is a little deaf and has the tv volume up loud. :lol Still working on the pale pink border. Today has not been as productive as I hoped, but oh well. There is always tomorrow.

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Well, I crocheted 6 pieces toward my 1st 9 patch...I'm anxious to have a picture with some progress to show when I post next Friday.

I also worked on 2 other CAL's, so progress is being made there, too...not too bad:hook

That's it for tonight, though - I'm getting cross-eyed!:P

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well, no getting my country blue today. Snow storms and wind chills like crazy - we even made the national news (Buffalo, NY)... We're supposed to get 18 inches (possibly more) overnight, and temps well below zero without the wind chill. Guess the wind chill makes it 30 below or something like that. YIKES!


Maybe Tuesday I 'll get that yarn.

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I've spent the entire weekend crocheting. Yesterday I worked on the 9-Patches and today I worked on another CAL. No football at my house.

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Okay this is my latest picture of my star. Sorry for the size and the lighting, there are no windows in that room. ;)



Tracey that is looking gorgeous. I love the colors and I like how you changed it so it was just the red. It makes it look like the squares are just hanging there.:yay:clap

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Laurie I too spent all weekend crocheting, but what a nice way to spend it dont you think.


Krystal Im sick of our hot weather but I dont think I would like your weather. I dont mind it being cold but I dont think I could handle freezing.

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Oh! Tracey - I just realized that you bordered your 9-patches like I did! I like it so much better, especially since my variegated and my color that was SUPPOSED to be the light blue are very close in color. What color are you putting on after that? I can't wait to see!

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Krystal - what part of NY are you from? Your weather always seems to match up with ours :) I live in Binghamton.


I haven't really done any crocheting this weekend I spent last night and this morning working on some jewelry, you can check out my blog if you want to see. I planned on working on my Blue star during the game tonight but my mom and I were cooking during most of if and then eating :lol


Now I'm working on weaving in the ends of my 9 patches.

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Wow I got heaps of squares done tonight. Im doing the granny 4 block and did all the centres for all 8 then I started on all the sides. I just have 3 more then I can do the corners and that granny block will be done.


Im busy watching a new show now called Brothers and Sisters. Not sure if I like yet or not.

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Morning everyone~ It is cold outside this morning, 9 F. But you ladys in upstate new york are having the real fun this winter with all that lake effect snow. I have a couple of friends up that way in the Buffalo area, and I do not envy you. Days like this I really miss Texas. Our wind chill will be in the negatives today, but our school director is from Michigan and doesn't close the schools for any reason it seems.


I worked on the outer edge of the star and need three more rounds to finish that. Didn't get much done yesterday as it seems like I need to get so many errands done. I will try to get more done today.

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I just attached my first 9-patch to the star...I hope to get more done later this week, but at least I have something different to post on photo Friday...:)


Have a great day!:hook

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