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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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Well today is the day, I'm going to make myself work on the 9-patches all weekend. I need 14 more to make so i can continue on, well that and the wedges but it seems that the wedges are joined to the center and square as you go so...Its just getting myself to finish those darn squares.


My wrist still hurts slightly but I don't care, I gotta get these done, I *hate* it hanging over my head and I know I keep procrastinating doing them. If I would just do them then it'll be over!


I know, I know, I'm a big complainer =) It has to do with me being disappointed in myself for losing so much steam, like I *usually* do but the difference this time, is I *am* going to finish this afghan!


Mostly thanks to this CAL, knowing that I have others that are working on the same thing and the horrible guilt when I don't have any progress to show for friday's picture day :D That and my hubby keeps saying "Why aren't you working on your blue star?"


Blondiee - Ouch redoing the center, thats no good. Why do you need to do that?


Also, I agree the 9-patches themselves don't take a long time to actually make, but taking care of the ends as I go makes it a little slower. And...I just find them incredibly boring to make hehe

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Well, I have a plan, I am making the centers only for every nine patch I will need, Then I am going to go back and add the sides, and finally add the corners. I am hoping that working with the same color at one time will make things go a little faster instaead of continously changing colors.

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I can't do the assembly approach when I am doing an afghan - For some reason, it seems to ruin the creative process for me. Seeing it come together one square at a time buoys me, but doing them piecemeal would rob me of all that fun!


Supposed to get another storm this weekend - might have DH stop at the store for me on his way to see the superbowl at his family's. :D

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Well, I have a plan, I am making the centers only for every nine patch I will need, Then I am going to go back and add the sides, and finally add the corners. I am hoping that working with the same color at one time will make things go a little faster instaead of continously changing colors.

Hmmm...I'll have to see which way works for me...the boredom threshold I have is incredibly low...gets me into trouble soemtimes:devil

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Well this morning I have managed to get enough white centers to finish Granny 2 and granny 4 and 7 centers for Granny 1 working on #8. . So I should have the other 16 finished sometime this morning..

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Well, I have a plan, I am making the centers only for every nine patch I will need, Then I am going to go back and add the sides, and finally add the corners. I am hoping that working with the same color at one time will make things go a little faster instaead of continously changing colors.

That is how I do mine Tracy..only I was only doing one square at a time. like center, side,corner,side,corner.etc.....I didn't realize about doing the sides first, then the corners. :hook I will do my outside 9 blocks the way you explained.. If it was in the directions, I read past it!:eek:lol

I haven't gotten anything but a couple rows on my border done since I posted my pictures a couple of days ago so I am not going to repost today. I will work on mine more and post next Friday.


Metz hang in there, I also find myself discouraged with this but I refuse to give up! Also as a day or so goes buy hubby asks the same question......why aren't you doing your afghan?? :ohdear :ohdear So I get back to it. We will all get through this together and have beautiful afghans to show for it.:cheer Soon I am going to have to start my outside 9 blocks...hummmmmmmmm maybe that is why I am being slow!:lol


Keep up the good work ladies:hug


peni :hug

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hello everybody. I thought to share an update. I am sorry I have time to take pics and upload thems. Things has been hectic lately. My out of town weekend trip plans keep me superbusy. I expect to have the pics taken and uploaded by tues or wed. Then I can work more on it.

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That sounds like a great idea. I'll try that tonight. Maybe it will help get those things made faster!

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I did my last 2 squares one color at a time and they did go faster. I got my first set of 9 patches done last night I just need to weave in the ends.


I'm having some problems with my back. The muscle in my right shoulder is really tense and the dr isn't sure whats causing it, but it's spasming and causing nerve pain down my right arm. I've found the only thing that keeps it out of my arm is crocheting so I've been trying to make sure I crochet at least a little bit every day to help it. However when I go to Physical therapy I'm usually in too much pain after to crochet :( Hopefully I will be able to get some more of my ghan done today.

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Well lets see, I have 4 complete squares, 12 centers, and 2 squares with centers and sides. I've been on a roll, trying to just trudge through and get these done :P


I really want to haive them all done by the end of the weekend, I think its a manageable goal, if I didn't have a house, toddler, and hubby to take care of I bet I could get em done tonight :lol


I have an audio book I have been listening today and you were right, it makes it seem to go by so much faster! The mind numbing task of making all these squares just sort of becomes robotic as I get engrossed in the story so, that makes me happy! :hook :hook :hook


Gavinsmom - I'm sorry to hear about your back, that sounds very unpleasant :hug


Ladykats - You must crochet fast if you plan on having 16 squares done so quickly hehe I'm cheering you on :cheer :cheer :cheer

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No just had a lot of time this morning, then people woke up and realized it didn't snow. Anyway, I will post pictures in the morning or sfternoon tomorrow. I am on a roll and want to see just how much I can get done tonight. I need to attach squares 4-8 on the star. Hopefully, I can do that tonight.

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Danielle I hope your back gets better.


Sounds like everyone is doing heaps. I am still on the border. I know as soon as thats done I will have to do more blocks. I too do all the centres then all the sides and then the corners so you are using the one color.


I cant wait to see everyones progress.


Lyn I havent listened to an audio book before. Sounds like a great way to pass the time while you do squares. I usually watch a movie but have known to be just sitting there glued to the tv when something exciting is happening in the movie so its really not productive.

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Jeez, I just got home from work, not going to get much crocheting done tonight. I can't wait for this project to be finished so I can go back to a normal 8 to 5 job.


Mizt - It just doesn't look right. I don't know how else to explain it, it's like the points are lopsided. I didn't know there were errors in the pattern though, so I'm going to pay attention to those when I redo it.

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Wendy, I listen to music instead of watching TV. Have all eight of the sqaures for around the star done, will add them in the morning.I have all but 6 centers done. So I will be doing those super bowl sunday. I am hoping that no body decides to stop in. Hubby is usually good and will do the cooking that day. So I am real hopeful that I will make a good amount of head way on this afghan this week. I am going to do this ghan a second time, I already bought some wool to do it in. I was wondering how this pattern would work if I felted it. So I am going to a 9 patch in the wool and felt that to see how it shrinks and then I will go from there. I actually talk a great deal about it with my mother this evening. Her nanny was a crocheter, and she remembers watching her felt, only she didn't know what it was till I explained it tonight.

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Hey, Tracey, felting that pattern would be awesome if you can figure out the best way to do it!!! :) I know that dog blanket I felted was amazing to me...you could probably sell a full sized one!:hook

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Last night I finished the 9-Patch I had started the other day. Then I started using Tracey's suggestion and the patches seem to be going a lot quicker now. When I layed the 9-patch into the star, I noticed the 9-Patch is a bit bigger than the space and overhangs the star so now I'm a bit worried. I'm not good at reading a pattern and visualizing things. Is there going to be another row to the star that attaches to the 9-Patch blocks?


Here's my 9-Patch:


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Oh good! It's hard to tell from the photo in the book but it looked like there was another border on the star but I wasn't sure.

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Well I got all the 9- patches attached to the star and I am now working on the border. I am using the Burgundy around the first to rows, then will switch to pink for the body. I have 6 more squares to get done, I will finish them on sunday

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Laurie - As you're working on the round that attaches the star to the blocks, it will still look a little weird till after you do the tip. When I did it I was freaking out thinking I made a big mistake somewhere, but you end up doing some Treble Crochets and it gives you the height you need to make the points line up with the blocks.


Tracey - Can't wait to see it =) And you're brave, going to make another and felting it! hehe

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Laurie I was worried too that the blocks wouldnt fit but they do so dont worry. I cant wait to see yours.


Tracey sounds like you have done heaps. well done. I see your going to make another one wow, thats great. Can I ask why felt it. I have never felted anything before and dont know why you need to do this.


Lyn how are you going with yours.


Its another hot day here today. 40 degrees celcius. I hate it, can I swap with anyone.

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