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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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I completely understand about carpal tunnel. I had the start of that many years ago. Luckily I caught it early and stopped it from progressing. Now I have arthritis in my left hand, particularly my thumb which makes it difficult to hold onto things when it's acting up.

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Peni those colors really look great together. I like your progress so far.


Tahlara - can we see pics of yours... pretty please.


Lyn - sorry to hear about your wrists hurting. Are you using heat packs if so are they working for you.

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Peni - your colors are so pretty. Not colors I would have thought to put together but I really like them together :)


Tahlara - the colors your using sound pretty. I would love to see pictures :)

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Wendy and Danielle, Thank you :)

Hubby picked out the verigated color. (Fall) It does match a couple of greens, but not all...........but I really like the contrast now that I see it worked up. Was worried at first :worried The greens are from my stash.


Good thing I didn't join the stash busting group!!! :eek :eek :eek I just bought 17 skeins of new yarn! :eek Walmart got in the Real Teal I have been waiting for!!!!! :clap :clap


:devil Bad Walmart :devil


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Well, I will get back to work on my star tonight. I got about three or four squares on my bs done this week, so I will take pics today for tomorrows photo friday on that CAL. And will have the star here tomorrow for pics of what has been done on it. Don't get yours hopes up too high, as It ain't much.

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No, actually, I am not using heat packs. I also used to have wrist braces around here back when it was really bad but it hasnt acted up in a long time and I'm not sure where I put them.


Will have to see if I can dig them out and see how much that helps. Most of the time, I just rest my wrists for a couple days and it gets a little better. I just know if I keep pushing them it'll make it so much worse.


It's killing me to not crochet, I feel so bored :lol

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Here's my Friday report on my progress (sorry, no additional photos) -- my center star is done (yeah) and I've started working on one of the granny blocks. I'll be better prepared for next Friday.

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Tracey - no matter how much you have done we love looking at photos. Cant wait.


Laurie - well done on getting the centre star done.:yay


I am on the 5th row of the border. I will post a pic tomorrow for you all.

At least for me here in oz its already friday which means yah the weekend is near.


Its going to be another hot weekend. 38 and 39 degrees celcius for saturday and sunday. I hate the hot weather. Who would like it I will send it your way.

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Been working on other things - when I had the time (busy week) - so I have nothing to share in this CAL for photo Friday:(

Next week, though, it's time to start the 9 patch sections:eek

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I think that's part of what's annoying, as I'm weaving as I go - that definintely makes the whole process S L O W. But, at least it won't be all there when I'm done.


I just realized my library book needs renewing - I've had it for 3 weeks already, so I'd best get that country blue soon, or I"ll be without the book and have to reorder it if someone else decides to want it!

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I agree the 9 pathcesare the ones that slow me down. I have three more to go. I hope to get them done today and then attach as well before I will take a photo late on and post it tonight. I did finish up two last night and started attaching one to the star, So I do have three attached this morning.

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I was working on my first 9-patch last night and it did seem to take a long time. I'm glad to know it's not just me.

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